CELPIP Writing Topics – Task 1 and Task 2.

Practice writing uncomfortable essays!

CELPIP Writing
Email Topics

The email may be formal, semi-formal or informal.

The question tells you exactly what to write about, and you must write something about each specific point. If you only write about 2 out of 3 points, your maximum score will be 66%!

You may be asked to write an email that:

  • complains
  • requests
  • advises
  • shares information
  • apologizes
  • applies for a job

CELPIP Writing
Survey Response Topics

The second CELPIP Writing topic is an essay expressing your opinion about something. In general, this essay often takes the form of a survey response.

When you write your response, you must have a clear structure and a variety of sentence structures. Furthermore, you must include a:

  • complete introduction. Specifically, your introduction paraphrases the questions and introduces your main ideas.
  • well-developed paragraph for each of your main ideas. Basically, these two paragraphs include a statement, and explanation, and an example.
  • conclusion. Generally speaking, this restates your main ideas and answers the question.

“…When I started class with Angela, I was so confused. I understand much better now…”

If you’d like me to evaluate your essay and tell you how to fix it to achieve your score, please submit it to my writing correction service.

CELPIP Writing Topics

Below you’ll find a selection of CELPIP writing Topics.

There are a few things to remember. Firstly, make sure that you practice writing your responses on a computer keyboard because that is what you will use in the test. Secondly, remember that both writing tasks have a word allowance of 150 to 200 words. And thirdly, the total amount of time for each writing task is 30 minutes.

If you would like to practice the writing section with a timer, try these two CELPIP Mock writing tests on my YouTube channel

You can paste your responses into the comments section below, or in the comments on the YouTube channel, and I’ll give you a score.

For more detailed feedback on simple improvements that would increase your CELPIP score, you can use my writing correction service.

If you’d like a a few private lessons to improve your writing, please call me at 613-614-6460, or email me angela@ottawa-english.com

CELPIP Writing Topics – Email

CELPIP Advice Email

1. A member of your family is thinking about going to university.
Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.

2. A family member has recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.
Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)

CELPIP Complaint Email

1. You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive, and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the time keeping of the other students.
In an email to the School Principal, complain about the situation, and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved.

2. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty.
Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

3. You recently ordered a book from an online bookseller. The book you’ve received is not the latest edition, even though you paid extra for the latest edition version. Write an email to the bookseller complaining about the service ,explaining the urgency for the latest edition, describing why the earlier edition is inadequate. 

4. You recently visited a zoo where a man died after falling into the tigers’ enclosure. You were unable to do anything but wanted to show your concern for visitors’ safety. Write an email to the zoo’s director describing the incident, complaining about the short fencing, and showing concern for visitors’ safety.  

CELPIP Apology Email

1. You work part-time as an Uber driver but forgot to pick up a customer that you had agreed to transport to the airport. Write an email to the client apologizing for not picking him up, explaining why you didn’t pick him up, and offering him a free ride.

2. While shopping in the supermarket, you accidently hit a display with your shopping cart. The display fell onto an young child and hurt him. Write an email to the child’s mother apologizing for hurting her child, explaining what happened, and expressing concern for the child’s welfare.

CELPIP Request Email

1. You have registered for a six-month computer training program at Sambro Community College. Therefore, you want to rent a room from the Sambro Housing Agency. Write an email telling them when you need the room, the type of room you would prefer, and the reason for your request.

2. During your upcoming vacation, you will be visiting a new city. As a result, you want some information about the area. Write an email to the tourist bureau asking them to provide some suggestions for where to go, what to see, and how to get there.

3. You work in a manufacturing unit where your coworkers have been harassing you. Write an email to the HR department describing who harassed you and their relationship to you , when each instance occurred – date, time, and location, and the evidence you have of the situation

4. You and your friends are planning to go to Dubai on vacation. You have to arrange hotel accommodation and need details about hotel rooms and other facilities before making a final decision. Write an email to the hotel managers requesting details about the hotel, describing the type of room, and identifying any special needs (i.e. smoking or non-smoking room) 

5. You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late. Write an email to your landlord explaining why you are writing to him, why you cannot pay the rent, and when you will pay the rent.

6. At the end of the term, your old teacher will be leaving your school and taking maternity leave. Since you no longer attend the school, you would like to arrange a leaving card through a friend. Write an email to your friend asking him to organize a card for your teacher, to circulate it for signatures, and to get it to your teacher before she leaves.

CELPIP Application Email

You’re looking for a part-time job in an office. In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the office manager in which you apply for the position. As you write your email, you should:

  • introduce yourself
  • explain your experience and special skills
  • tell him or her when you think you could start

You’re looking for a full-time job at an IT company / museum / art gallery.
In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the HR Manager in which you apply for the position. In your email, you should:

  • introduce yourself
  • explain your experience and special skills
  • tell him or her when you think you could start

CELPIP Writing Topics – Survey Response


  1. Your city’s administration is considering allocating funds to two possible projects. It has sent out an opinion survey to gauge residents’ preferences for bikes lanes or a pool. Indicate and explain your preference.
  • Option A: bike lanes – build new separate lanes for bikers
  • Option B: renovate gym – fund a swimming pool and spa centre in an existing gym

2. Every year, your company sponsors a float in the local parade. However, this year has been difficult, and it’s wondering just how important this event is to its staff. Your superiors have sent you a survey asking you to tell them whether you think this is a good investment, or not.

  1. Option A: Spend money on the parade float
  2. Option B: Do not spend money on the parade float

3. For years, you have volunteered for a local theater group. The organizers have just received a large donation, so they are circulating a survey to find out whether they should spend the group’s money on costumes or on storage.

  • Option A: Spend money on costumes
  • Option B: Spend money on storage


The management of your apartment building has decided to upgrade the security. It has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have as their new security measure.

  • Option A: New night vision cameras covering the area around the apartment building
  • Option B: installing biometric locks on the doors


1. You work in a company offering IT services. Your company is conducting a survey to understand employees’ work environment preferences.

  • Option A: give a salary hike to all the employees on the basis of experience
  • Option B: give a salary hike to all employees on the basis of educational qualification

2. A local NGO for gender equality has sent out an opinion survey to know about the general public’s views on pay-equality and gender-specific job placement.
Respond to the survey offering your opinion about either option a or option b.

  • Option A: Women are capable of doing all jobs
  • Option B: Women are good in some jobs but not fit for all types of work

3. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. Therefore, it has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.

  • Option A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
  • Option B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.


1. A local NGO, working for the betterment of school children, has sent an opinion survey to see what people think about the presence of multimedia gadgets in kids lives.

  • Option A: kids should have no access to gadgets like smartphones or iPads etc.
  • Option B: kids should be encouraged to read books in their free time.

2. Your local school is considering implementing an online blackboard so that elementary school children can submit their homework online. They’ve already experienced some opposition to the suggestion, so they are now seeking insight into the issue from the broader community. The school has sent you a survey asking you to identify and explain your preference for:

  • Option A: kids should submit their homework online
  • Option B: children should continue to hand in their homework on paper.


1. An independent agency is conducting a survey on immigration policy. It has sent out an opinion survey to gauge residents’ preferences for the government’s immigration policy. Please identify and explain your preference for:

2. An independent agency is conducting a survey on immigrant services. It has sent out an opinion survey to discover whether immigrants need more support during their transition to Canada. Please identify and explain your preference for:

  • Option A: increasing the amount of support provided to immigrants
  • Option B: maintaining the current level of support provided to immigrants


Your government is proposing a new agricultural policy, but some organizations oppose it because they feel it is against local farmers. You’ve been asked to to identify and explain your preference for:

  • Option A: importing cheaper grains and vegetables from other countries
  • Option B: increasing the amount of land under cultivation and supporting local farmers   


1. The city administration is considering whether to approve the building of a factory. Since it wants to know how residents feel, it has sent out a survey to get input on whether people would support or oppose the factory? Write a response explaining your position.

  • Option A: Build a Factory
  • Option B: Do not build a factory

2. Your government is trying to decide between two projects. One project is to build a nuclear plant, the other is a forestation project that would result in a park. You have received an opinion survey asking you to identify and explain your preference for:

  • Option A: the nuclear plant project
  • Option B: the forestation project

3. Your apartment manager needs to turn off the hot water to your building for maintenance that will take 6 hours. For 6 hours you will be without hot water. He has sent you an opinion survey asking you to identify and explain your preference for:

  • Option A: Scheduling the maintenance in the morning from 6am to noon
  • Option B: Scheduling the maintenance in the evening from 5pm to 11pm


1. You work in a very big office building that has a cheap, and very popular, restaurant. However, the building manager is thinking of removing the restaurant because he would like to replace it with a childcare facility. Since he doesn’t want his final decision to result in businesses moving out, he has asked which option you would prefer:

  • Option A: a Childcare Facility
  • Option B: Keep the restaurant

2. After a series of complaints about dogs running off-leash in the community’s parks, your city’s manager is reviewing the rules. You have been asked to explain your preference for:

  • Option A: public parks should be primarily for people and dogs should be leashed at all times.
  • Option B: public parks tend to be very quiet, so dogs should be allowed to roam freely off-leash provided they are not aggressive

3. Your supervisor would like to reorganize the workspace and is trying to decide who to put in windowless offices. She has sent you an opinion survey asking you to identify and explain your preference for:

  • Option A: A personal office with no window
  • Option B: A shared office with a window

649 thoughts on “CELPIP Writing Topics – Task 1 and Task 2.”

  1. Dear Arshdeep,

    I hope this message finds you well. I know you are considering to get admission in a university, and i wanted to share some thoughts to help you with your make decision.

    First of all, many students go to university to gain specialize knowledge and to develop their skills set. Universities not only act as stepping stone for better future for a individual , but also offers an invaluable chance to grow personally, build lifelong friendships, and explore new perspectives.

    Some individuals prefer universities far from home to gain independence from their parents and to get out of their comfort zones. Being away from home allows them to broaden their horizons, meet people from diverse backgrounds. It can bean exciting opportunity for self-discovery and maturity.

    As for courses, I recommend considering fields such as data science, psychology and software developing. Data science is increasingly in demand, offering excellent career opportunities, while psychology provides a deep understanding of human behavior, which is valuable in almost any field. Software developing offers job security in this technology driven world.

    Wishing you the best in your decision-making!


  2. A family member has recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.
    Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)

    Dear John & Jacky,
    Congratulations both of you for becoming parents!!!! Parenthood would be the most precious phase of everyone’s life.I hope you guys are having extreme pleasure cherishing every moment of this period. Being a mother of two kids, I would like to share some helpful insights in raising the child.
    Firstly, Parents are the first teachers for every kid. Babies tend to develop understanding of feelings from mother’s womb. Gradually, along with their age they will start imitating their parents and mold themselves . Likewise, the impact of parents on kids is immensely incredible, which is why I suggest you create positive and healthy atmosphere around kid. This will not only help them in leading a happy life, but also enlighten them to be independent and self-reliant in future.
    The organization of baby health provides free insurance for newly born kids up to 4 years age. And our community center provides free basic needs for babies like diapers, bassinet, milk dispensers etc. I recommend you to please enroll for both of them to avail their services. Please give me a call if you need any further details. Happy to help you .

      1. Do you think it is better to spend money on experiences (such as traveling or attending events) or on material possessions (such as gadgets or clothes)? Provide reasons and examples to support your opinion.

        This has been hotly debated: if you should be spending money on life experiences or material things. I firmly believe that paying money for personal experience is a great way of living your life.

        To begin with, whenever you travel to different destinations, you get the chance to explore new cultures, cuisines, and people that add a new perspective to your life. By joining, activities and events also introduce one to unique ways of living life in different places; plus, they create life experiences and memories that last forever.

        While material possession could provide satisfaction for a shorter time, it might not last longer because humans do have a tendency to get bored easily. Furthermore, when you buy new clothes or gadgets, they might lose their value over time because of the newer designs and updated versions. Therefore, people will lose their interests, and this cycle will last forever.

        After evaluating both sides, I believe that spending money on personal experiences would be a better choice both now and in the future because experiences do not fade out with time but make you more connected to those memories and add a unique touch to your perspective.

  3. **Please share your thoughts on this.**

    Task 1) Your recently made an online purchase and the product was not the same as description
    on the website.
    Write an email to the website support department in about 150-200 words. Your email
    should do the following things:
    – What you purchased and when
    – Exactly how it is different to the website description
    – How you would like the company to fix the problem

    Dear Support team,

    My name is Shruti and I am writing this letter to raise concern about a dress, which was ordered from your website.

    On 2nd January, I purchased a ‘classic golden’ colour dress for my upcoming bachelorette party and I received the package on 5th January. As per the product details mentioned on your website, this dress should have come with a belt. However, when I unpacked the delivered product, I couldn’t find it. Additionally, the colour of this dress is pale golden, which is nothing like picture displayed on the internet.

    Therefore, I would like to place an exchange request on this item, as it is still eligible as per your policy. As this was a last minute purchase for an upcoming major life event of mine, I kindly request to expedite the delivery time to 1-2 days. I have no other option than to get this dress, due to less time on hand for the occasion.

    I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and hope for a quick resolution as well as delivery.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Shruti A

    Task 2 ) You live in a small city. City administration is planning to allocate funds for two projects.
    Your city is funding ONE of the given projects:
    Option A: Bike Lanes: Planning to build new separate lanes for bikers
    Option B: Renovate Gym: Planning to add a swimming pool and spa centre in an existing

    To whom it may concern,

    I appreciate that town management is looking forward to invest in various projects for the benefit of its vicinity. As the head of local community, I would like to contribute with my share of opinion, which can be beneficial for the city and its residents.

    As per my suggestion, the priority of funding should be on making dedicated lanes for cyclists. First of all, there are lots of youth in this area, who fear commuting to their schools and colleges due to daily traffic and re-occurrence of accidents. These lanes will not only benefit this young demographic but also the adults to stay organized while driving. Additionally, it will help in maintaining road safety and curb the occurrence of accidents in future.

    Secondly, this will also help in raising awareness about daily usage of cycle, amongst all the age groups; which can lead to reduction in usage of vehicles, pollution and maintain a sustainable environment.

    Even tough, renovating the gym seems a lucrative initiative, dedicated cycle lanes outweighs in its advantages. However, this is my opinion as a responsible citizen. Nevertheless, I will support the municipality.

  4. 1. A local NGO, working for the betterment of school children, has sent an opinion survey to see what people think about the presence of multimedia gadgets in kids’ lives.
    Option A: kids should have no access to gadgets like smartphones or iPads etc.
    Option B: kids should be encouraged to read books in their free time.
    Thank you for your invitation. As a mother of two, I think kids should be encouraged to read books in their free time, using multimedia gadgets would boost their interest and attention towards reading.
    Nowadays, elementary schools require each student to buy an ipad for school. It was impossible to block access to gadgets. The kids already developed the skills for using smartphones or ipads. It was not feasible to take away their gadgets. However, we can use our resources properly, we can block the app stores or switch the general settings to academic use, only allowing them to read online books in their free time would be a better choice for both the kids and their parents. We did not have time to supervise them 24/7 to make sure they keep away from multimedia gadgets.
    Moreover, kids would be encouraged to read books when they can buy the book that they are interested in, via multimedia gadgets. Multimedia gadgets are not contraindicated to nurture the reading habits of school kids. While the gadgets can keep track of the reading progress of our kids, they can develop time management skills using the gadgets. That would be a win-win situation for both the parents and our kids.

    2. During your upcoming vacation, you will be visiting a new city. As a result, you want some information about the area. Write an email to the tourist bureau asking them to provide some suggestions for where to go, what to see, and how to get there.
    To whom it may concern,
    I’m writing to request more information about Vancouver. My name is Josy, I am going to Vancouver in the coming November for a week to enjoy my vacation. However, this is my first time leaving my home country and enjoying my holiday somewhere else. I have no idea where to go. I noticed that many visitors got useful recommendations from the Vancouver Tourist Bureau, so I hope I can get more relevant information to plan my schedule.
    My partner really enjoys outdoor activities and tasting the cuisine of different countries. Would you please recommend certain attractions for us? We also love spending time in the historical buildings and museums, so it would be great if you can provide more details about that. I heard that Canada was famous for its maple trees. It would be wonderful if we have the chance to see falling leaves too. I can’t wait to come to Vancouver.
    Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your reply.
    Josy Louis

  5. 3. For years, you have volunteered for a local theater group. The organizers have just received a large donation, so they are circulating a survey to find out whether they should spend the group’s money on costumes or on storage.
    • Option A: Spend money on costumes
    • Option B: Spend money on storage

    Thank you for giving us the chance to share our inputs on donation fund allocation. While costumes have always been a key for a play, I strongly believe that investing on better storage facility will help us in several ways.
    Firstly, proper storage is essential for storing our existing clothes and equipment. We have accumulated number of costumes and props over the years, which are at risk of damage due to inadequate safe space. By having a bigger and proper storage will help to preserve those items, and ensuring their longevity.
    Secondly, spending on storage will help us to organize. At several times, before performance we struggle to find relevant props and costumes which waste our time, and make our work complex. Hence, with the help of organized storage we can facilitate our items according to the name and usage, which will be easy on sorting, and make the area systematic.
    In contrast, purchasing better costumes are always helpful in visual appeal; however, I believe that we already have numerous clothes, and can be creatively reused by our artists.
    To conclude, utilizing money on storage will be a wise decision for saving our preexistent product, and time saving.

  6. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. Therefore, it has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.

    Option A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    Option B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.


    According to my opinion, all the staff working every two hours every Weekend will the better option to choose with.
    This will help all the employees to work fairly, keeping out of office politics and a fair chance of either to work or take a day off. There will be no shifts swap which creates confusion to their clients and other co-workers on who will be working that day.

    Employees can work together in unity and finish their targets in couple of hours, and can rest for the day. This will keep their energy boosted for the rest of the day and also balance work-life schedule. Employees do not have to overwhelm in their work and can promptly make decisions for the day. Individual can be their own king and go for vacation and or chill at home.

    Above from that, it is beneficial for the organization as it saves time and energy. Company will only use resources required, which could led to increase in profitability and efficient management. Client’s will also prefer to choose that organization who is efficient in managing their employees and who is timely completing their projects.

    To conclude, If all employees works for 2 hours, it will be beneficial to each individual employee and for the organization. It is just my opinion, but I would respect management’s decision.

    1. The purpose of writing my letter is to inform that after careful consideration, I believe 4 hours working would be a better option.
      To begin with, the company will sponsor transportation and provide lunch services to all the employees. The majority of employees have to spend around 45 minutes to come to the office and it wouldn’t make sense to travel almost 2 hours to work only for 2 hours. Moreover, the company won’t be able to provide lunch breaks in 2-hour duration.

      Additionally, the remuneration provided would be reasonable to lure the employees, feeling a sense of contentment. Since this action is decided to eliminate the backlog, the sooner they complete the task-the better for both the parties. Synergy will unite and boost the employees to finish even before 2 months and later have the rest of the day for personal activities.

      To encapsulate, company in as employees we need to act professional and pull up our socks to help the company in the time they need our help. At the same time, organization needs to value this and take this action into consideration in annual incrementation.

  7. Question:
    You recently made an online purchase and the product was not the same as the description on the website.
    Write an email to the website support department in about 150-200 words.

    Your email should do the following things:
    *What you purchased and when.
    *Exactly how it is different from the website description.
    * How you would like the company to fix the problem.

    To Whom It May Concern,

    I am writing this mail regarding the product I have purchased last week, using your website. It’s a black color iPhone version 13 with 128 GB of memory. I have purchased this during your Festival Bonanza Sale on 13th May 2024. The order number for the purchase is P0312456.
    After the purchases I got the product delivered to my doorstep on 5th May 2024 i.e., 2 days after the purchase. But I opened the product I got little annoyed and disheartened. Because the product is not the one that I ordered. The product I received is a white color iPhone version 12 with 128 GB of memory.

    I have ordered this product for my mother as gift to her on Mother’s Day. But due to utter negligence and ignorance I got the wrong product delivered.
    To resolve this issue, I want you to please replace the product.
    I am regular customer of your online service. I am looking for a solution to keep the faith in your online service.

    Yours Sincerely

  8. 1. Your city’s administration is considering allocating funds to two possible projects. It has sent out an opinion survey to gauge residents’ preferences for bikes lanes or a pool. Indicate and explain your preference.
    • Option A: bike lanes – build new separate lanes for bikers
    • Option B: renovate gym – fund a swimming pool and spa centre in an existing gym

    Personally, I think renovating existing gym and building new swimming pool along with spa center would be a better option compared to sperate bike lanes.
    With the advancement in technology, children now a days are very much addicted to Netflix, online gaming like pubg etc. They are majorly involved in indoor activities which impacting not just their physical but mental health as well. A study also reveals that behavioral changes like aggression, stress are observed with long and continuous exposure to such apps and games.
    So, brining new swimming pool and renovated gym will help children to get involved in physicals activities which is very much needed for their overall growth. And now a days swimming is kind of an exercise which is in trend so children will be very much attracted to it, and it will also help them in burning extra calories.
    Moreover, spa option is good to all age group.
    Again, this is my opinion, I will support which ever decision the management takes.
    Thank you for having the opportunity to participate in the survey.

  9. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. It has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.

    Option A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    Option B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.

    In my opinion, If it is the option A – the half of the staff working for 4 hours every Saturday or the Option B – Full staff working for whole Saturday, I would choose the former one.

    Firstly, organizing the backlog to be covered with senior and junior employees together may help work completed soon rather than scattering them without any defined approach. This needs a proper planning on tasks pending and if taken care might help reduce time to work long in the office on weekends.

    Secondly, everyone has their private time to spend with families and Saturday being with prime time to chillout, spending whole day at office might not make employees feel comfortable. Instead, if they can work 4 hours only on Saturday to coverup backlog, atleast they can have fun on the weekend evenings.

    Thirdly,4 hours work on Saturday would also reduce maintenance costs for company if we plan with right schedule and right team in accomplishing to clear the pending tasks.

    I hope you would consider my opinion and take right decision.


  10. To whomso ever it may concern,

    Im writing this letter to know on buying few electrical items for my upcoming high school project.I heard from my one of friend’s that you have provided all equipments required for his project,hence reaching you out for mine as well.

    The project is about ‘The Electrical Bicycle’,for which I need items – Electric motor with 0.5 hp , Solar panels , Battery , copper wiring and couple of bearings.I need this by early next month which is May 2024 where my project begins early Jun 2024.

    Furthermore,I came to know your shop is in downtown Toronto and I live in Missisauga.Please let me know on the pricing,whether items available currently in store or if not how long will it take to get them.Also how long could you put them in the store until I take them because I need to come from another province.Ofcourse, I said Im from Missisauga but I currently came to visit my Uncle in Alberta and will get back to Ontario in second week of May.

    I would like to hear from you soon and you can reach out me on #XXXXXXXXX.Your help is much appreciated in this matter.


  11. To whom it may concern,

    Thank you for including me in the survey either to provide everyone with no-cost literacy classes or to offer free access to the library. I believe the weekly classes have more benefits to offer

    The foremost point to consider is that when it comes to illiterate people, it would be meaningless to offer them free access to the library as they might lack even basic reading skills. On the other hand, running classes by a mentor who can help them in developing the necessary reading and writing skills would eventually help in boosting the literacy rate. What is more, it is very significant to provide them with an optimistic atmosphere where someone can keep them motivated to be educated regardless of their age.

    Furthermore, the increasing cost of education seems to be a strong reason for the increasing illiteracy rate, and making it free even once a week can help alleviate this major issue.

    Considerably, the pros of option A outweigh the cons of option B. However, this is solely my personal opinion, and I will appreciate whatever decision is ultimately made.

  12. Dear Sir/madam

    I am Mike Ross, a prospective buyer of yours living in the nearby town, writing this email to inquire about specific electric items that I am looking to buy.

    With Christmas approaching very soon, I require some colorful lights for the exterior decoration of my house. Additionally, I need some pot lights and Outlets for my home. I got to know about your store when I asked my neighbor about where he bought those tempting lights that he utilized for the outside home decoration.

    Before I visit your store, I decided that I would confirm with you about the availability of the above-mentioned products as well as the prices of the same as I would be coming from the other town. If any of these items are not available, would it be possible for you to order them for me? Moreover, if you can confirm, how long would you be able to reserve these goods for as I might not be able to visit for the next couple of days?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best Regards,
    Mike Ross.

  13. Task 1: You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive, and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the time keeping of the other students.
    In an email to the School Principal, complain about the situation, and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved.

    Dear Principal,

    My name is Natasha, a second year student in English language class and the purpose of my writing is to inform you about the quality of our course.

    Undoubtedly, English is a complex language to master especially if you are not a native speaker. I enrolled in the program with sheer excitement as it promised systematic learning practices, quality of materials and a flawless time-table.

    However, I am left with utter disappointment as the program is clearly failing to even provide minimum instructions to complete the assigned work. Our professor does not offer any materials to study and often fails to provide valuable corrections on the essays as he runs back-to-back session through out the day.

    Alternatively, the effectiveness of the course could be improved by making minor changes to the curriculum through adding well defined chapters with a clear rationales as it help the students to understand different concepts clearly. Moreover, introduction of more tutors can help the students to get a one-on-one feedback which may further improve ones skills.

    I am looking forward to seeing how my suggestions translate into prompt action from your side. Your cooperation would be most appreciated.


  14. To whom it may concern,

    I hope this letter finds you well. I am Natasha, a computer training student from Alabama, United States, seeking an accommodation near to the Sambre community college.

    To begin with, I am looking for a place to rent out in the next 6 months, starting in first week of January.

    If available, I would like to reserve a single room preferably on the ground floor of an apartment or a house since, I have a medical condition which limits my capacity to climb stairs. However, I am comfortable with sharing of bathroom and kitchen. Although, I am open to the idea of sharing some parts of the unit, but only if the number of tenants are less than 4.

    Moreover, other places in the town are quiet expensive and far away from the college which makes it an unfeasible option. I often have to travel multiple times to the campus by foot regularly. Being close to the university can save me a lot of time in travel and energy.

    Your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated. Looking forward to hearing you from soon.


  15. For years, you have volunteered for a local theater group. The organizers have just received a large donation, so they are circulating a survey to find out whether they should spend the group’s money on costumes or on storage.

    Option A: Spend money on costumes
    Option B: Spend money on storage

    It is a very good achievement of our theatre group that we received a huge donation based on our skilled performance So I would like to select option A that we should use this donation on our costumes because of the following reasons:

    Firstly, Now it is time to replace our old clothes with new ones as it is used for 2 years continuously in every show and it will become less attractive for the viewers also if we continue present ourselves in the same costumes and it might be we will lose our large audience for this reason.

    Secondly, many of the pants( trousers and traditional pyjamas) look old as their colours are gone and the cause behind it is frequent washing or dry cleaning after every show. Therefore, if we still use it then within 3-5 months we have to purchase the new one.

    Additionally, we have a two separate storage rooms for equipments and wardrobes simultaneously for each. So I think in these circumstances there is no requirement for any extra space for the storage.

    That is why I believe in spending money on the costumes over storage.

  16. You’re looking for a part-time job in an office. In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the office manager in which you apply for the position. As you write your email, you should:

    introduce yourself
    explain your experience and special skills
    tell him or her when you think you could start

    Dear manager,
    with reference to your advertisement in the CBZ newspaper, I am writing this to apply as a part-time accountant in your office.

    My self Ms. Mehata, a 3rd year student of accounts at BC University. I am looking for a part-time job because it will increase my financial status as well as help in gain more knowledge in the field of accounting.

    I worked in the same position in the RM company located in downtown Vancouver for a year. Moreover, I am an internationally certified beginner trained person of accountant which is beneficial to precise my work by identifying and correcting mistakes.

    If you find that I fit for this role, I will join your office from next week because my Summer vacation is starting from next week So It will be easy for me to join from that time as I will have enough free time despite of reading.

    Hope you consider my application for this position and reply to me with your answer.

    Ms. Mehta

  17. Your government is proposing a new agricultural policy, but some organizations oppose it because they feel it is against local farmers. You’ve been asked to to identify and explain your preference for:

    Option A: importing cheaper grains and vegetables from other countries
    Option B: increasing the amount of land under cultivation and supporting local farmers

    As the current situation in our country is lowering in agriculture, there is a need for a new policy and I think the government should give a chance to the local farmers.

    Firstly, If the fertilized land is expanded then it will enhance the local business of our farmers because the more the land, it will produce more grains, veggies and fruits hence it will improve the local market of the farmers along with those who are selling pesticides, crops and other products which are required for the farming.

    Secondly, importing foods has a detrimental effect on the human body as this import process packs the food earlier which reduces the food’s nutritional status. So, the consumption of these types of foods will deteriorate one’s health.

    Therefore, if we expand our land and start utilizing it then it will increase the economy of farmers and it will also increase the food quality.

  18. A local NGO, working for the betterment of school children, has sent an opinion survey to see what people think about the presence of multimedia gadgets in kids lives.

    Option A: kids should have no access to gadgets like smartphones or iPads etc.
    Option B: kids should be encouraged to read books in their free time.

    It is a good opportunity for me to give my suggestions on the effect of multimedia gadgets in kid’s lives and I select option A because these gadgets affect kids’ mental and physical health.

    Firstly, nowadays most children spend their time on phones or iPads by watching cartoons or playing different games which have a detrimental effect on a child’s mental health which leads to depression, anxiety and social isolation among them.

    Secondly, children prefer to play online games instead of outdoor games therefore their physical health is compromised as it leads to constant strain on the eyes, not only that but sedentary lifestyle is responsible for obesity in a young age.

    Despite allowing children to use these technologies we have to encourage them to spend their leisure time by reading books as it will help in their academic performance or sports activities will maintain health and teach them leadership, sports spirit, cooperation and competition during playing.

    So, kids should not be allowed to use smartphones or iPads.

  19. Task 1: While shopping in the supermarket, you accidently hit a display with your shopping cart. The display fell onto an young child and hurt him. Write an email to the child’s mother apologizing for hurting her child, explaining what happened, and expressing concern for the child’s welfare.

    Dear Mrs. Smith,

    I am John, a customer who inadvertently injured your son yesterday at Walmart. I am writing to express my apology for the unfortunate incident occurred that day.

    In relation to the specifics of the event, I was in hurry to make a professional telephonic conversation to my boss; therefore, I took a sharp turn in panic which lead my cart to lose the balance and hit a display at the corner of the succeeding aisle. Simultaneously, your son was going by which eventually resulted in dropping of the display at your child’s foot.

    Although I am unable to either withdraw my actions or share his pain, I would be pleased to pay the doctor’s consultation, treatment and medication expenditures to compensate for the trouble caused.

    Kindly accept my apologies and send all the concerned bills to me.

    I hope a quick recovery of your child.

    John Doe

  20. Task 1: You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive, and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the time keeping of the other students.
    In an email to the School Principal, complain about the situation, and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved.

    Dear Mr. Joe Dawn,

    Through this e-mail, I would like to draw your kind attention towards the challenges the immigrant pupils are dealing with, including myself.

    I am John, an overseas student, enrolled in first semester of English curriculum at your esteemed organization. The college has an immense reputation among international students for the courses it offers; however, the English language program is not cost-effective, lack access to crucial resources such as faculty guidance and necessary study material, and is not planned effectively to encourage time management.

    To delve into the details; firstly, the course is immensely expensive as it cost around $17,000 at your academy but the same course is being offered by other renowned competitors at soared price of about $15,000.

    Although, I am provided with wide array of vocabulary and listening modules, I do not have access to professionals to check upon my writing and speaking skills which comprises of prominent English language aspects.

    To alleviating the plight, I would suggest you provide scholarship to international pupils, include more interactive lessons with teachers, and courses on time management.

    I hope my request would be given utmost consideration.

    John Doe

  21. Task: You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation. Write a letter to the course provider:
    *Say what the problem is
    *Describe the accommodation you thought you were getting.
    *Ask the provider to solve the problem

    Dear Mr. Johnson
    I hope this email finds you well. The purpose of my writing today is to lodge a complaint regarding the heating in my room. Before all else, after mentioning the problem to your assigned maintenance crew and receiving nothing but empty promises, my feelings of frustration are rapidly rising.

    Primarily, the absence of any sign of warmth did not bother me, and although my attempts to turn up the heat proved futile, I felt sure that this was a temporary problem. However, as the temperatures continued to drop, my concerns rapidly grew, and I have asked your maintenance crew to show up and take a look at it. Nevertheless, not only did they not show up, but their communication was also unfeasible.

    Furthermore, I couldn’t help but be despondent at the current state of the accommodation provided by your side. Previously, based on my full payment, especially given the fact that the temperature outside is now -20 °C, full-time heating was promised and agreed upon.

    Please remedy the situation as soon as possible as it is a time-sensitive matter. Your cooperation and prompt action in this matter and also, an open line of communication, from your side, would be most appreciated.

  22. Work Schedule Survey
    Your office manager is considering a new work schedule. She is thinking about closing the office at 12:00 p.m. on Fridays. In order to replace lost work hours, however, all employees would have to start work at 8:00 a.m. instead of 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday. Your manager is surveying all employees to see if they prefer the new work schedule or the old one.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

    Option A: I would prefer to continue working from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

    Option B: I would prefer to start work at 8:00 a.m. and finish early on Fridays.

    I prefer to maintain the schedule from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. This option best aligns with personal obligations and allows our company to provide better services.

    As a parent, I must take my son to school every morning at 8:00 a.m. Considering the rush hour, I could not make it to the office before 9:00 a.m.. Therefore, this current schedule allowed me to avoid latency while fulfilling my family duties.

    Another reason is that our customers follow this schedule, facilitating communication and meetings. It would be very inconvenient for a client to ask for a meeting on Friday afternoon and find out that our offices are closed.

    For these reasons, I believe working according to the current schedule is a better choice. It will allow employees to fulfill personal commitments, and the company to provide better customer service.

    Thank you for taking my preference into account.

  23. You ordered a pair of glasses online. However, the glasses that the company sent you are too big and they give you headaches.
    Dear Topvision Customer Service,
    Write an email to the customer service department in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

    • Explain the problem with the order.
    • Describe how you feel about the company’s mistake.
    • Suggest how they can correct the situation.

    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with my recent online purchase and to ask for a comprehensible solution.

    I purchased a pair of glasses from your store on February 5, and my order was poorly handled. The glasses came with a different frame than what have chosen. However, what disappointed me more was that they were too big, making them very uncomfortable to wear. They even gave me a headache when I tried them for a few seconds.

    I understand that mistakes happen- it’s human nature- but I think your staff should be trained to handle orders more diligently. Features such as the size of glasses should not be mixed up.

    Given these circumstances, I respectfully request a full refund of the amount I paid for the glasses. Also, I believe that your store should reimburse me for the shipping return.

    I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a prompt resolution.

    Yours faithfully
    David Lee

    Dear Topvision Customer Service,
    I am writing to address an issue with my recent online purchase and to seek a resolution.
    On February 5th, I ordered a pair of glasses from your store. Unfortunately, upon receiving the order, I discovered that the glasses I received do not match the frame I selected. Moreover, the glasses are significantly larger than anticipated, causing discomfort and headaches upon wearing them for even a short duration.
    While I understand that errors can occur, I am disappointed by the oversight in fulfilling my order accurately. I believe that attention to detail is crucial in ensuring customer satisfaction.
    To rectify this situation, I kindly request a full refund for the glasses. Additionally, as returning the item is necessary due to the incorrect size, I would appreciate reimbursement for the return shipping costs.
    I trust that your team will address this matter promptly and provide a satisfactory solution. Thank you for your attention to this issue, and I look forward to a resolution at your earliest convenience.
    David Lee

  24. Dear manager,
    I am writing this email to show my dissatisfaction about the computer repairing service that I got on 18th January, 2024. A day before when I was doing my college work on it, my computer fall down on the ground accidentally and after that it was not working properly.

    When I visited your shop, I thought all the staff will be busy in doing their work, but I was wrong as they were playing chess. Furthermore, when I asked them about the manager they talked to me in an imprudent demeanor, and said that they will repair it in an hour. When I came back, I saw that my computer was at the same position and they told me that it is repaired now and took $500 for it.

    Moreover, when I turned on my computer, I was stunned to see that it was still not repaired and having problems. I am absolutely irate and not satisfied with the service, because they took money and did nothing.

    At last,I want you to take strict action towards them, so that they will take care of it in future, and I want my money to be refunded.


    Task 2
    It have been recently came to attention that the city council is doing a survey on how to deal with the the unwanted weeds in public areas and lawns. Some believe that using weed pesticides and imposing fines will be helpful, but I opine that using natural weed remover methods will be more helpful.I will state my point in detail in upcoming paragraphs.

    To embark, by banning all the weed killers in the public spaces and lawns we can give our contribution towards protecting our nature mother. Because by using natural methods, we can decompose the left over weed pesticides in the soil or for the fertilization of the other plants. Moreover, if all the residents adapt the natural weed control method it will save their extra expenses on expensive weed killers.

    Nevertheless, if the council applies weedkiller in the public spaces, it will pollute the environment and will also harm the children and the elderly people living around. As, the strong smell of the chemical weed pesticides will severely affect their health.

    Conspicuously, I will stick to my point that encouraging the residents for natural method will be far better option as it will be more pocket friendly and environment friendly method.

  25. Dear Manager,
    I am writing this letter with a lot of dissatisfaction and disappointment with the service that you provided. Yesterday, I submitted my laptop to your shop for repair. My laptop screen was accidentally broken from my side, but the laptop was working. But after the service was done by one of the engineer, the window was set perfectly, but my laptop stopped working. According to a Google review, your shop has high ratings. Looking at the best reviews, I decided to take your service.
    Further, I am requesting that you investigate this matter and either provide me with a new laptop as compensation or repair the laptop perfectly the way it was working before. Due to such delays and inappropriate service, I am not going to pay an extra charge for it.
    Moreover, I look forward to your prompt response and appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter as swiftly as possible.
    Thank you.

  26. Dear Principal,

    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction in English language course, which had offered by your esteemed organization. I like to share my experience in following for which I am facing multifarious difficulties in English language.
    Firstly, I enrolled myself in English Course on last July with huge semester fees i.e., 7000 CAD. During my admission, I was informed that will be facilitated with reputed lecturers to provide an excellent teaching methodology. However, I felt that it didn’t help much which is reflecting in my current semester result.
    I was expecting great study materials which is uttermost important to build strong scaffolding in English. The professor should take more time and provide a clear instruction in detail about each topic until the students are digested.
    In this context, I would suggest one thing, could you please arrange a review session after each topic has been over. Finally, please ask your faculty to modify subject materials as per student’s requirement.
    I would request you, please consider all my suggestions promptly and translate it into action from your side.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Sujit Ghosh

  27. Dear John,
    I hope you are doing well! I heard that you have completed your graduation degree and seeking for universities. I can guide you to find suitable universities for your higher study.
    Firstly, I want to heartly congratulate for your graduation completion. As per I know, how important for your career to pursue the university degree for better opportunity in terms of getting impressive jobs. I know it is a tedious to find suitable university near our hometown. I can advise, for your own sake of interest to get an appropriate subject, you should go outside hometown.
    I know, you are interested to establish your career in Computer science and Technology field. I can suggest you some university where you can go and explore your goal and complete your educational path.
    I think, you should try with Halifax Technology university, The campus has wide range of variety of facility in terms of ultra-modern classroom, library, Lab etc. and not only that it has excellent football ground, which can help full fill your hobby about soccer.
    Drop me a line and let me know what you think. See you soon!!
    Yours Bro,

  28. Hello Everyone,

    Hopefully, you all are in great spirits! As you all know, lately, our classmate Raj is feeling down due to failing in mid-exam, and to cheer him up, I was thinking about throwing a surprise party for him.

    For the party, I was wondering that the School hall after school hours (past 6:00 PM) would be perfect. What do you all say? If that sounds good, I will request it from our school principal for that as we don’t want to disturb any school facilities’ work schedule.

    If you all take charge of food and invitations, it will not only be a huge relief for me, it will give me some spare time for party decoration. Don’t forget! It’s a surprise party for Raj so ensure he does not get any hint about it.

    I hope this way we can make Raj happy to some extent as seeing him so depressed and unenthusiastic breaks my heart. If any one has any input regarding the party please feel free to reach out to me anytime.

    See you all tomorrow at school.

    Best Regards,

  29. You were searching on the internet for a used car, and found one that looks like it is in good condition. The seller has posted a photo of the car, but has not provided any other details.

    • Tell the seller how you found out about the car.
    • Ask about some specific details about the car.
    • Explain how much you are willing to pay for the car.
    • Request that the seller meet you so that you can test drive the car.

    Dear Mr. Lords,

    I hope this email finds you in best of your health and spirts.

    My name is Amy Roy and, I came across your recent online post on “Mycars.com” dated 20th November 2023, mainly entitled to sell your BMW car which is black in colour.

    Nonetheless, I found the car compatible for myself as well as for my family. However, I would like to enquire certain techno-commercial parameters before moving forward with the final deal. Hence, I would like to request you to elaborate me with some specific information like year of manufacturing, automatic or manual gear, millage and winter tire details. These information definitely will be useful to proceed with the final purchase.

    Moreover, I would also like to know is the amount stated online is negotiable? As my budget is constrained and I can only spend $ 10,000 for second hand car. If all above information are in favour to purchase, I would request you to arrange a meeting for test drive by coming Saturday.

    I am looking forward to your reply along with all the details. Furthermore, a confirmation from your side, would be more appreciated.

    Thank You.

    With Regards
    Amy Roy

    197 Words

  30. Your office manager is considering a new work schedule. She is thinking about closing the office at 12:00 p.m. on Fridays. In order to replace lost work hours, however, all employees would have to start work at 8:00 a.m. instead of 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday. Your manager is surveying all employees to see if they prefer the new work schedule or the old one.

    The choice between old and updated working schedule certainly represents a complex scenario. However, I would like to opine in favour of new work schedule as it seems to be a far captivated and convincing choice as compared to the aforementioned alterative especially while considering the employees productivity, performance development and family time.

    To being with, The new work schedule obviously yield positive results mainly when the morning traffic problem which can be easily bypassed. Moreover, starting early morning always acts as enthusiasm for the executives interns increase employee productive, reduce mistakes and develop performance. Nonetheless, this ought will come up with the win-win situation for the employees and company. Additionally, extra half day-off certainly boost work life balance, and generate opportunities to schedule extended holidays for campaigning or hiking.

    On the contrary, executives already practising old work schedule and often faced challenges to reach office in time as well as problems in maintaining a balance between professional and family life.

    Considering the above reasons, I strongly encourage the employees and management to vote for new initiative which possess directly impacts on employee productivity, performance and will maintain a balance between work and social life.

    Again, this is my personal opinion and, I will follow whatever the decision is made.
    Thank you for your consideration of my preferences.

  31. You live in a house near a park. Recently, a lot of teenagers have been meeting in the park at night. They are very noisy.
    Provide information about where you live.
    Explain the problem and how it affects your life.
    Suggest a way to solve the problem.

    To Whom It May Concern,

    My name is Mark parker, resident at 37, Eastbourne Drive, Bampton, opposite to Hide Park Corner. The purpose of writing this letter is to draw your attention to a problem which I have been experiencing with some local teenagers group at Hide Park, especially at late evening.

    As a software consultant, I mainly work at night shifts as per Australian timing. Moreover, Professionals like us, also need study regularly to enhance software skills mainly before sleeping time. However, from last few days, I witnessed that few teenagers groups in the park with some unprofessional activities. For instance, playing music, gossiping loud and also chaos till mid night. Nonetheless, all this aforementioned activities hinder my concentration and dedication towards my work and studies. Nonetheless, it also became a headache to our other neighbours specially patients.

    To address this issue, I suggest for regular police patrolling mainly night or to hire a security guard for the park. This steps certainly yield better ambiance, safety for the local residence and also will be helpful for my career development.

    I am looking forward to your cooperation in this matter. Furthermore, a line of open communication from your side, in this case, would be most appreciated.

    Thank You.

    With Regards,
    Mark Parker

  32. Hi Angela,
    Can you please evaluate the response of task 2?
    Thank you in advance
    Your university is conducting a survey to know how many work hours should be permitted to students in a week’s time. The University has sent out an opinion survey to see what students think about it.
    Weekly working hours for Students Survey :

    Option A: Less than 15 hours per week in a single job.
    Option B: More than 20 hours per week with all multiple jobs hours added.

    I was recently informed that our university is considering changes in working hours permitted to students. The choice between working less than 15 hours and more than 20 hours certainly presents a complex scenario. I opine that working less than 15 hours would have more pros considering health, over cons to it.

    To begin with, allowing scholars to spend less than 15 hours weekly at one job will contribute to their mental well-being. To elaborate, after spending 7-8 hours at university per day and then going to work, will be be exhaustive for children. Moreover, this excursion can cause hypertension and anxiety which might lead to depression. So, less working hours is equivalent to less mental stress.

    Generally, university years are most important years for one to shape their career.Nevertheless, if pupils work for limited time, they would be able to spare time to focus on their studies, and self care. Also, in their vacant time undergraduates can participate in self-entertaining activities such as sports, music, dancing and many more.

    Conclusively, with the health in mind along with inummerable advantages of working for less hours, the forth will be worth the consideration.

  33. Hi Angela,
    Can you please evaluate the response task 2?
    Thank you
    The choice of building bike lanes or renovating the gym certainly presents a complex scenario. I opine that renovating the gym has more pros, considering the health of people, than cons.

    To begin with, the renovation of a gym can provide a top-notch opportunity for people to work on their physical as well as mental well-being. To elaborate, building a swimming pool in the gym can contribute to the physical fitness of people, as swimming is a great exercise. Apart from this, opening a spa center can add value to the gym, as people can go there to relax their bodies and minds.

    Nevertheless, if building bike lanes were chosen, it would be a waste of money. Considering the weather conditions in Canada, bikes can only be ridden in the summer, as it is impractical to go out on bikes in the Canadian winters. For example, if an authority spends money on building bike lanes, there will be seasonal use for them.

    Conclusively, with the only seasonal use of bike lanes on top of the numerous advantages of renovating the gym, the latter will be worth consideration.

  34. To Whom It May concern

    Personally, I think a monthly deposit of salary would be great as It helps to plan a monthly budget as well as keep track of income and expenses for individuals rather than getting salary everyday.

    Before all else, paying salary on monthly terms, will help to plan the monthly budget more effectively, since most of the occurring bills such as hydro, phone, rent are based on monthly. Therefore, individuals could plan their expenses and savings accordingly. For instance, after getting salary at the end of the month, employees can pay their monthly bills as they don;t need to collect the amount throughout months to pay bills at the end of month.

    Furthermore, employees don’t need to track their salary deposit everyday, which could be extremely tough to keep all salary records for future reference if required. For example, While filling text returns at the end of the financial year it is hard to calculate salary amount fluctuation if there is any.

    Although depositing salary in everyday bases could be tempting, it would be tough to save it to pay bills at the end of the month.

    Depositing salary monthly terms would not only help to plan the monthly budget better but also make it easier to navigate salary statements for future reference. I firmly believe salary payment should be done at the end of the month.

  35. Dear Manager,

    The purpose of my writing today is to express my interest in the full-time cashier position in our Walmart store, which I posted 2 days ago.

    As you know, I have been working in our Walmart store for 8 months as a part-time cashier, and along with that, I was attending college as well. Last week, I completed my studies, and now have extra spare time to focus on work, thus this full-time cashier opening will be perfect for me.

    Working as a full-time cashier role will give me more exposure to front-end customer experience operations as well as other departments such as fulfillment, and online order department, which will be extremely important to gain more knowledge and experience to grow my career with Walmart as my ambition to reach high-level position within walmart canada.

    In addition, I already have a great 8 months of part-time experience as a cashier, therefore you don’t have to worry about putting me under training for some time, it will save time and can begin right away.

    I look forward to having a positive response from your side.


    1. Score 8 – Since you don’t have any control of the final hiring decision, you should be using the 2nd conditional (…opening would be perfect for me… role would give me more…)

      Great vocabulary!

  36. I recently found out that local NGO is conducting a survey on kids should have no access to the Gadgets like smartphone or iPad. While other argue that kids should be encouraged to read books in their free time. I personally agree and justify my opinion in following paragraph.

    Most important reason why children should be encouraged to read books is that it would help to improve theoretical knowledge which make positive impact on individual’s growth. For instance, by reading a book, children would come to know about the history and culture that teaches them how to respect elders, and good manners which will be very helpful in their future.

    Furthermore, it could improve communication skills as well imagination skill which leads their mental growth. For Example, by reading story books children will think about what will happen next that makes their Imagination skill more powerful and help them to correct the grammatical mistakes. Children who read books in their leisure time, they become sharp minded and focused which help them to attain high standard life and successful.

    To sum based on the idea mentioned above I strongly believe that children should be encouraged to read books in free time.

  37. Your manager asked you to work at the reception desk while the receptionist is getting lunch. This involves answering telephones and helping clients who come in. However, you are unable to help out because you have other work.

    Write an email to your manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
    • Apologize.
    • Explain why you don’t have time to help out.
    • Suggest a way to solve the problem.

    Dear Mr. Green,

    I considered your request for me to cover our receptionist while she’s on her lunch brake.With all due respect, I have to refuse due to several reasons.

    Firstly, my workload is equally divided throughout a day, and I don’t believe I could spare one hour of my time without any damage to the quality of my work. As our Customer Support team is short on stuff right now, we all need to work extra hard and not to loose any minute.

    Secondly, every day from 1 pm to 2 pm, which is exactly the time of the receptionist’s lunch break, we have a team meeting, where I have to present my daily report. Thus, it can’t be missed.

    I fully understand a necessity of covering up a receptionist’s position while she’s away as our clients ought to receive an excellent service, and I’m sorry I can’t help with it. However, I think we could assign one or two of our interns to work at the reception one hour a day. This will solve the problem and will give them an opportunity to develop communication skills with the clients.

    I hope this will help to resolve this issue. Please let me know if you’d like my suggestion on the interns suitable for this job.

    Best Regards,
    Stacy Miles.

    Your children’s school provides free school lunches. Usually the lunch is a hamburger, hotdog, or pizza. The children really enjoy the lunches. Some parents want to change the lunches so that the children eat salad or vegetables every day. The school asked you to respond to an opinion survey.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    • Option A: I would prefer the lunches stayed the same.
    Option B: I would prefer they changed the lunches.

Dear Mrs. Simpson,

    Thank you for considering parents’ opinion regarding a school lunch menu, as this is a question of our children’s wellness. My husband and I have discussed this issue and agreed that it would be much more preferable if you could change lunch options in favour of more vegetables and overall healthier dietary.

    Despite the fact that our daughter, Nicole, is more than happy with current lunches, I think it’s a great idea to change them to whole meals which includes lots of vitamins and minerals. This will help to boost children’s health and prevent a lot of illnesses. Fruit and vegetables, whole grains and greens combined with some protein will make an amazing lunch for the young ones.

    Moreover, by providing more vegetables at school’s lunch you will help students to develop a habit of healthy eating, which will positively effect their daily life. Unfortunately, nowadays kids are exposed to too many snacks and junk food, and feeding them with pizzas and hotdogs at school doesn’t help to promote a healthy lifestyle.

    I hope my arguments will help to bring changes in the school’s lunch menu and will improve quality of our children’s lives.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Stacy Miles.

  38. You took a cruise with your family last week. The kind of services offered on board left you in sheer disappointment.

    Write an email to the manager of the cruise provider company in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
    Mention when you visited the cruise and what went wrong.
    Provide a specific case that left you disappointed.
    Mention what you want from the manager and give your suggestions.

    Dear Manager,

    I, along with my wife, booked a 2 days cruise trip package with your John’s cruise company following our anniversary. I am really disappointed with the service provided even after paying such a huge amount for the trip.

    We faced couple of problems starting from delay in time of departure, followed by bad quality food, and the improper bedrooms. One crucial incident that has made me upset is the poor customer service. The door lock in our bedroom was not functioning properly, hence we called the reception for help; however, even after calling multiple times, no one received it. Also, the neighbors got really drunk and cursed and banged our door for hours.

    Being a manager, I think it is your responsibility to provide best customer support and convenience. As a consequence of poor service, I expect a full refund of $2000 and an apology from your end. Moreover, being a regular customer of your organization, I request you to provide us with a voucher as a gift of token from your end.

    I hope swift action will be taken from your end. Please call me on 1 (000) 456-6890 to discuss further.

    Yours sincerely,
    Michael Smith.

  39. The company you used to work for in your home country has asked you to provide feedback about the time you spent in that company. They are surveying both current and past employees about the conditions (both good or bad) the employees faced in their work.

    Write an email to the manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
    Describe how long you served in the company and why you chose to leave it.
    Mention what you and others found best about the company.
    Give suggestions regarding any possible improvements that you would like to see.

    Dear Manager,

    Thank you so much for considering me for the survey and I am really honored to be a part of it. For introductions, I have worked at PGP Glass for four years in the department of digital and was promoted twice during my tenure. Last year, I quit the organization to move to Canada to pursue my masters degree .

    My overall experience working at the organization was very pleasant. I, along with many of my teammates really appreciated the work culture and the way projects got implemented smoothly. For instance, the efficiency project that required multiple teams to work together was a major success. Moreover, my learning curve was always on a rise. As a new member, seniors helped me clear my understandings and taught me a lot of project management skills.

    On the other hand, I personally think company will be benefited by giving flexibility in working hours especially the punch in and punch out timings. Also, if the management could plan a work schedule where 50 percent staff could be given a week off on Saturdays, it would be really beneficial for the current employees.

    I hope my feedback will be well received.

    Best Regards,
    Hari Thakkar

  40. You work in a large company. The company is planning to organize a training program for its employees. The boss has two suitable options and wants his employees to decide the area in which they want to be trained. You have been asked to respond to an opinion survey.

    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    1. Option A: Decision-making skills: Tips on quick decision making, critical reasoning tests and problem-solving exercises will be provided.
    2. Option B: Communication skills: Ice breaker game, body language tips, word chain game, and other such activities will be the main features.

    In my opinion, decision-making skills will better benefit the staff to tackle business difficulties and to increase revenue.

    As a consulting firm, the prime responsibility of our consultants is to solve the client’s complex business problems. We are often required to provide inputs during business meetings which requires us to think on our feet. For instance, while working to build strategy for PGP Glass, I was required to provide on the spot inputs which I found extremely difficult. As a result, the courses on problem solving and making quick decisions will really help the attendees.

    Moreover, it will directly impact the monetary benefits of the company. Our sales team generally acquires different strategies for different clients and this requires them to do critical thinking. If proper training is provided, it could really improve their efficiency to lure new clients. To suffice this goal, the critical reasoning course well serves the purpose. According to research by Oxford, analytical thinking is considered a major skill for better growth of the organization.

    Because of the above-mentioned reasons, I firmly believe to train the workforce on better decision making.

  41. To whom it may concern

    I live with my wife and our one-year-old daughter at 4705 Kingsway in Burnaby, BC. Our apartment is just across the street from the contruction site operated by your company at 4707 Kingsway. I am writing to complain about noise from the site.

    Since last Monday, the contruction workers have been working from 7 AM to 9 PM every day, and they keep building on Saturday and Sunday as well. The noise generated by construction equipment and vehicles is so loud, the workers shout to their colleagues loudly too, we can hear it clearly even if we close all windows in our home. It makes us unable to fall asleep, especially my daughter, she is scared and always crying when the noise begins in the morning.

    I would like you to instruct your workers on the site to start working no earilier than 8 AM and stop it before 6 PM, and particularly rest on Saturdays and Sundays. I am sure that other people living in the neighborhood would feel happier if your workers adopt such measures.

    Thank you in advance.

    Mr W White

  42. An independent agency is conducting survey on immigration policy of the country. The agency has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like the government to plan good immigration policy

    A) Number of immigrants coming to our country should be lowered
    B) New easy to Immigrate policy, to bring in more immigrants.


    In my opinion, bringing reforms in the immigration policy would be a better choice. Even though having less foreign nationals has its own benefits; however, my choice offers more practical advantages for the country.

    One of the key gains of having faster and easier methods for immigration would be to attract foreign talent from across the globe. It will make Canada a top-notch choice for the skilled workers to settle in. Moreover, the country is lacking in terms of technology and healthcare; Nevertheless, if we allow the international students to migrate, it will not only help the nation progress in these fields but also create ample job opportunities.

    In contrast, since the rate of aging among indigenous people is higher, the country might experience a drop in the population in upcoming years, which could create economic problems. The businesses and manufacturing units may shut down due to a labor shortage. For example, Switzerland faced similar issues in 2012 which led them to take serious steps to attract people from across the Asia continent.

    On the basis of above-mentioned points, I still stand by my stance. That is, my opinion is a good initiative for development of the nation.

  43. You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive, and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the time keeping of the other students.
    Dear Mrs. Deepa
    In an email to the School Principal, complain about the situation, and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved.
    I am writing to express my annoyance at a situation that I have recently been encountering in my English language learning course.
    To begin with, I have discovered that the course offered is highly expensive as it is arduous for the students to pay this huge amount of fees. Further, English teachers are less educated, and their teaching strategies and mode of instruction are inferior to my expectations. apart from this, before his course, we were told that reading materials would be provided by the institution. however, I have not received notes and reading materials from any online platform. Nevertheless, latecomers showed up late in the class which also affected the other students in the class.
    To suggest improvements, I would recommend hiring highly qualified teachers and revising the fee structure based on the student’s financial needs in order to attract more students.
    your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated. furthermore, an open line of communication from your side, in this case, would greatly help out.

    Yours Sincerely,

  44. A family member has recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.
    Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)
    Thank you for including me in your survey to identify your residents’ preferences for constructing bike lanes Gym, and swimming pool. I would prefer to renovate the gym, pool, and spa center rather than building bike lanes. the reasons for my preferences are physical and mental health.
    In terms of physical health, I feel that the gym is good for people’s physical health as it can strengthen bones and muscles and combat health conditions. Moreover, it also helps in improving our ability to do day-to-day activities.

    In addition, it is highly beneficial for people who suffer from psychological disorders. According to perspective, constructing a spa center in an existing gym would be the best option to relieve the stress level of the residents and also promote relaxation which helps in the growth and development of an individual.
    I believe my preference is shared by almost everyone in the building and hope the best decision can be taken in terms of allocating funds for bike lanes or gym renovation.

  45. A family member has recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.
    Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)

    Thank you for including me in your survey to identify your residents’ preferences for constructing bike lanes Gym, and swimming pool. I would prefer to renovate the gym, pool, and spa center rather than building bike lanes. the reasons for my preferences are physical and mental health.
    In terms of physical health, I feel that the gym is good for people’s physical health as it can strengthen bones and muscles and combat health conditions. Moreover, it also helps in improving our ability to do day-to-day activities.

    In addition, it is highly beneficial for people who suffer from psychological disorders. According to perspective, constructing a spa center in an existing gym would be the best option to relieve the stress level of the residents and also promote relaxation which helps in the growth and development of an individual.
    I believe my preference is shared by almost everyone in the building and hope the best decision can be taken in terms of allocating funds for bike lanes or gym renovation.

  46. Your city’s administration is considering allocating funds to two possible projects. It has sent out an opinion survey to gauge residents’ preferences for bikes lanes or a pool. Indicate and explain your preference.
    Option A: bike lanes – build new separate lanes for bikers
    Option B: renovate gym – fund a swimming pool and spa centre in an existing gym

    Thank you for including me in your survey to identify your residents’ preferences for constructing bike lanes Gym, and swimming pool. I would prefer to renovate the gym, pool, and spa center rather than building bike lanes. the reasons for my preferences are physical and mental health.
    In terms of physical health, I feel that the gym is good for people’s physical health as it can strengthen bones and muscles and combat health conditions. Moreover, it also helps in improving our ability to do day-to-day activities.

    In addition, it is highly beneficial for people who suffer from psychological disorders. According to perspective, constructing a spa center in an existing gym would be the best option to relieve the resident’s stress level and promote relaxation which helps in the growth and development of an individual.
    I believe my preference is shared by almost everyone in the building and hope the best decision can be taken in terms of allocating funds for bike lanes or gym renovation.

  47. Your city’s administration is considering allocating funds to two possible projects. It has sent out an opinion survey to gauge residents’ preferences for bikes lanes or a pool. Indicate and explain your preference.
    Option A: bike lanes – build new separate lanes for bikers
    Option B: renovate gym – fund a swimming pool and spa centre in an existing gym.

    Thank you for including me in your survey to identify your residents’ preferences for constructing bike lanes Gym, and swimming pool. I would prefer to renovate the gym, pool, and spa center rather than building bike lanes. the reasons for my preferences are physical and mental health.
    In terms of physical health, I feel that the gym is good for people’s physical health as it can strengthen bones and muscles and combat health conditions. Moreover, it also helps in improving our ability to do day-to-day activities.

    In addition, it is highly beneficial for people who suffer from psychological disorders. According to my perspective, constructing a spa center in an existing gym would be the best option to relieve the resident’s stress level and promote relaxation which helps in the growth and development of an individual.

    I believe my preference is shared by almost everyone in the building and hope the best decision can be taken in terms of allocating funds for bike lanes or gym renovation.

  48. A family member has recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.
    Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)

    Hopefully, you are doing amazing. My apologies for being late to express gratitude for your parenting. Many congratulations from my side to both that you are blessed with a baby. well, this is the best news that I have ever received since this year.

    Talking about the parenting role, I would say, this is the hardest part of any parent to nourish their child. So far as my experience is concerned, parents play a pivotal role as instructors in the growth and development of the child. They provide guidance that will help them to choose the right path in their life.

    Moreover, I would recommend some organizations that will be really worthwhile during parenting. care.com is one such website that delivers home and childcare services. Additionally, this provides the nannies and babysitters that you truly need because I know that it will be challenging to care for the child alone.

    I am hoping this letter finds you well. Do get back to me whenever you get a chance. Talk to you soon!

    Best regards,

  49. A family member has recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.
    Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)
    Hopefully, you are doing amazing. My apologies for being late to express gratitude for your parenting. Many congratulations from my side to both that you are blessed with a baby. well, this is the best news that I have ever received since this year.

    Talking about the parenting role, I would say, this is the hardest part of any parent to nourish their child. So far as my experience is concerned, parents play a pivotal role as instructors in the growth and development of the child. They provide guidance that will help them to choose the right path in their life.

    Moreover, I would recommend some organizations that will be really worthwhile during parenting. care.com is one such website that delivers home and childcare services. Additionally, this provides the nannies and babysitters that you truly need because I know that it will be challenging to care for the child alone.

    I am hoping this letter finds you well. Do get back to me whenever you get a chance. Talk to you soon!

    Best regards,

  50. A family member has recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.
    Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)

    Dear Ankita,
    Hopefully, you are doing amazing. My apologies for being late to express gratitude for your parenting. Many congratulations from my side to both that you are blessed with a baby. well, this is the best news that I have ever received since this year.

    Talking about the parenting role, I would say, this is the hardest part of any parent to nourish their child. So far as my experience is concerned, parents play a pivotal role as instructors in the growth and development of the child. They provide guidance that will help them to choose the right path in their life.

    Moreover, I would recommend some organizations that will be really worthwhile during parenting. care.com is one such website that delivers home and childcare services. Additionally, this provides the nannies and babysitters that you truly need because I know that it will be challenging to care for the child alone.

    I am hoping this letter finds you well. Do get back to me whenever you get a chance. Talk to you soon!

    Best regards,

  51. A family member has recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.
    Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)

    Dear Ankita,
    Hopefully, you are doing amazing. My apologies for being late to express gratitude for your parenting. Many congratulations from my side to both that you are blessed with a baby. well, this is the best news that I have ever received since this year.

    Talking about the parenting role, I would say, this is the hardest part of any parent to nourish their child. So far as my experience is concerned, parents play a pivotal role as instructors in the growth and development of the child. They provide guidance that will help them to choose the right path in their life.

    Moreover, I would recommend some organizations that will be really worthwhile during parenting. care.com is one such website that delivers home and childcare services. Additionally, this provides the nannies and babysitters that you truly need because I know that it will be challenging to care for the child alone.

    I am hoping this letter finds you well. Do get back to me whenever you get a chance. Talk to you soon!

    Best regards,

  52. Your city’s administration is considering allocating funds to two possible projects. It has sent out an opinion survey to gauge residents’ preferences for bikes lanes or a pool. Indicate and explain your preference.
    Option A: bike lanes – build new separate lanes for bikers
    Option B: renovate gym – fund a swimming pool and spa centre in an existing gym
    Thanks for including me in your survey to identify your residents’ preferences for constructing bike lanes Gym, and swimming pool. I would prefer to renovate the gym, pool, and spa centre rather than build bike lanes. The reasons for my preferences are physical and mental health.

    In terms of physical health, I feel that the gym is good for people’s physical health as it can strengthen bones and muscles and combat health conditions. Moreover, it also helps in improving our ability to do day-to-day activities.

    In addition, it is highly beneficial for people who suffer from psychological disorders. According to perspective, constructing a spa centre in an existing gym would be the best option to relieve the residents’ stress levels and promote relaxation which helps in the growth and development of an individual.

    I believe my preference is shared by almost everyone in the building and hope the best decision can be taken in terms of allocating funds for bike lanes or gym renovation.

  53. Television Survey
    Your local TV channel wants to decide on either creating a new family sitcom or a documentary series for the evening slot between Monday to Friday.
    Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

    Option A: Family Sitcom: The sitcom will feature comedy topics about daily life with famous actors.
    Option B: Documentary Series: The documentary will cover a wide range of topics including animals, human psychology, and the solar system.

    Dear Indi Channel,
    Personally, I would prefer the Option B-Documentary Series because its provides the better knowledge about content for all of us because some endangers species of animals becomes extinct day by day.

    Additionally, We have different people of all age group form different nation. I believe maximum audience love to watch short information videos rather than large family shows.In this way our youngsters get chance to gain some knowledgeable data from television instead by stick on their mobile phones.

    Nonetheless, People watch television to relax and de-stress, in the current fast pace life most of us uses their mobile phone to watch movies and informational videos, television play a vital role to unite the family members at one place. Additionally, information content by visual effect would be beneficial to retain the knowledge for the longer period of time.

    Based on the aforementioned reasoning, I still stand by my Stance. That is option B: Documentary series is more clearly feasible over family sitcom. I thanks to allowing us to get involved in this survey.

    Best Regards
    Minder Singh

  54. You work part-time as an Uber driver but forgot to pick up a customer that you had agreed to transport to the airport.
    Write an email to the client apologizing for not picking him up,
    explaining why you didn’t pick him up, and
    offering him a free ride.


    Dear Mark,

    I hope you’re well. I am writing today to apologize for the inconvenience that you had to go through because I mistakenly missed picking you from 24 North Street, Kitchener yesterday.

    Usually, I get my car checked before going for the rides; however, I was running late the previous day which led to the negligence. In consequence, when I accepted your ride on uber, I observed an oil leakage from my car and got tensed about it. Since it was a serious issue, I immediately went to the car repair shop and got it repaired but forgot to inform you about the same.

    To make up for my fault and the time you had to wait, I offer you a free ride whenever you book my cab again. I understand that this will still not make up for yesterday, but I assure you this error won’t happen again.

    You are a valued customer, and I hope you continue to trust me with your pickups. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to discuss this further.

    Yours Sincerely,

  55. You recently ordered a product online. When it arrived, you found that the product was not as shown on the website and it had some defects. You would like to return the product and seek a refund.
    Write an email to the customer care of the website in about 150-200. Your email should do the following things:

    • Describe the details of the product including the date and time of the order and delivery.
    • Mention how it was not similar to the product you ordered and the problems you came across.
    • State how you would like the representative to resolve the issue you have faced.


    Dear Amazon Representative,

    I recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy M14 phone from Amazon on 12th August 2023 at 12:53 pm and got it delivered at my home address i.e., 24 North Street, Kitchener, ON N2M4E3.

    The purpose of my writing today is to lodge a complaint about the problems that I encountered while using the product. The mobile phone I ordered was supposed to have 16 GB RAM; however the one I received had 8 GB. In addition, while testing the product, I felt utterly disappointed when I found scratches near the front camera sensor, leading to bad quality pictures.

    In light of this issue, I seek your cooperation in initiating the return of the product and providing a full refund of my purchase. To compensate for the unsatisfactory service that I received from a customer centric company like Amazon, I expect an additional discount on my next purchase.

    I am looking forward to seeing how my suggestions translate into prompt actions from your side. Your kind cooperation would be most appreciated.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Mr. R Smith

  56. You recently purchased a fitness program online which did not help you lose any weight.
    • Mention when and where you bought this course
    • Describe why you were disappointed
    • Urge the instructor to remedy the situation

    Dear Instructor

    I purpose of writing the mail to inform about mu journey to lose weight. I purchased the elite package from your website 2 months ago. My registration number is GR-78.
    I am very disappointed with your guarantee claim to lose weight if someone follow your package exercise and took your prescribed diet. You can crosscheck by presence I attend morning yoga session, regular morning walk , completed jumbo classes on weakened from the day one!

    When I enroll with your package I was 68 kg and after on the way to your package instructions for 2 months still I am at 67kg. I think the package you design is not suits everyone. Loosing weight is really important for me.

    Considering what happened, I believe you look into this matter personally and meet in person to design some other remedy which suits me.
    I am looking forward to your response.

    Best Regards

  57. You have recently moved to another province and need your internet service set up. You chose the company you would like to go with and made an appointment. However, nobody arrived at the scheduled time.
    Write an email to the company in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
    • Explain the problem.
    • Tell them why you need internet service.
    • Suggest what the company should do now.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am writing this email to you in connection with a service request that I have made on July 24, 2023. It is extremely unfortunate that my request has not been entertained.
    Firstly, let me give you some background of my request. I have moved to Alberta from Nova Scotia and I work remotely. Therefore, I requested to setup an internet connection at my home so I can work from home.
    For this purpose, I had scheduled an appointment with your service crew at 10:30 on July 25, 2013. To my surprise, no body showed up for the appointment. Moreover, when I contacted your customer helpline, I was not given any satisfactory response. My frustration has increased since I am unable to do my job.
    Despite of the fact that I have been given worst customer service, I want to stick with your internet connection because of its reliability and speed.
    Hence, I strongly urge you to please personally look into the issue and set up an internet connection for me on priority.

  58. During your upcoming vacation, you will be visiting a new city. As a result, you want some information about the area. Write an email to the tourist bureau asking them to provide some suggestions for where to go, what to see, and how to get there.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    As you aware that summer vacation is round the corner and corona pandemic has finally come to an end. Therefore, I want this summer vacation to be fruitful. In connection with this plan, I want the bureau to assist me in choosing the right place. Since it is summer season so I want to visit some place cooler, preferrable an area having tropical weather, not to mention my love for rain.
    Additionally, it will be great if an Itinerary can be made. This will help us plan our tour in much more structured way. On the other hand, it will also tell us the places we are going to visit and at what time.
    Lastly, the most important thing how are we going to get there? Do we need to have visas to travel? Can you please supply the list of documents you want us to prepare.
    Looking forward to have a resposnse at the earliest.


  59. You live in a house near a park. Recently, a lot of teenagers have been meeting in the park at night. They are very noisy.
    Write an email to the local government in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
    • Provide information about where you live.
    • Explain the problem and how it affects your life.
    • Suggest a way to solve the problem.

    Dear Sir
    I am writing you to complain about an issue that I have been facing since last 5 days. I am resident of 23rd Park Way Street, Milton. The problem that I have been encountering is that lot of teenagers at night gather in the park, right in fornt of our residence and they have been extremely noisy lately.
    In order to solve the issue, I tried telling them personally to keep the voices low, but to my surprise, they tried to threaten me.
    Although, it is a public place and it is open to everybody but these late night noises are hampering our daily life routine. My kids go to bed at 9:00 Pm, but with this situation, they are not able to sleep properly. As a consequence, we have received a note from school that our children sleep during classes.
    Furthermore, I have to leave early in the morning for work, which I haven’t been able to do due to my sleeplessness.
    To solve this, I would strongly request you to please send some petrol officers during night time to put these kids in line.
    I look forward to hear from you at the earliest.

  60. You’re experiencing problems with your heating and hot water. Write an email to your landlord, Draw his attention to the failure his attempts to resolve the problem, express your concerns about the low temperatures, and suggest a solution.

    Dear Mr. James,
    I am a resident in your apartment no 124 and I have been living in this apartment for last 3 years. I would like to draw your attention towards an issue witnessed by me lately. I have been facing a problem with heating in the apartment.
    Thinking of it as a temporary problem, we pulled out blankets and sweaters to keep ourselves warm. Additionally, I have contacted the service crew assigned for this building maintenance but all I have provided are empty promises. As you are aware of the temperature change, the situation has just got worst. Temperature will reach as low as -30 degrees. Thanks to our neighbors for heaters the apartment’s temperature sits at +5.
    To add further to our misery, hot water has now become unavailable in the apartment. This situation has now changed from bad to worst. I would really like you to personally intervene to get things in order and help in keeping ourselves warm in this harsh weather.
    Moreover, moving us to a vacant apartment until heating issue is solved would be the best alternative, I can think off right now.
    Yours sincerely,

  61. Your employer has asked you to organize a trip for a group of foreign students who are visiting from other countries. Write an email to a local museum asking about their exhibits, opening times and prices.

    Dear Mr. Morris,
    I hope to find you well. I am writing you in connection to inquire about certain details of museum.
    Let me give you a brief background to get the best response. We have a group of some foreign students willing to visit museum.
    Firstly, can you please share the opening and closing timings of museum, though I have already visited museum before but that was 6 months ago. Furthermore, Is the museum open 7 days a week or do you close on weekends.
    Additionally, are there any other exhibits on or around the museum to complete a full day trip, museum visit will be over in few hours. Apart from museum, are there any place nearby we can visit to make the day more productive.
    Finally, please also tell the ticket prices and are there any discounts available for students that we can avail. We will be a group of 15 person.
    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

  62. You’re looking for a full-time job at an IT company / museum / art gallery.
    In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the HR Manager in which you apply for the position. In your email, you should:

    introduce yourself
    explain your experience and special skills
    tell him or her when you think you could start

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Please accept this email as an expression of interest for the position of IT Specialist posted on LinkedIn on January 12, 2023.
    Firstly, let me give a brief introduction. This Wahaj. I hold an Engineering degree in information technology from University of Victoria.
    Furthermore, I have a decade of experience in different multi-national companies backed by prestigious certification in information technology. I have worked on data mining, network analyst, and as a network security specialist during my tenure of 10 years. However, my core area of expertise is systems and security analysis.
    In addition to that, I have excellent communication skills which enables me to deal with every situation. I am currently open to opportunities and willing to relocate anywhere in Canada.
    Secondly, My notice period with my current employer is 60 days but this can be reduced as the employer is lenient and release employees mostly ion 40 days.
    I am sure that I can be a great asset to your organization.
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


  63. A member of your family is thinking about going to university.

    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.

    Dear Mark,

    Hopefully, you are doing well. My apologies for not being in touch, but I am making up for it via this email; at least I hope so.
    I have heard your interest in university for higher studies. well, this is the best decision from my perspective. Studying in university would be great to get new experiences in life. In addition, it provides a wide range of opportunities to expand our knowledge through various courses which will also help the students to grow substantially.

    Moreover, most of the learners are likely to get admission to a university that is far from their residence. Staying away from home would give them a great chance to become independent and gain more confidence in life.

    So far as courses are concerned, I would say that information technology has significant career options in the future. I am hoping this letter finds you well. Do get back to me whenever you get a chance. Talk to you soon!

    Best regards,

  64. Dear Sir,
    I am writing to complain regarding harassment from my co-worker Mr. Joe. He is currently working under my supervision as a lab Assistant. Moreover, he is sitting in room number HS-12.
    Although, I have been working in your organization for the last five years as a lab coordinator. I arranged a usual monthly meeting with the lab Assistants. During the meeting, he started shouting at me in front of 15 other lab staff and Mr. Joe threatened to kill me. I was scared of him which was a very embarrassing time for me. Moreover, the Lab in charge saw the whole situation. Therefore, the Lab in charge was trying to stop his bad behavior.
    In addition, all the evidence is currently available in your organization. Because they are working as an employee you should investigate them and take official action against Mr. Joe.
    I will be very grateful to you. Please look forward to this matter as soon as possible
    Yours sincerely,

  65. City Development Survey

    You live in a small town of 10,000 people. A large green area in the centre of town is undeveloped. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have built in that area.
    Option A: Shopping Complex: This shopping mall would include restaurants, a large supermarket, and a movie theatre.
    Option B: Recreational Park: This park would include a sports complex, a large green area, and a small petting zoo.

    I personally feel that Recreational Park is more suitable for our society considering multifarious reasons. In the following paragraph, I would elucidate and justify my choice.

    No doubt, building shopping complex will appeal and attract people more, as it is more entertaining. However, what seems more convincing for me is that, building recreational park would indulge people in healthy activities. As we live in a era, where people don’t have time for maintaining their health, this option will lead them towards better and effective life.

    Additionally, the small petting zoo in the park will add healthy entertainment for the children. How can we forget, sports complex and a large green area, which will not only engage older people as well as the youth also for meditation exercises in an open area. The sports complex is a mandatory part for maintaining balanced life. Nowadays, youth should indulge them into some exercises, so that they can have healthy life. However, the other option seems worthless, since it will take people far away from nature.

    Considering all the assertions, I am of the opinion that Recreational Parks are far much better than the Shopping complex.

  66. You recently made reservations for dinner at a very famous and expensive restaurant in town. However, the meal and the service were terrible. The restaurant manager was not available to solve the problem, so you left without a resolution.
    State what problems you had with the food you ordered.
    Complain about the service.
    Describe how you want the restaurant to resolve the problem to your satisfaction.

    Dear Manager,
    My name is Peter, and I am a regular customer of your restaurant. I am writing this email in dissatisfaction faced by me and my family members, when we recently visited your restaurant.
    I recently made reservations for dinner, but the services and food served to us, was terrible and not acceptable. We reach your restaurant before the time, However there was no available staff to entertain us. We ordered Chinese food, as it was your hot selling food, but the services was too slow that we got our food 1 hour late. Additionally, it was cold and lacks taste.
    Although, we immediately lodge the complain against the meal and poor services, but there was no one from the staff to look for our inconvenience. I then, personally went to look for restaurant manager, but got to know that he is currently unavailable. That leave us with no resolution and we were extremely disappointed, by the time we reach home.
    I know, your restaurant has best taste in town. Therefore, I would like to address my issue personally, and re-embrace me with some meal vouchers for another day, so that I can still bring my family for the best taste in town.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  67. 1. A local NGO, working for the betterment of school children, has sent an opinion survey to see what people think about the presence of multimedia gadgets in kids’ lives.
    • Option A: kids should have no access to gadgets like smartphones iPads etc.
    • Option B: kids should be encouraged to read books in their free time.

    Thank you so much for including me in your survey to identify the betterment of school children. Personally, I would prefer to access gadgets for students’ free time. The main reason for preference is the technological era and knowledge enhancement and it’s also helpful for study.
    Nowadays, everyone using technology for serving for traveling, online shopping, and Social media. Moreover, social media is helpful in improving student knowledge. They can easily update their self-anything regarding t fashion, jobs careers, and different languages by using multimedia gadgets.
    Secondly, after covid pandemic online access is familiar and students are using devices while traveling and studying Some students prefer to read books in their free time.
    To sum up, schools should allow devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and iPads that would be more helpful for teaching so students can learn in an attractive manner. In addition, it would be beneficial for promoting online reading and encouraging people to build dramatic knowledge to meet global challenges.
    Total word 163

  68. 1. A local NGO, working for the betterment of school children, has sent an opinion survey to see what people think about the presence of multimedia gadgets in kids’ lives.
    • Option A: kids should have no access to gadgets like smartphones iPads etc.
    • Option B: kids should be encouraged to read books in their free time.

    Thank you so much for including me in your survey to identify the betterment of school children. Personally, I would prefer to access gadgets for students’ free time. The main reason for preference is the technological era and knowledge enhancement and it’s also helpful for study.
    Nowadays, everyone using technology for serving for traveling, online shopping, and Social media. Moreover, social media is helpful in improving student knowledge. They can easily update their self-anything regarding t fashion, jobs careers, and different languages by using multimedia gadgets.
    Secondly, after covid pandemic online access is familiar and students are using devices while traveling and studying Some students prefer to read books in their free time.
    To sum up, schools should allow devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and iPads that would be more helpful for teaching so students can learn in an attractive manner. In addition, it would be beneficial for promoting online reading and encouraging people to build dramatic knowledge to meet global challenges.
    Total word 163

  69. During your upcoming vacation, you will be visiting a new city. As a result, you want some information about the area. Write an email to the tourist bureau asking them to provide some suggestions for where to go, what to see, and how to get there.
    Dear Sir,
    I am writing to ask for some information regarding your city trip for an upcoming vacation for relaxing. I particularly need to know about the best places to visit, rates; traveling availability; hotels.
    Although I have been to your city. I am coming for a short time period. I have a little concerned that I will not fill the whole month. With this in mind, It would be useful to know about any upcoming schedule of exhibitions, music concerts, and shows for enjoyment; when they will start and finish, Can you recommend any other attractions that might help to make the trip successful? The nearer the better.
    I am wondering to know discountable rates. Moreover, how many best places are available to visit in your city? What would be the cost of this visit including a fascinating location for view, rooms, and traveling?
    I look forward to your reply.
    Best Regards,
    Total words

  70. 2. An independent agency is conducting a survey on immigrant services. It has sent out an opinion survey to discover whether immigrants need more support during their transition to Canada. Please identify and explain your preference for:

    Option A: increasing the amount of support provided to immigrants
    Option B: maintaining the current level of support provided to immigrants
    Newcomers faces various hurdles during their migration process and often have difficulty to meet their ends due to this circumstance I opt for the former option.
    To begin with, new immigrants should have an opportunity to expand their horizons which can be achieved by offering couple of workshops, volunteer seminars and community involvement. In addition to that, those events should enlighten the key areas such as guiding them to choose for a right career, encourage them to develop interpersonal skills. Likewise, during the transition process lot of settlers are oblivious of the policies of the government which might leave them in jeopardy.
    Additionally, finding a decent accommodation is a dauting challenge for the migrants concerning authorities should radiate the key consideration for the people surfing for the house. Despite being able to communicate in the nation language they might have trouble reaching out to people, to eliminate this class for English proficiency can be held by the community centre.
    To conclude, I strongly recommend the concerning authorities to enlarge the services offered to the immigrants for the betterment of the economy.

  71. Can you please include, letter to classmate to bring card for teacher? I want to see ideas to include for this topic.

  72. You recently switched service provider for Internet but soon realized the service is not working properly, internet company did send a technician however the problem persists, write an email to the customer service manager
    a. describing the problem
    b. inform that technician was not able to resolve the problem
    c. suggest what you would like to be done

    Dear Mr. Ronald,

    My name is Rozi and I writing this email for need help for currently going on Internet technical issue.

    Complain Number: 7878078899

    I have explained what exactly the problem, I have using Internet since long. And my last Internet provider is very good, and I have not any problem with them. But Due to your new launching discount scheme and your company is well known for me so I thought for let’s change then provider and approach your company and done agreement with your company.

    So once everything is done in starting of the day you Internet is going well and after 5 to 6 days, I have seen speed is not well and I have also check in online with internet speed tester but It is showing low till date. So, I have contact to customer care with your register toll free number -1800-000-889 then your executive has note complain.

    After that your technician has assign and give some online instruction like switch of the Internet router and etc. but till is not working and I have requested to your team for in person check the what exactly the issue so he will come and change the router and also check all connection but he has not resolved the problem so he has told me “ Mam I have check everything but your Internet problem is not resolve and I think it has a major issue with the line”. So, He has suggested for request to my senior customer service manager and he will get resolution.

    Mr. Ronald, I have requested to you kindly understand the situation, I am working from home and my child is also doing some important work throw the internet. So kindly do the needful on priority basis and resolve this technical problem.

    Your Faithfully,

  73. Your children’s school provides free school lunches. Usually the lunch is a hamburger, hot dog, or pizza. The children really enjoy the lunches. Some parents want to change the lunches so that the children eat salad or vegetables every day. The school asked you to respond to an opinion survey.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    -Option A: I would prefer the lunches stayed the same.
    -Option B: I would prefer they changed the lunches.

    I would prefer they changed the lunched as per the below reason.

    First reason basic reason is children has required healthy food during the school and without school. So basically, as per the physician has recognize and suggested kindly void the junk food like (Hamburger, Hotdog, Pizza).

    Children has enjoyed the junk food, but they did not know their suggest food is not good for their health.

    So as per the multiple well know doctors and social news junk food is not good for children but they also suggested if School has provided the lunch, then go for milk, fruits, and some other healthy food else parents will take responsibility for give a lunch from their side because parents know what they children required and healthy and suitable for that.

    Otherwise, one option do the parents meeting and do the random survey for what their children like and as per them what is healthy for their children.

    Why food is required healthy for children because if food is good then children’s study is going fine without any disturbing the routine work and study. So basically we can’t ignore their health and study and not go with the opinion -1.

  74. You recently switched service provider for Internet but soon realized the service is not working properly, internet company did send a technician however the problem persists, write an email to the customer service manager
    a. describing the problem
    b. inform that technician was not able to resolve the problem
    c. suggest what you would like to be done

    Dear Service Manager,
    I am writing this letter to bring it to your notice that my internet connection is not working properly. Internet is stop working intermediately and not responding. I must complete my project on time otherwise my university will not allow me to appear for the intern exam. However, I have lodged the complaint and your technician visited the place and try fixing the issue but still problem persisting, I believe technician was not enough equipped with skills to solve the problem. I have fair idea that given router LED is now glowing and may need to replace it. Still, my internet is not working I want to resolve it on immediate basis.

    Moreover, I would require you to address my problem within next 24 hours; or else I will go with other service provider, and you must compensate me for such a bad service and service I had purchased.
    Looking forward to hear from you soon on.


  75. Your children’s school provides free school lunches. Usually the lunch is a hamburger, hot dog, or pizza. The children really enjoy the lunches. Some parents want to change the lunches so that the children eat salad or vegetables every day. The school asked you to respond to an opinion survey.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    -Option A: I would prefer the lunches stayed the same.
    -Option B: I would prefer they changed the lunches.
    I found out that the school has raised the survey for lunches they provide to the children on a regular basis, while some parents are keen to give the green vegetable and salad in routing lunch.
    To begin with, since school is serving food like hamburgers or pizza will make the child’s health poor. I personally feel that schools must provide green vegetables and salads as lunch.
    Nevertheless, Vegetables are good for health, and especially at tender ages, kids required more nutrition for all-round development. Moreover, taking the same lunch will promote equality in the young generation. Kids will understand the importance of nature and different types of vegetables. I strongly believe that vegetables have more advantages as food and there will be no artificial add-ons or chemicals involved which might affect the kid’s health.
    In conclusion, hamburgers, and pizza will not be a good option as food to sever kids in school. However, green vegetables are very natural and will enhance the kid’s health.

  76. You’re looking for a part-time job in an office. In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the office manager in which you apply for the position. As you write your email, you should:
    • introduce yourself
    • explain your experience and special skills
    • tell him or her when you think you could start

    Dear office manager,

    I am contacting you regarding the opened opportunity you have for a part-time administrative assistant. Let me introduce myself, I am currently in the 4th period from my Business Administration course at SAIT, I have been working into the student department in an administrative roll.

    Once my course is near the end, I feel I already have most of the skills needed to apply to your position such as good type speed, excellent word and excel abilities, strong organization with documents and precise time management. I gathered all the experience acquired through these years in my volunteer job, and as a result, I can guarantee I am worth to be considered.

    We are in the winter break now, then I can start as soon as you need. I have available time to do any kind of necessary training as well. Feel free to contact me anytime.

    Yours sincerely


  77. You live in a small city. The city administration is planning to allocate funds for two possible projects.
    Your city is funding ONE of the given projects:
    Option A: Bike Lanes: Planning to build new separate lanes for bikers
    Option B: Renovate gym: Planning to add a swimming pool and spa center in an existing gym.

    The idea of municipal grant investment for either separate two-wheeler lane construction or a gymnasium renovation has sparked recent debate and controversy. I opine that renovating the Planet Fitness gym is a more apropos option due to its probable to benefit the physical well-being of our citizens.
    Conspicuously, since our city consists of limited masses who possess bikes, expenditure of funds on building lanes for bikers may seem senseless. On the other hand, the swimming pool’s addition to the current gym will become a source of cardiovascular exercise and recreation. During summer, not only does the water pool will attract masses of all ages to beat the heat but will also allow residents to have a fun time together with their family members and neighbors. Moreover, swimming is an excellent way of exercising which will considerably improve the physical health of citizens because regular physical activity is essential in maintaining a healthy body. In fact, doctors advise working out at least three times a week for 20 minutes. Interestingly, spa centers will induce relaxation and muscle recovery which is equally crucial after exercise.
    Based on the aforementioned reasoning, I still stand by my stance. That is, transformation of gym is clearly more feasible considering long term physical health benefits of our natives.
    I appreciate the opportunity to provide input on this issue.

  78. Dear Nil,
    Hopefully, you and your family are in great spirits! My apologies for not being in touch, but I am making up for it via this letter; at least I hope so!
    I am delighted that you are interested in studying further and I thought I would give my two cents on your situation. There are myriad reasons why people consider university for their masters. One of the main reasons is the job opportunities available after completing your masters degree. Remember Ishita from our school, she completed her Master’s in Computer Science and got placed in Amazon.
    A recent study conducted by Harvard stated that people who prefer universities far from home become more independent and self-reliant. Furthermore, their decision-making power is far better than those attending universities nearby their home.
    We have known each other for a very long time, I think the Computer Science course would be the best choice for you as you have been more inclined towards technology and gadgets since you were a baby. Also, the market for Information Technology is booming around the world.
    I am hoping this letter finds you well. Do get back to me whenever you get a chance. Can’t wait to see you soon!
    Best Regards,

  79. 1. The city administration is considering whether to approve the building of a factory. Since it wants to know how residents feel, it has sent out a survey to get input on whether people would support or oppose the factory? Write a response explaining your position.
    • Option A: Build a Factory
    Option B: Do not build a factory

    I must appreciate the city administration for its commendable efforts to contemplate on the development and seeking indigenous advice. Although building a factory at St Marie’s road would have umpteen benefits. It will rise in the employment opportunity, economic development & helps in increasing per capita income of an individual.

    Establishment of industry will create new opportunities for all classes of individuals. It will bring new business and lead to a greater flow of money. With more people coming into the city will enhance avenues for other business. Incline in the grocery stores, entertainment shopping complex, convention centers, more housing schemes, improved transportation across the city. It will have a significant positive impact on the city’s growth with no brain drain.

    With the benefits, I understand there would be demerits as well, however an attempt should be made to balance out, as the town has ample green belt which can be expanded by declaring green zone on the other part of the city.

    In nutshell, increase in the income & socio-economic development uplifts the mental wellbeing of individual is equivalent to happiness. Furthermore, I anxiously wait for the final verdict on this.

    Harshit Goyal

    2-You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late.
    Write an email to your landlord explaining why you are writing to him, why you cannot pay the rent, and when you will pay the rent

    Hi Jack,

    I am writing this email to inform you with grief that I am going through a financial crunch which will result in the delay of rent for the month of July.

    Furthermore, the company I work with is unfortunately on the verge of bankruptcy. All the employees have been given an ultimatum to find a new job. However, the company will pay me two-week additional salary as a part of compensation. I have been trying hard for survival as it is uphill to manage the expenses of a 5 people in a family. Moreover, my son’s education loan instalment is getting bounced which is putting me under grave stress.

    I am restricting the monthly outlay for groceries and entertainment. Albeit this is a temporary phase of life and hope this too shall pass. In order to meet end needs I have started working as a cleaner in Walmart on part time basis meanwhile I am actively looking for a full-time job.

    I will get my full and final settlement in the third week of July, my humble request you to consider this timeline for the rent payment. Thank you for understanding my situation and supporting me in this hardship.

    Harshit Goyal

  80. Task 2
    The city administration is considering whether to approve the building of a factory. Since it wants to know how residents feel, it has sent out a survey to get input on whether people would support or oppose the factory? Write a response explaining your position.
    Option A: Build a Factory
    Option B: Do not build a factory

    For the growth of the city, development is inevitable. Although some residents may argue that constructing a Kia Motor workshop in Mississauga, will be detrimental for the city, I would prefer building the factory as it would increase the job opportunities and development of infrastructure.

    Approving the project by the city administration will result in the city to evolve and be economically advantageous for the government in the long run. It would create different kinds of job opportunities for the population. This would result in an influx of cash in the city.

    The surrounding area will see a bloom in infrastructure. The nearby land space would be occupied by residential complexes, restaurants, and convenience stores. Thereby, significantly increasing and stabilizing the financial aspect of the city.

    It is imperative that constructing an industry will bestow considerable advantages. I eagerly anticipate the final decision of the city administration and wholeheartedly support the cause.

    Task 1
    You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late.
    Write an email to your landlord explaining why you are writing to him, why you cannot pay the rent, and when you will pay the rent

    Dear Mr Goyal,

    Hope everything is fine at your end. I am writing this email regarding the delay in payment of the rent for the unit 1208, Daniel Town Center, Toronto for the month of May, 2023. Apologies for last minute notice but an unexpected financial issue has arisen at my end and request you to grant additional days.

    I understand the last day of making the payment is by the 10th of every month. But unfortunately, due to the recession, I was laid off from my company, Walmart, Toronto; last month. Moreover, there has been an emergency situation in my family. Due to which my savings in the bank have been exhausted to support my parents in these unforeseen circumstances.

    I would be obliged if you could extend the due date and do not levy any penalty for the delay. I assure you that it will be paid by the 20th of this month without any further delay.

    Thank you for understanding the situation and helping me in this hard time. I would anticipate a positive response from your end on this matter.


  81. Priyanka Agarwal

    Question : You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty.
    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

    Dear Hotel Manager,

    Hope this email finds you well. I am writing today, to express my dismay on my recent stay at your hotel “The Taj” located in Toronto. After a busy month at work, I was looking for a staycation. Due my distress, the hotel did not turn out as expected based on the google reviews.

    We arrived at the scheduled check in time, but since the receptionist was not available , it delayed our check in process by 45 minutes. Furthermore, when we entered the room, it had a pungent smell and the bed linen had stain marks and was torn from some places. Adding to it, toiletries were missing from the washroom and one of the tap was not in working condition.

    The whole experience was depressing and frustrating. I would request you to take immediate actions on the services provided by the hotel. Due to my dreadful stay at you hotel , I demand a full refund of the accommodation charges and compensation for ruining my leisure time.

    Looking forward for a response at your end.


  82. laura steffania

    To Whom It May Concern,
    In the past few years, I discovered my passion for programming, computer systems, and mathematics; therefore, after a vast amount of research, I found out that Sambo College has the best curriculum in the state. As a result, a few weeks ago I enrolled in the six-month intense course. However, it is a four-hour drive from where I currently live to the campus, so I am writing to request student accommodation for the fall semester.

    Let me point out that I would prefer a shared unit with another student, preferably from the same program. Essentially, being new to the city, it would be an incredible opportunity to socialize and have emotional support, for the challenging months ahead of us. Moreover, it would also ensure I save some money, given that the cost of a private unit is double the price.

    Given that my classes start on the 3rd of August, it would be of immense advantage if I could get the room a week before that date. In the grand scheme of things, I want to take advantage of this opportunity by visiting museums, buying merchandise, and exploring all around the city.

    Kind regards,
    Martha Peres

  83. You work part-time as an Uber driver but forgot to pick up a customer that you had agreed to transport to the airport. Write an email to the client apologizing for not picking him up, explaining why you didn’t pick him up, and offering him a free ride.


    Dear Jessica,
    I am writing to sincerely apologize on not meeting up with the scheduled appointment to transport you to the airport yesterday. As we all know, the requirement on road safety is getting more stringent by the day.

    I had set out for your place an hour before the scheduled time, but I got caught up in a heavy traffic about 10 kilometers away from your residence, where I spent about forty minutes in total. After driving past the traffic area, I increased my driving speed so as to be able to arrive at your place on time, but unfortunately, I was stopped by the police. The situation escalated and was asked to report at the nearest station to pay a fine and also claim my vehicle which. My vehicle was finally released to me in the early hours of this morning.

    I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you. To compensate you for the disappointment, I am offering you a free airport drop off on your next travel.

    I hope my apologies are accepted.

    Yours sincerely,

  84. 1. Your city’s administration is considering allocating funds to two possible projects. It has sent out an opinion survey to gauge residents’ preferences for bikes lanes or a pool. Indicate and explain your preference.
    • Option A: bike lanes – build new separate lanes for bikers
    • Option B: renovate gym – fund a swimming pool and spa center in an existing gym

    Our city administration should be commended for continuously devising means to make the lives of residents more comfortable over the years. The newly proposed projects of gym renovation and bike lane creation are also very important ideas to improve the quality of life of residents in the area. Although some residents may argue that renovating the gym would be more beneficial, I would prefer bike lane creation on roads as it would decrease mortality rate and create road safety for residents.

    Mapping out new bike lanes would decrease mortality rate in the city. The percentage of lives lost due to road accidents are increasing at an alarming rate. Creating a separate, well demarcated and secured bike lane for bikes and bicycle would increase road safety for bikers and also minimize road accidents in general.

    On the other hand, swimming pools and spa centers are services already been offered by private gyms at an affordable rate, and as such, renovating the gym to include these services would not make a significant difference in the lives of residents.

    In my opinion, the significance of bike lane creation is more profound than that of gym renovation.

  85. You work in a small office. After a great financial performance this year, your boss wants to reward the staff by offering more perks. He has sent out an opinion survey for the team to choose between:
    1. One additional week of paid vacation
    2. Improved health insurance coverage.

    Employee benefits are employee investments. It not only shows employees their efforts are deeply appreciated, but it is also a way to show that the company also cares about the general welfare of its employees. I would suggest that the company grants an additional week of paid vacation as it would afford us ample time to spend with their family and also improve overall productivity.

    An additional week of paid vacation would increase family time. We work so hard and barely have enough time to spend with our families, creating a work-life imbalance. An additional week to our paid vacation would make room for employees to travel, bond and make unforgettable memories with family.

    Furthermore, an additional paid vacation will also increase the overall productivity of employees. More family time is a good way to relax and relief ourselves from accumulated stress from work, making employees refreshed, rejuvenated and in the right state of mind to take on work after vacation.

    In my opinion, work-life balance is very important to lead a healthy life. An additional week of paid vacation should be considered rather than an improved health insurance coverage.

  86. You live in a small city. A local internet service provider is planning to launch 5G technology in your area. Company is conducting a survey to know public opinion.

    Telecom company survey:
    A. Company should launch 5G for better internet services
    B. Introduction of 5G means more expensive internet services.

    Information technology has indeed made the world a global village and has also brought about convenience and efficiency in the way we communicate these days. It is also imperative to stay abreast of changes in technologies around the world. Although launching a 5G network in the city might increase internet costs, I strongly believe that its advantages outweighs the disadvantages.

    Lunching 5G network in the city would bring about better internet services. Internet services are very necessary to connect locally and internationally, as it makes communication seamless and more efficient, thereby bringing about increased productivity at the workplace, businesses and at home.

    On the other hand, poor internet communication reduces the speed at which information is received, decreases the possibility of information reaching its target audience, decreases productivity and overall performance in both our personal and professional life.

    In my opinion, launching a 5G network in our city is more beneficial to the city as a whole despite the challenges involved, and should also be embraced by everyone.

  87. At your workplace, recyclable materials, such as juice boxes, are not separated from the regular garbage. You would like the company to start a recycling program, at least in the cafeteria.
    Explain the problem.
    Suggest ways to solve the problem.
    Offer to volunteer and help.

    Mr. Matt,
    The purpose of my writing today is to grab your attention, regarding a terrible gap which we have in our office and promote the idea of reuse, reduce and recycle.
    To begin with, recently a terrible ordeal caught my attention, astonishingly we don’t have facility to separately dispose off garbage and recyclable waste in our office premises .As a result, all the recyclable materials from our office are going to landfill.This is extremely detrimental for our environment.
    Inevitably,I feel we should be taking some precautionary steps to avoid this disturbing affair. I suggest to arrange separate bins in our cafeteria to segregate recyclable waste. Moreover, we should encourage and spread awareness regarding this in our office.
    Conspicuously, to support this initiative, I could arrange a meeting with the city council; who can provide bins free of cost under a government supported scheme. Likewise, I could create some posters which we could display in the hallway, so that this noble idea can reach out to everyone.
    I am looking forward to seeing how my suggestions translate in to prompt action from your side . Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated .

    Tom Hart

    1. Score 8. ‘Conspicuously’ means to stick out from the background like a sore thumb – it makes no sense whatsoever in this context.

  88. Your daughter is in elementary school. The teacher is planning a school trip this year. He has sent out an opinion survey to all parents in order to make known their preferences.

    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice?

    A. A trip to the parliament buildings
    B. A visit to the organic farm in the countryside

    Extracurricular activities are very essential for an all-round development. It is also highly commendable to know that the school values the opinion of parents in the planning of the school trip for the current year. I would prefer the children visiting the organic farm in the countryside, because they are rather too young to fully understand and appreciate the significance of visiting the parliament buildings.

    A visit to the organic farm would help the kids appreciate how foods are grown. Here, the children will be able to see first-hand, how farmers plant and harvest the food they consume daily. They will also get to know the importance of eating healthy and organic foods as opposed to non-organic foods.

    Furthermore, visiting the organic farm could spark up interest, direction and inspiration for their future career path. Some of the students could get inspired to want to pick up careers related to healthy living, such as being a nutritionist, chef, health educator or writer, health coach and so on.

    I strongly believe that visiting the organic farm in the countryside will be more beneficial to the student as it will help them appreciate and cultivate better eating habits.

  89. You would like to take a part time course at the university, but don’t have the money to do it. Write a letter to an organization that supports students financially and ask for help. Write an email and include-
    – Describe your qualification and degree.
    – Provide some details of the course.
    – Explain how this course will help you in the future.

    Dear Mr Matt,

    The purpose of writing this letter is to seek monetary help from your esteemed company under generous scholarship program in which you provide aid to deserving candidates.

    To begin with, I have completed my bachelors of engineering from University of Toronto in 2016. Since then, I have been working with a top notch company as a software programmer. During my work, I have got a chance to gather experience with multiple business domains like telecommunication and insurance.

    Furthermore, In future, I envision to work with cutting edge technologies; Moreover, I aspire to join a part time course which Chicago University offers for artificial intelligence and machine learning.The course not only meticulously provide details of the cutting-edge technology, but also enables students with hands-on experience. Needless to say, the tuition fee is substantially high and out of my budget.

    Apparently, if I get a chance to enroll myself in this course , I will promote entrepreneurship and set up my own start-up company. Undoubtedly, my goal is to provide services to common people at affordable cost . Anticipating you would consider my application and reply optimistically.

    Tom Hart

  90. You live in a city with vast campus. Every year, the city provides funds to support students. This year, the city has sent out a survey to all residents in order to decide how the funds should be spent:

    Choose the option you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice?

    A. By giving vouchers on books and transportation to all students
    B. By giving grants for students from low income families.

    One of the responsibilities of the government is to continuously devise means to improve the lives of its citizens. Our city government must also be commended for its unending support, especially towards the area of education. While some may argue that giving vouchers and transportation voucher would be more beneficial, I feel that giving grants to students from poor families would reduce the level of illiteracy and improve the quality of life of residents in the city.

    Illiteracy is one of the leading causes of poverty in our city. Children hawking and roaming about rather than be in school has become a usual sight in our city. Giving grants to students from low income families will help decrease the percentage of school dropouts in the city.

    On the other hand, giving vouchers on books and transportation to students will only be accessible to the middle and high class in the society, who to a large extent, can afford to go to school.

    I strongly believe that by giving grants for students from low income families, the government would not only reduce poverty and illiteracy rate, but also increase the overall quality of life of its residents.

  91. Your children’s school provides free school lunches. Usually the lunch is a hamburger, hot dog, or pizza. The children really enjoy the lunches. Some parents want to change the lunches so that the children eat salad or vegetables every day. The school asked you to respond to an opinion survey.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    -Option A: I would prefer the lunches stayed the same.
    -Option B: I would prefer they changed the lunches.

    The question of the use of the same meal in school every day has recently sparked debate and controversy. I have a strong preference that the school should change the lunch pattern as per parents’ choice.
    Conspicuously, since their school serve the same food to children for a long time such as hamburgers or pizza will be monotonous for kids. Furthermore, consuming the same junk food on a daily basis perhaps have a detrimental impact on child health. For instance, eating wheat flood regularly may cause obesity at such a tender age.

    Nevertheless, allowing different food menus in school not only does it reduces parents’ stress but it does encourage kids to go to school regularly. Ramifications, their peers are free about warning their attendance. However, some parents might be working so in this case it’s a win-win situation for them providing that nutrient food is given in school. Moreover, taking the same lunch will promote equality among the young generation.

    Here is my version given the aforementioned scenario, I still stand my stance that the school lunch does not remain the same for a long time as everyone needs change in life as well as eatable things too. Therefore, the school ought to change the lunch.

  92. . You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive, and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the timekeeping of the other students.
    In an email to the School Principal, complain about the situation, and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved.

    Dear Principal,

    The purpose of my writing today is to lodge a complaint regarding the inconvenience faced by myself after a regrettable experience studying at your school.
    Primarily, when I enrolled in your school, I was so delighted and ecstatic to study English at the most reputed institution, as I have heard about the amorality of appraisal in the past. However, I was so unfortunate and stressed after a few unpleasant lectures; as the quality was so basic and scruffy.

    Moving on to the dilemma with the materials provided, it barely has some new innovative chapters which can help me to improve my English language. On the other hand, the cost of your course is very sensitive; in response to the coaching sessions you provide and the timekeeping manner for students.

    In order to therapy the situation, I would encourage you to implement new tactics and versatility in the education system you provide. Nevertheless, English is a universal language; if provided with precisely it can help youths to portray themselves in the outer world. Since It is quite a predicament for me, I would need to appeal to corporate if I am unable to receive your timely response.

    Conclusively, your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Furthermore, an open line of communication, from your side, in this case, would greatly help out.

    Yours Sincerely,

  93. laura steffania

    Your government is proposing a new agricultural policy, but some organizations oppose it because they feel it is against local farmers. You’ve been asked to express your opinion.
    • A: import cheaper grains and vegetables from other countries
    • B: increase the amount of land under cultivation and support local farmers

    I was recently informed that the government is considering a new agricultural policy that could affect the local farmers. While some argue that importing cheaper products would benefit be more beneficial, I feel that providing more land to incentivize local farming would improve the product we consume and benefit the farmer’s business.

    Firstly, increasing the land that can be cultivated would positively impact our local business. Canada is a country with a lot of unused land. If the government helps increase the amount of land that can be cultivated, then more jobs for farmers would be created and their business would expand.

    On the other hand, nowadays exported grains and vegetables are filled with chemicals. This is a result of wanting the products to last longer so that they can be exported. Improving our local production of foods would ensure that chemicals are not used for their cultivation because they would be going to local stores. Consequently, this could improve our community’s health due to the nature of the products.

    All in all, I strongly believe that increasing the land to cultivate would benefit the farmer’s wealth, increase the number of farming jobs and provide health benefits for the community.

  94. You recently switched service provider for Internet but soon realized the service is not working properly, internet company did send a technician however the problem persists, write an email to the customer service manager
    a. describing the problem
    b. inform that technician was not able to resolve the problem
    c. suggest what you would like to be done

    Dear Customer Service Manager,
    Greetings, my name is Kritika Soni, and last week I ported my internet connection to Bell service provider. The purpose of my writing is to inform you about the internet’s intermittent issues and suggest a solution for it.
    On 18th May, a new hundred-speed fiber-to-home internet connection was configured by one of the technicians in my apartment at Maverick Street. Surprisingly, the same night, we saw a drop in the broadband speed till 10 Mbps for four hours constantly, which we assumed could be a situation due to the bad weather conditions. However, every day the same behaviour was noticeable in the evening that is, 5 pm to 9 pm.
    After filing a complaint for the interrupted service, a technician visit was scheduled on the 20th of May; he assured about the smooth connectivity going forward but no luck, the issue still persists.
    Since internet is an everyday necessity for a working information technology professional like me, I would like to request you to kindly escalate the matter to high priority and arrange another technician to investigate the issue in the evening hours.
    Your cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated.
    Warm Regards,
    Kritika Soni

  95. Dear Preeti,
    Greetings of the day! Hopefully, you are doing well in your exams as always. I have a huge piece of news to share with you, I will be visiting your city for a month in May for my university-organized summer camp.
    Definitely, my entire day will be occupied with the classes at the camp, but we have entire nights to ourselves, which we can utilize to party. How are the nightclubs there? I hope some of them have themes of our favorite TV series. Please share the details of a few best night club in the city, and I will shortlist a few for our hangouts.
    Additionally, I will need your help to organize a weekend birthday for one of my close friends at a fine dining restaurant nearby to the camping venue. The restaurant should be big enough to hold 20 people at a time. He is a nerd and likes to read comic books, so can you please order a superhero theme cake as well. Right away, I am sending you the collected funds now i.e., $500 for the bookings.
    Thanks a lot in advance and can’t wait to see you soon!
    Yours lovingly,
    Kritika Soni

  96. You are a student at an English language school in Calgary and are living in private accommodation with other flatmates. You have not had hot water or heating for some time. The landlord’s workmen have tried to fix the problem but without success. Write a letter to the landlord.

    State your reason for writing.
    Describe the problems and explain how you feel.
    Propose a solution and risk the landlord to take action.

    Dear Mr. Smith,
    I am the tenant of your building 3A, flat #21, Calgary. The purpose of my writing is to lodge a complaint about the central heating system has not been functioning since last week.

    We are studying in an English language school and we have to go there everyday. Owing to trouble with geysers, my roommates and I are facing difficulties taking baths with cold water and you are well aware how weather is in Alberta. One of our friends’ condition is getting worse by sneezing and cold due to not getting hot water in the washroom. I am feeling pathetic because of this inconvenience.

    Unfortunately, Despite having experience, the plumber you sent for fixing this issue didn’t get success, he told us this machinery is too old to get repaired. If we try to repair, it could be a blast in the future and a risk for the tenants. Personally, I would share with you that I received quotations for the new unit from one or two wholesalers. I have attached in mail please intervene into this matter and resolve it.

    I am looking forward to seeing a positive response from your side. Your kind cooperation would be most appreciated.

    Adam Bill

  97. Dear Johnson,
    I was recently informed that you are considering to reorganize the shared workspace with a window. While some people argue that it is an appealing idea, I strongly disagree with the following reasons.

    First of all, we are a huge design company that requires detailed projects every month. Each employee has a different responsibilities and we need to complete them within a limited time. However, it took a way longer time to finish one simple project when we used a large room together last year. It would be certainly efficient if we have a personal space to do our own roles.

    Secondly, building a big window in our office requires a large amount of money. I know we are now a short budget and we also need to save some for the upcoming project. I personally think investing money on project will be more beneficial than spending money on window in this period of time.

    I totally understand sharing an office with window would bring some benefits, however, we can alternatively use our break time to have a fresh air. Additionally, hanging a beach wallpaper on the wall would make employees feel less stuffed without a window.


  98. Dear HR Manager,

    I am writing this email to express my deep interest in full-time front desk position at Ontario Museum.

    My name is Lily Wang, and I worked as a concierge at my current workplace Ontario Resort for past ten years. I have demonstrated the capability to meet customer needs and prided myself on my customer service. I strongly believe my professional experiences will definitely be beneficial to Ontario Museum with my commitment to cross-cultural interaction. Furthermore, I instilled my confidence in communicating and handling customer’s needs and complaints across all ages. In addition, I am fluent in four languages, which are Chinese, Korea, Japanese and English. The customers would certainly feel comfortable when explaining them in their own language. I am well aware of that the OM area is close to the airport, thus majority of guests would be be non-English-speakers.

    If I am considered for the full-time placement, I would be extremely grateful, as it has been my dream to work for your esteemed company and can start working from March 20th, onwards. I have provided details of my current resume attached. I am eager to hear from you todiscuss a potential position within the OM company.



  99. Application Email
    You’re looking for a full-time job at an IT company / museum / art gallery.
    In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the HR Manager in which you apply for the position. In your email, you should:
    introduce yourself
    explain your experience and special skills
    tell him or her when you think you could start

    Dear HR Manager,

    I am writing this email to express my deep interest in full-time front desk position at Ontario Museum.

    My name is Lily Wang, and I worked as a concierge at my current workplace Ontario Resort for past ten years. I have demonstrated the capability to meet customer needs and prided myself on my customer service. I strongly believe my professional experiences will definitely be beneficial to Ontario Museum with my commitment to cross-cultural interaction. Furthermore, I instilled my confidence in communicating and handling customer’s needs and complaints across all ages. In addition, I am fluent in four languages, which are Chinese, Korea, Japanese and English. The customers would certainly feel comfortable when explaining them in their own language. I am well aware of that the OM area is close to the airport, thus majority of guests would be be non-English-speakers.

    If I am considered for the full-time placement, I would be extremely grateful, as it has been my dream to work for your esteemed company and can start working from March 20th, onwards. I have provided details of my current resume attached. I am eager to hear from you todiscuss a potential position within the OM company.


    (202 words)

  100. Complaint Email
    You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive, and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the time keeping of the other students.
    In an email to the School Principal, complain about the situation, and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved.
    Dear Principal,

    I am writing this letter to request a prompt process of full refund of my course.

    My name is Danielle and I recently enrolled a three-months Pathway Program at Celp school. However, I am very disappointed that the curriculums were not completed in advance of course start date, which was yesterday. Furthermore, the instructor Kim came into the classroom late, and struggled to answer students’ questions as her English was not fluent at all. My classmates and I had a doubt if she really graduated University of Toronto.

    Unbelievably, I paid $1,400 for the whole course and everything is totally different from what I was explained at the front desk. Our textbooks and language books should be included in the total amount, however, Kim handed out some printouts and said we will be using these for the course. Most importantly, she paid attention only to the English-speaking students so I was not encouraged. She almost ignored me when I started to speak out loud murmuring. At the end, the students at our table were neglected throughout the entire class.

    I hope you are aware what’s going on in the classroom. I look forward to hearing from you in terms of this issue.

    (206 words)

  101. Advice Email
    A member of your family is thinking about going to university.
    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.
    Hi Sabrina,

    I recently heard that you are concerning to go to University in Hamilton. I’m so happy for my little sister and I’d love to give you some advice as I were in your shoes couple years ago.

    First of all, I understand some of your friends are applying for the universities as they want to broaden their perspectives. I believe it’s a great idea to step forward. As a University student, you can experience lots of courses you can choose to focus and enjoy a campus life with the people you love. On top of that, you will have a plenty of free time if you go far from home. Majority of people decide to leave because of these reasons. Last but not least, I suggest you take some language courses at University of Hamilton. Those courses are only provided to freshmen, so you better not miss the opportunity to learn different cultures and unique languages. It will be helpful when you get a job after graduation, especially if you’re interested in working at an international company.

    I hope above suggestions would be beneficial for you when you make a decision. I’m always here to help you!

    your sister Min

  102. Simrandeep Kaur

    During the storm last night, a large tree fell on the road in front of your house.
    Write an email to the City Council in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
    Tell who you are.
    Explain how it has created trouble for you.
    State what you want the City Council to do.

    To whom it may concern,

    My name is Simrandeep, a resident of house number 312, North town. l am writing this email to inform you about the road blockage in front of our house due to the thunderstorm the previous night.

    As everyone in the city is well aware about the storm that hit the city last night. A large palm tree fell down in the middle of the road in front of my house, causing a lot of trouble. Since it has been over 15 hours no team has reached here to clear the path. Furthermore, l am not able to reach my place of business owing to the incident. In addition, it is morning time and office hours has begun; this road remains always bustling due to the commuters everyday. Hence creating a lot of trouble for the residents in the neighborhood including me. On top of that I have a crucial meeting today. As a result my reputation would suffer greatly if I could not make it.

    I kindly ask you to send the concerned team to clear the blocked path in our area as early as possible.

    I look forward to your prompt and positive action.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Simrandeep Kaur

  103. You are looking for a part time job at a Soccer club.

    Write an email in about 150-200 words to the manager of the football club. Your email should do the following things.
    Introduce yourself
    Explain what experience and special skills you have
    Tell him/her when you think you can start

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter to express my interest in a part-time job as a team staff in your soccer club which you advertised in the local newspaper.

    My name is David Millar, I was born and brought up in Ontario; I did my Bachelor from Thomas University which was situated at Brampton. Presently, I am Assistant Coach of the Ontario Football Club.

    I have been practicing soccer since I was in middle school, also I was captain of the University Soccer team which played many domestic leagues and most of the time I took the ‘Man of the Match’ award. My experience and energy will help your club’s young talents as I do practice hard for two hours on a regular basis to fit myself. Moreover, don’t worry about strength and stamina of players, I have also taken a course of Nutrition and Health Supplement that would help them.

    As per my current schedule it allows me free for three days in a week that would help me to join your prominent club on Friday to Sunday.

    Based on my profile and credentials, I would appreciate it if you could appoint me for your Soccer Club.

    Yours Sincerely,
    David Millar

  104. You work in a small office. The boss wants to reduce vacation time by two days, but send everyone in the office to a nice beachside hotel for 4 days of job training. Some of the staff are very happy with this idea, others are upset. The boss asked you to respond to an opinion survey.

    Option A : I think we should keep our vacation time instead of going to training.

    Option B: I think we should do the training and cut back our vacation time.

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    Greetings of the day! I appreciate that the company has taken initiative for employees to either train at a hotel on the beachside or take vacation. I personally opine that the former choice would be the more apropos option
    due to life balancing and improving mental well-being.

    Evidently, since everyone is busy with their official lifestyles, most of the people want to take allotted vacations to spend gala time with their family and friends to refresh himself. Alternatively, spending the whole day in a work drill with co-workers might not make you feel energetic at evening time to explore the beauty of the hotel.

    Interestingly enough, taking the vacation option would help to enhance skills to join some part time courses. Due to getting less leisure time, busy with work schedules, workers are not able to improve personal development and save time for meditation to keep fit mental well-being. Despite spending much on training at beachside venues, organizations should give bonuses to staff to keep them happy and loyal to the office.

    Based on the aforementioned reasoning, I am of the opinion that taking a vacation would be the preferred choice. However, I am positive that office authorities will make the best decision in the interest of the larger members of the workplace.

      1. For a higher score, you need to zero-in on your language efficiency – possessives, participles, referents, and parallels.

  105. You live in a small town, the town administration is planning to allocate funds for two possible projects.

    Option A: Bike lanes, planning to build new separate lanes for bikers.
    Option B: Renovate gym, planning to add a swimming pool and spa center in an existing gym.

    To whom it may concern,
    I appreciate the city authorities for taking an initiative to allocate funds for our township. Despite the fact that both options would be equally valuable for us, I personally opine that constructing a bike lane is a more apropos option due to the road safety and help to reduce pollution level.

    Conspicuously, since bikers are facing challenges about safety while riding on roads, the implementation of this project will give relief from safety measures. Furthermore, it would also benefit inhabitants to be fit. For example, repetitive motion of paddling could also improve our cardiovascular health by increasing our heart rate and breathing; also it would help in mental well being of us.

    Interestingly enough, the concept of constructing different lanes could help with traffic jams. Due to it being a small town most of the roads are not wide and packed with vehicles all the time, people could be encouraged to opt for bikes rather than cars. Moreover, it would help to decrease pollution levels and make our city air clean.

    Based on the aforementioned reasoning, I am of the opinion that a bike lane would be the preferred choice, However, I am positive that town authorities will take the best decision in the interest of the larger population of the city.

    1. Score 9. Watch your use of ‘conspicuously’. It means ‘to stand out from the background’. I know Hzad suggests using it, but it really males no sense to use it in this way. You can just start this paragraph with ‘Since’ because you use plenty of connections throughout your essays.

  106. You were charged for items which you have not purchased at the local grocery shop.
    Write a letter to the manager of the grocery shop in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
    • Describe the problem that you have faced,
    • Explain the items you have purchased
    • Suggest what the manager should do to resolve it

    Dear Mr. Manager,

    My name is Kritika Soni, I am a consistent customer at your store for the past 2 years. Every Thursday, I schedule a visit to the shop for purchasing weekly essentials, and my shopping experience has always been smoother than butter. However, it was not the case during my last trip.

    Yesterday i.e., 12th of March, I encountered a technical glitch in my bill generation system. Since, there was an enormous queue at the manual sales counter, I opted for self-checkout. Even though the clothing section was closed for renovations, my bill had charges for four products which were not in the basket. Luckily at home, my son noticed the issue and informed me about the miscalculation of extra dollars, which were spent at the supermarket.

    Surprisingly, the invoice for all the twenty-five grocery items purchased that day, was still with me. Attaching its snap with the items bought for your reference.

    To remedy the situation, I would recommend to either refund the additional amount in the original payment mode or share store points of the same value.

    Your cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated. Furthermore, an open line of communication, in this case, will definitely help out.

    Thanks & regards,
    Kritika Soni

  107. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow, and the room was dirty.
    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

    Dear Hotel Manager,

    My name is Kritika Soni, and recently I have stayed at your hotel – Mirage in Mississauga. The purpose of my writing is regarding unpleasant experience at your hotel.

    After reading multiple promotions, I reserved a luxurious Premium suite with a mountain view from 21st to 23rd March in Ladakh. Luckily, the room was available for targeted dates; the booking was confirmed through a third-party app, VisitMo.

    On the arrival day, even though check-in timings were mentioned as noon on the website, waiting time was enormous. We were asked to hang around in the lobby for more than 2 hours, which further delayed our schedule. What’s worse, the suite’s washroom was not at all sanitised after previous occupant’s stay. A bunch of tissues and hair were found near the drainage. This unhygienic practice is not expected from such a branded hotel.

    I will recommend performing quality checks for each room to make sure nobody else’s lodging experience is ruined like ours. Additionally, if you can provide intensive management training to the staff, it might work as a charm for you.

    I hope you might be able to benefit from my suggestions and feedback.

    Kritika Soni

  108. Drishti Srivastava

    The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. Therefore, it has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.
    A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday

    Some workers have been debating about the work schedule on weekends to clear off the backlog. Though working with lesser staff for four hours on every alternate Saturday seems a feasible idea, I tend to feel that requesting all employers to work for a couple of hours every Saturday would be more beneficial to the company because this policy would promote equality and boost employee morale.

    Firstly, adhering to the policy of requesting all staff members to come Saturday for overtime would represent that the company is not encouraging any disparity and treating all their employees equally. It further means that the company is not taking advantage of dedicated employees and giving some slack to non-performers.

    Secondly, asking employees to come only for a couple of hours would not hassle them much. Most of the employees are preoccupied with their weekends doing home chores. Therefore, spending 4 hours on the weekend would aggravate them into thinking that they are overburdened in their work.

    Given these propositions, I feel that two hours of work is a better idea than spending long hours on the weekend in the office.

  109. For years, you have volunteered for a local theater group. The organizers have just received a large donation, so they are circulating a survey to find out whether they should spend the group’s money on costumes or on storage.

    Option A: Spend money on costumes
    Option B: Spend money on storage

    Some volunteers have been debating about spending the lump sum money on costumes. Though it has some benefits in bringing more vividity into the theatre, I tend to feel that spending money on improving the storage unit would facilitate the theatre group extensively to become more versatile and keep a spare space to expand the sitting area.

    Spending money to increase the storage unit would give some leverage to the artists in making their plays more extravagant. Currently, performers do not have enough space on the stage to act in a grandiose because some stage space is being occupied keeping other items. Therefore, investing money in the separate storage unit would give leeway to expand the stage performing area.

    Secondly, the sitting area in the theatre is not adequate to accommodate the large gathering because some space is dedicated to the backstage area. Therefore, expanding the storage unit would help to shift the backstage from the sitting space, further allowing the organizers to put some extra chairs to accommodate more people.

    Given these reasons, I feel that spending money on the costumes would not be beneficial to the organizers.

  110. Option A: Scheduling the maintenance in the morning from 6am to noon
    Option B: Scheduling the maintenance in the evening from 5pm to 11pm

    I personally think that the maintenance of our building should be scheduled in the evening time because the usage of hot water is minimal in the evening, and the weather condition would be more pleasant in the evening than in the morning. Even though the resident would face issues with dinner preparation, I believe it would be manageable.

    Primarily, The residents in the society are working professionals, and their children are schoolgoers. Therefore, they need to perform their daily indulgences in the morning, in which hot water plays a vital role. Therefore, having the hot water turned off would make the day for residents difficult as they would be unable to complete their quotidian activities.

    Secondly, the weather condition is extreme in the morning as the temperature usually drops in the range of -8 to -16 degree celsius, and the hot water plays a significant role in keeping the house warm. Therefore, turning off the hot water in the morning makes the resident incapacitated to keep their home in a liveable condition.

    Given these propositions, I believe it would be more feasible if the maintenance of the building would be occurred in the evening.

  111. The city administration is considering whether to approve the building of a factory. Since it wants to know how residents feel, it has sent out a survey to get input on whether people would support or oppose the factory? Write a response explaining your position.
    • Option A: Build a Factory
    • Option B: Do not build a factory

    You recently announced that you are considering to build a factory in the city. I personally agree with this idea since it will be beneficial for generating employment and contributing to the economic growth of the city.

    It is well known, that the city has been in a continuous development with the construction of more residential places, but there are not sufficient employment sources and people need to commute to the surrounding cities to work. Therefore, this factory will allow to many of our citizens to have one opportunity to work near their homes. Moreover, it will provide a better-quality life to them who currently expend many hours away their loving ones.

    In addition, this factory will allow an exponential economic growth for the city, placing it in the top producers of biodegradable products. Since it will bring an extra source of revenue, we can continue improving other community places, for instance parks, schools and roads.

    To sum up, I strongly support building a factory in the city due to the fact it will bring social and economic benefits. Creating more job opportunities and having additional revenue will help us to achieve the city we deserve.

  112. Your opinion about facilities

    Dear Manager,
    First, I would like to thank you for keeping us in the loop of evaluation of the common area. As representative of the accounting department, I’m reaching you to tell that we would like to keep the restaurant rather than building a childcare facility.

    Our first concern is inconvenience of going outside for grab a bite. It would be lost of time and we won’t even make it in our 30 minute break since there are no place to eat nearby. Lunch break is not only for filling our stomach, but also is a great time for relaxing and having conversations with coworkers. Hurrying up and getting stress will not help this process and reflect our work performance negatively.

    Our second concern is a noise that will be caused to build a daycare facility. To construct a daycare facility, restaurant needs to go under demolition first. During this time, it will be impossible to work in the building, and it’s not only demolition, which cause unbearable noise, but also the renovation process too.

    Overall, if we put these two options in a scale, we think that keeping the restoration weights heavily by a high margin. At the end of the day, we will respect your decision.

  113. Your opinion about facilities
    You work in a very big office building that has a cheap, and very popular, restaurant. However, the building manager is thinking of removing the restaurant because he would like to replace it with a childcare facility. Since he doesn’t want his final decision to result in businesses moving out, he has asked which option you would prefer:

    1. Cheap and affordable
    2. A place where employees go to relax, have business conversation etc.

    The office building restaurant has been up and running for about 15 years now, making it one of the oldest and most popular restaurants in its environs. Since the unmarried population account for majority of the employees who work in the building, I would suggest that it be maintained, rather than being replaced with a childcare facility.

    The restaurant provides very affordable meals when compared to other restaurants in the area. There are varieties of mouth-watering dishes, drink and snacks for both employees of the building and people from the area at a very low cost making it one of the most popular restaurants in the area.

    The building restaurant has a good ambience, which makes it a very good spot for relaxation. People from all works of life, within and outside the office building also come to the restaurant to unwind, carry out meaningful business discussions and meet new people.

    Having the restaurant has proven to be beneficial to everyone, that is, people that are with or without children. In my opinion, it should be maintained rather than having it replaced with a childcare facility which will only serve less than 10 percent of the population in the area.

  114. 1. For years, you have volunteered for a local theater group. The organizers have just received a large donation, so they are circulating a survey to find out whether they should spend the group’s money on costumes or on storage.


    Our local theater group has recorded tremendous growth and has also received both local and international recognition over the years. As a volunteer for this group, I would suggest the donation from our organizers should be used on storage rather than on costumes, as large donations like this do not come too often.

    Channeling the donation to building storage facilities will help decongest the theater area. Theater equipment, costumes and other materials lying around the backstage area can be moved into the storage facility, thereby giving more room for theater activities.

    In addition to decongesting the stage area, availability of a proper storage facilities will also increase the durability of the equipment and other theater materials. The lifespan of these materials and machines can be extended by reducing exposure to dusts, air, rusts and so on. Furthermore, providing designated area or shelves for different material will also increase its accessibility.

    In my opinion, it is more advantageous to channel large donations to long term and capital-intensive projects.

  115. Your opinion about construction
    The city administration is considering whether to approve the building of a factory. Since it wants to know how residents feel, it has sent out a survey to get input on whether people would support or oppose the factory? Write a response explaining your position.

    One of the responsibilities of every government is to continuously find ways to enhance the general well-being of their people. I support the notion of approving the construction of a factory, as it will bring about increased employment opportunities and improved living standards of residents.

    Building factories will create jobs for residents of that community. Approval for factory construction will not only create jobs for people in the construction industry, that is, the bricklayers, engineers, architects and so on, but will also create employment opportunities for people to work and run the machines and equipment used in the actual production of goods.

    Furthermore, building of factories will also enhance the standard of living of people in that area. A situation where residents are gainfully employed results in increased spending and causes a positive multiplier effect, which helps to increase economic growth and standards.

    Job creation and quality of living are major determinants of economic growth and development and as such I think the approval for the construction of factories should be largely supported.

  116. You’re looking for a full-time job at an IT company / museum / art gallery.
    In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the HR Manager in which you apply for the position. In your email, you should:
    • introduce yourself
    • explain your experience and special skills
    • tell him or her when you think you could start

    Dear Jessica,
    I am writing to indicate interest on the job advert I came across on the Guardian newspaper, for the position of an IT specialist in your firm.

    My name is Chika, a graduate of computer science in one of the most prestigious universities in Nigeria. I am a practicing IT personnel with a 10 years’ work experience. I have worked and contributed significantly in industries such as banking, telecommunication, manufacturing and entertainment during the course of my job. I am a good communicator, mentor and team lead, and have led a group of individuals to build and maintain servers and systems of various departments within companies. I am also an independent thinker who can and is willing to deliver and meet tight deadline and schedules. I have also been recognized locally and internationally for competence in delivering my work and as such I am confident that I am the best candidate for this position.

    I am currently employed; hence, I will need a month to conduct a proper work handover for the incoming staff, if given an opportunity to work with your reputable company. However, I will be glad to join your organization afterwards.
    I patiently await your positive feedback.

    Yours Sincerely,

  117. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty.
    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

    Dear Hotel Manager,
    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction of your hotel, I online reserved my room at your hotel. During our stay, we encountered a number of unsatisfactory service levels .This letter is an attempt to bring these issue to you notice and request immediate notice
    Firstly, I booked online reservation to my room at your hotel. I check in bit earlier as per given schedule but I got keys after two with messy and clean less condition that was very unpleasant experience for me.
    Secondly, when I entered at room was getting smelly. I requested to staff for my room cleaning but they came late even though the food was not timely ready also reception turn down my request in rude manner.
    Furthermore, your staff need to your kind of attention too, the restaurant service did not meet the hotel standards. Additionally, I would like to suggest you that should arrange weekly meetings for collaboration and staff training Also, you must give opportunity to enrol them in hotel management course about customer service, cleanliness and code of conduct so that you don’t lose valuable customers.
    Your kind attention for those matters for hotel service issues it is highly impacted to your business.

    Sobia Asher

  118. 1. You have registered for a six-month computer training program at Sambro Community College. Therefore, you want to rent a room from the Sambro Housing Agency. Write an email telling them when you need the room, the type of room you would prefer, and the reason for your request.

    Dear Mr. Smith,
    I recently enrolled for a six-month computer training course at Sambro Community College and I will be needing assistance from your reputable Housing Agency in looking for a suitable accommodation during my stay.

    I would like a well-furnished one-bedroom apartment in a serene and tidy neighborhood, bathroom, sitting room and kitchen all en suite. I will not be working during my stay there in Sambro, so an affordable apartment between the range of 300-400 dollar monthly would be perfect. I would also prefer an apartment not too far from Sambro Community College so as to save myself some transportation cost.

    The course does not begin until second half of the year, precisely on the 23rd of July, but I will be arriving Sambro in the first week of July to enable me settle in fully before the program begins. I trust you to get a suitable place for me before my arrival.
    Looking forward to hearing from you soonest.

    Yours sincerely,

  119. Dear Ann,
    It gladdens my heart to hear that you finally have a baby to call your own after so many years of waiting. This is a major milestone for you and I am happy to be part of it.

    Although parenting may seem overwhelming sometimes, it’s nothing that can’t be handled when you have a good support system around you. There is no one best way to parenting, so I’d advise you pay close attention to your words and actions bearing in mind that the home is the first point of learning for every child. Be careful not to display behaviors that you don’t want your child exhibiting.

    There is a club offering support and lectures for new parents just down the street, I hear its very helpful, so do give it a try. I am also available on Wednesday and Friday nights, so if you need help with babysitting, feel free to drop off my little niece at my place.

    Wishing you all the best in this new journey sweet sister.

    Your sister,

  120. A member of your family is thinking about going to university.
    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.

    Dear Peter,
    It gladdens my heart to finally know you thinking about going to the university, I have always seen great potentials in you and deciding to further your education is a good way to unleash them.

    There are various reasons why people choose to go to the university. Majority go to acquire skills that will help them compete favorably in the labor market, some chose to go to the university just for the certificate or even because they were forced to by their parents. Most people also prefer to study far away from home as it helps them become more independent and gives them some level of freedom. I am sure you would have a better experience far from home too.

    I have also observed your interest in calculations over the years, and I think studying Finance, Business or Data analytics would be a good fit for you. These professions are also very lucrative and sort after locally and internationally too.
    Wishing you all the best in whatever decision you take dear brother.

    Your sweet sister

  121. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow, and the room was dirty.
    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

    Dear Johnson,

    I got into the country from Mexico two days ago and have been staying at the hotel since then. I must say, I haven’t quite enjoyed my stay here as the hotel rooms are dirty, and the hotel services are very slow and unpleasant.

    On my arrival here, I noticed that the manner at which I was welcomed and showed around the hotel facility was not very professional. The room I was offered was also very untidy with neither a heater to warm up the room in the cold nor a television. I also noticed some stains which seemed permanent on the bathroom walls and one of the taps was not functioning properly.

    The condition of the hotel facilities, accommodation and services is a major determinant of its long-term survival, and as such I would suggest that:
    1. Maintenance be carried out where necessary.
    2. Rooms be thoroughly cleaned, bedspread washed, and waste bins emptied after checking out.
    3. Training be conducted regularly for every staff of the hotel.

    I hope my suggestions are being considered and implemented.

    Yours sincerely,

  122. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty. Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.
    Respected Sir,

    I am writing this email to you regarding my stay at Hilton Residency, during my Toronto trip, to express the endless dissatisfaction that I had experienced.

    Firstly, I had requested for an earlier check-in as I had arrived a bit early than expected but the receptionist turned down my request in a rude manner even though the room was available. Nevertheless, somehow I managed to check-in to the room after long hours of conversation. But then I found the room to be in a complete mess. Again, I had to encounter the receptionist to clean my room but she was reluctant to send a room service immediately.

    Secondly, the room service did not meet the hotel standards. The room was still cluttered, bed spreads had stains, cans and newspapers littered in the balcony were not cleaned, bathrobe and few toiletries were missing. Despite informing at the reception repeatedly, none of the above said things were taken care on time. I had also marked my feedback at the suggestion register as well.

    As this experience came out as a bolt out of the blue for me as I am a regular visitor at your other facilities. I would like to get a partial amount as a compensation for the inconveniences caused by your staffs. Additionally, I suggest you to call in for a meeting with the staff coordinator to train the staffs about customer service, cleanliness and code of conduct so that you don’t lose valuable customers.

    Kind Regards,

  123. You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive, and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the time keeping of the other students.
    In an email to the School Principal, complain about the situation, and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved.
    Respected Mr. Berkley,

    I’m Caroline Augustus, second term English student at your Abacus Language School. This email is regarding my utter disenchantment with the current education level, resources and regulations.

    As an international student, English was never my first language and hence, I had joined this esteemed institution even though the courses are expensive when compared to the other private schools. Nonetheless, I’m thoroughly dissatisfied with the class of education provided by the professors as they’re purely basic and easily accessible in any social media. Besides, the study materials provided are old school. Moreover, there are no case studies or assignments given to enhance the knowledge. Additionally, few of the students fail to follow the code of conduct and the teachers seem to be unaffected.

    I would request you to conduct a monthly teacher’s review meeting and ask them to follow advanced level of teaching that involves real-time knowledge transfer. And, I would also suggest you to put up a notice for the late comers. Furthermore, I would recommend you to update the library as latest editions, famous books and many of the required materials are missing.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Caroline Augustus

  124. A member of your family is thinking about going to university.
    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.
    Dear Andrew,
    It’s so good to hear from you after such a long time. Congratulations on your high school graduation! I’m elated and proud of you, Andrew. Moreover, I understood from your mail that you’re going to the university and a bit sceptical on which course to choose especially when the options are enormous.

    Firstly, there are students who join university and take up courses following a herd. While others chase their passion, there will always be a crowd that needs just a degree certificate.

    Secondly, a large number of students prefer to join universities that are far from home so as to enjoy their youth as well as to get exposed to the real world independently. Not just that, moving to different cities would definitely build your network that in turn would get you access to greater career opportunities.

    I would recommend you to identify your need, set a goal and follow it passionately. As far as I know you, I would suggest you to consider Economics as I have seen your desire to understand its concepts and relate it. Furthermore, I have also seen you learn coding and design a fully functional website. Either of the choices you make would not only help you attain heights but also quench your knowledge thirst. As an additional tip, you can create a board of pros and cons of your interests and pick one that aligns your objective.

    Looking forward to hear from you on your choices!

  125. Dear Lucy,

    Congratulations for your little human! I’m sure Daniel is on cloud-nine as he was the one eagerly waiting to hold Lia. I feel sorry that I couldn’t make it on time as I had already mentioned you about my Calgary project. But, the good news is that I’m flying back soon and I can’t wait to hold my angel and shower her with kisses until she cries for help.

    Moreover, during our zoom call I noticed that you and Daniel seem to be a bit overwhelmed by parenting. I completely understand this is a new phase for you both and know how tiresome it can be at times. But, I’m so confident that you and Daniel would be the best parents. Kids learn from their parents and I’m sure Lia will not only learn to be a passionate baker but also a great archer as parents are always the best teachers.

    Besides, I recently came across an article of an organization called First-Cry that provides various assistance programs to young couples like from counselling to financial aid, baby healthcare to babysitting, etc. I would suggest you and Daniel to enroll in one of their free sessions to gain detailed knowledge on all the benefits covered.

    I’m looking forward to hear from you on the organization. And, once again I wish you both a happy parenting!

    With Love,

  126. Q:you made an online purchase and the product was not same as the description on the website

    Dear Sir,
    I am Pooja, a regular customer of your renowned website. The main purpose why I am writing is to lodge a complaint regarding the trolley which I recently bought from your official website.

    To brief more about the purchase details, order id was #12345, and the date of order was 1st November. Since I have been ordering from your website from long time, I have never faced such issues after receiving the products.

    However, this time, on the arrival of my order I found that the color of my trolley was totally different, and shape of the wheels was not as per the pictures being displayed on the product page .In addition to this, there were scratches on the trolley which suggests that either it has been already used or returned to your online store.

    In an attempt to resolve this matter, I would be grateful to you if you could accept the return request and refund my money to the original payment mode, or better yet, resolve the aforementioned problems and replace the product.
    Hoping to get a prompt resolution from you soon.

  127. Practice task. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty.
    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

    The answer:
    Dear Fairmont Hotel Administrator,

    I am writing to complain about the service of your staff and the cleanliness of my room.

    I checked into the Fairmont hotel 3 days ago, and I lived there 1 night, from 25 till 26 October. As it is a 4-star hotel with a very high price, which is 450 CAD per 2 days, I was waiting for the best service ever.

    Unfortunately, I was totally disappointed, because my room was not cleaned. For example: I found hair in the bathroom, the table was sticky and moreover my blanket had a lot of spots!

    I called and asked service room to fix these problems, but I was absolutely ignored. They were able to answer only when I went to the reservation desk.

    After 10 minutes of waiting, one girl tried to help me. She cleaned really badly, so I decided to do an inspection. I still found some hair in the bathroom and the blanket was not changed. I have to admit your worker did wipe the table, but, again, a wiper smelled awful!

    I suggest you increase the quality of your service and cleaning of rooms, because I felt uncomfortable. Now I see that my money was wasted and my small vacation was spoiled because of this accommodation. I would like at least part of my expenses to be returned. I hope, you will approve the refund for me.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully,

      1. Dear Johnson,

        I got into the country from Mexico two days ago and have been staying at the hotel since then. I must say, I haven’t quite enjoyed my stay here as the hotel rooms are dirty, and the hotel services are very slow and unpleasant.

        On my arrival here, I noticed that the manner at which I was welcomed and showed around the hotel facility was not very professional. The room I was offered was also very untidy with neither a heater to warm up the room in the cold nor a television. I also noticed some stains which seemed permanent on the bathroom walls and one of the taps was not functioning properly.

        The condition of the hotel facilities, accommodation and services is a major determinant of its long-term survival, and as such I would suggest that:
        1. Maintenance be carried out where necessary.
        2. Rooms be thoroughly cleaned, bedspread washed and waste bins emptied after check out.
        3. Training be conducted regularly for every staff of the hotel.

        I hope my suggestions are being considered and implemented.

        Yours sincerely,

  128. Akinwumi Oluwadare

    You work in a very big office building that has a cheap, and very popular, restaurant. However, the building manager is thinking of removing the restaurant because he would like to replace it with a childcare facility. Since he doesn’t want his final decision to result in businesses moving out, he has asked which option you would prefer:

    Taking a decision on the use of the restaurant space in the building as a childcare facility needs to be considered thoroughly. Running a child care centre within the building, considering the location being the city centre, would be fine, but I think having the existing restaurant in place would be better, as moving it would cost you some customers and probably lead to shut down of the business.

    Considering the location of the office building, which is at the centre of town it had attracted customers from nearby offices who had chosen the restaurant to be a good choice for lunch during break. For example, it’s close proximity to A&T Technological Institute had brought about their partnership with the restaurant, as they have signed a lunch deal with the restaurant for 200 plates daily at $5 per plate.

    Furthermore, there is a possible downside to moving the restaurant. Getting another space of this size, within the city centre, would cost more than what you have here, which might cause you to move out of the city centre to a more remote area, and this could possibly lead to a shutdown of the business.

    I hope you would give this a thought, and retain the restaurant rather than having a child care facility in it’s stead.

    1. Score 8 – Sentence variety is important, but you have too many gerunds going on here.
      its stead (not it’s stead) because its is a pronoun!

  129. You work for a garden maintenance company. You want to motivate people towards gardening; hence you conduct a survey from the residents of society.
    Choose from the two options

    Option A – Donate plants to community to inculcate love for plants
    Option B – Conduct a workshop to create awareness among residents

    In my perception, conducting a workshop and provide all awareness information will motivate people more than donating the plants for community.

    In the workshop, people will learn about the role of plant in the continuation of human life as a source of oxygen and the absorption of carbon dioxide that spread in the air due to pollution. Therefor the environment must pe preserved by participating in planting more trees and encountering the process of planting and taking care of the trees in our surrounding and not throwing garbage or destroying tree branches and cutting them.

    However, every month some politicians and NGO visits our Rockwell society to promote their well-being behaviors and they donate some plants but due to lack of knowledge about plant development process we were not able to save them. Though nowadays technology has been grown leaps and bound over past years and every resident can get required information through one click but attending workshop will give them real feel and they can be able to cultivate the knowledge into real scenarios and their tremendous efforts help to grow the plants.

    I firmly believe that workshop would be excellent idea than donating plant.


  130. Akinwumi Oluwadare

    You’re looking for a full-time job at an IT company / museum / art gallery.
    In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the HR Manager in which you apply for the position. In your email, you should:

    introduce yourself
    explain your experience and special skills
    tell him or her when you think you could start

    Dear HR Manager,

    Sequel to your advertisement on 4th October, 2022 for the vacant position of a graphics designer, I am writing to show my interest in filling the available position. My name is Akin, and I am a graduate of computer science with specialisation in graphics design as a major from the University of Lagos. I possess the required years of experience as stated in your advertisement.

    I have had five years work experience with A&T Technological Institute as I am currently the senior graphics designer for the company. Before that, I had worked as a web designer for Webstar construction as a paid officer, and also as a freelancer for Sadesh Technologies where I developed a functional mobile application for the company and helped design their present-day advertisement board.

    Considering the urgency of your need for the services of a graphics designer, I could begin work with immediate effect if my application is looked into and I am considered for the position.

    Kindly find attached, with this application, copies of my resume and my qualification certificates.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Akinwumi Oluwadare

  131. Writing Task 2:

    Your manager is surveying your opinion about a scent-free workplace where perfumes and strong smells are not allowed. Many other workplaces in the city already have this policy.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150–200 words.
    Option A: The workplace should have a scent-free policy.
    Option B: The workplace should allow people to wear scents.

    Undoubtedly, both options have a variety of benefits. However, in my opinion, option B makes more sense because of some reasons:
    The first reason is about freedom in Canada, which is the most well-known as a free country with a variety of cultures and opinions, in my point of view, all clerks and workers have a right to wear a suitable and acceptable uniform or suit, and perfume.
    Another reason is that culture, where some people with different beliefs have traditional behavior about their styles. As a prime example, Iranian strongly believe that wearing perfume means respecting to other side and making them happier and more attractive.
    In addition, it should not be forgotten that all people do not have the same smell. Depending on their activity, some people have annoying smells. So, deodorant and perfume can compensate for this issue temporarily.
    So according to my reason, I strongly believe that wearing scents should be optional and free to choose it.
    I hope my reason could persuade you to choose the best things for our company as always. Although it is just my point of view and I will support whatever decision is made.

  132. You’re looking for a part-time job in an office. In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the office manager in which you apply for the position. As you write your email, you should:
    • introduce yourself
    • explain your experience and special skills
    • tell him or her when you think you could start

    Dear Manager,

    I am John and recently graduated from San Francisco university. I have seen an advertisement about part -time job in your company. Though I am already taken admission for master course but same time I am lacking with some financial crunch. However, I have some time in evening and wanted to do some part time job to utilize those hours which will also fulfil my financial needs.

    I have good knowledge in SQL coding and completed many projects during my semester exams which also shows a testimony in my results. I have awarded with one of the best coding awards from university. I had written a program which monitor the health systems for patients and same time it will send the message to respective doctors if any of the measurement parameters getting increased as per the standard units.

    I wanted to utilize my skills and can develop program for your company which will help to maximize the company potentials. Kindly consider my profile for the interview. I would be available Monday to Friday during Day time.

    If interview and other formalities will go well. I would able to join by next month. Thank you so much for your valuable time, I am looking forward to hearing back from your side.


  133. Writing Task 1 –
    Your friends are staying in an apartment, and you are also planning to move into that same apartment but you have to take permission from apartment manager whose contact details have been provided by your friends.

    Write an email to the manager in about 150-200 words.
    • Explain why you are writing this email
    • What facilities are you looking for
    • When you are planning to move

    Dear Manager,

    Myself P. Mark staying near to downtown area, I got your contact details by my friend Mr. John who is staying in your Maplewood society, Unit# 1011. I am writing this email to express my interest to move into Maplewood apartment and stay with john as his sharing partner has already been left.

    Although I have already visited specific unit earlier with john but still, I wanted to know all the facilities which you generally offer for new tenants. Usually, I do not get much time on weekdays due to huge office workload therefor I am looking for a dishwasher and a washing machine inside the apartment unit if possible. In addition to that GYM and badminton court inside the boundary wall will be advantage.

    Before making any decision, I am seeking your permission with due diligence so onboarding process would be hassle free. If you concur, I will give notice in my apartment and will be able to shift in your apartment by first week of next month.

    I would appreciate if you able to reply by this week. If any other information required, you can call my direct on my number or you can also reach to my friend.


  134. You’re looking for a full-time job at an IT company/museum/art gallery.
    In about 150 to 200 words, write an email to the HR Manager in which you apply for the position. In your email, you should:
    • introduce yourself
    • explain your experience and special skills
    • tell him or her when you think you could start

    Dear Mr. Hopskin,

    My name is Tina and I recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in History from the University of Alberta. I am writing you a letter to express my interest in becoming the customer representative at the Royal Museum.

    During my university years, I have been working as a sale associate at the university bookstore. At first, I had many challenges trying to pick up the workload at the bookstore, especially during the start of the school year. However, with dedication and team support, I slowly adapted to the fast-paced work environment. I even got recognition from my manager for having the best customer service which was nominated by our customers.

    Aside from my work experience, I am passionate about history, and I desire to become a history professor one day. Since little, I have been collecting stories of all kinds of history. For that reason, families and friends often bring me souvenirs that are history related. For example, my bestie brought me back a collection of ancient rocks from China.

    Since I don’t have any major plans this summer, I am ready to start this position as soon as I get your offer. Thank you very much for your time and consideration, and I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Best regards,

  135. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. Therefore, it has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.
    • A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    • B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.

    In my opinion, it would be ideal if we have all the staff work for four hours every Saturday because it emphasizes the importance of fairness and increases the efficiency of our work.

    Being a core member of the representative committee, I have heard a lot of concerns about fairness. Some of our new staff feel like they were being bullied by their senior colleagues. For example, worker A mentioned that the workload was not divided equally between themselves and their colleague. Thus, having only half the team working might make it sounds biased unless we have a policy implemented in selecting our staff randomly.

    Since this is a company problem, it is important that we all take part in solving the issue together. This helps increase the spirit of the team effort, encourages collaboration, and builds a stronger bond among our staff members. Plus, when teamwork is placed on the top, it motivates everyone to work harder and provides a better outcome. As result, our company might be able to resolve the backlog issue earlier than our expected time of two months.

    As a long-standing staff member, I value our dedication to solving problems together; and for that reason, I believe that all hands on deck are the best solution.

  136. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. Therefore, it has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.
    • A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    • B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.

    As a mom of four kids, I prefer to have my weekend off, especially when Steven has his taekwondo class every Saturday. In addition, I know that some of our keeners love to work extra hours, so it makes more sense to have only half of our teamwork for four hours every Saturday.

    Due to the backlog of our work, our vacation has already been cut back so much that I can even recall the time when I have to work 50 hours per week and barely have any time for my family. Although I understand the nature of our work and the pressure that our team has as we are trying to meet many deadlines, I can’t neglect my children all the time when they are still so young.

    Nevertheless, half of our team is made of new graduates who are dedicated and hardworking; and I believe that they are the perfect workforce for this kind of occasion. A lot of newbies are trying to establish their career, and some needs the money to pay the bills, so why not offer them the opportunity?

    It’s a tough decision that our company must make; and as a long runner of our company, I hope my opinion will aid in helping you make the final call.

  137. Dear Andrea,

    Once again, congratulations on the arrival of Baby Edna. I can’t wait to hold and kiss her until she cries for help. After our zoom call last week, I kept remembering how overwhelmed you and Leo looked, so I decided to email you and tell you how proud I am of you and Leo.

    Being a parent is probably one of the hardest jobs on planet earth. I applaud you and Leo for taking that step in your marriage. Also, I believe Edna would learn a lot from you because I think parents are the best teachers. I say this because parents give knowledge in several ways, and I do not doubt your ability to teach Edna things she would need when she grows up.

    Furthermore, I suggest you get as much help as you need. There is an organization called Help for New Parents at Kingston Street. They offer babysitting and counseling services and even give financial assistance. I think you should consider getting a babysitter so you and Leo can have some parent time.

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts concerning the organization.


  138. Dear Jane,
    I was elated when I saw your email last night regarding your intention to attend college. I think you are on the right track if you wish to advance professionally in life. Furthermore, since I have obtained my bachelor’s and master’s degree, I am more than happy to address any questions you may have.

    Going to college is a like a trial run at adulting. You’re mostly responsible for your own life and the choices you make. However, it is also a place for people to learn and grow. Additionally, people go to university to learn more about a particular subject. I think biology would be a good choice for you because you have loved gardening since you were four. Another course that might be good for you and useful to society is public health. You’ve always had a soft heart for the people around you.

    Furthermore, don’t be scared to go far from home. People go far to study because they want to get more opportunities career wise. Sometimes change of environment can help an individual explore more career options.

    Looking forward to hearing from you on your decisions.


  139. Dear Andrea,
    Once again, congratulations on the arrival of Baby Edna. I can’t wait to hold and kiss her until she cries for help. After our zoom call last week, I kept remembering how overwhelmed you and Leo looked, so I decided to email you and tell you how proud I am of you and Leo.

    Being a parent is probably one of the hardest jobs on planet earth. I applaud you and Leo for taking that step in your marriage. Also, I believe Edna would learn a lot from you because I think parents are the best teachers. I say this because parents give knowledge in several ways, and I do not doubt your ability to teach Edna things she would need when she grows up.

    Furthermore, I suggest you get as much help as you need. There is an organization called Help for New Parents at Kingston Street. They offer babysitting and counseling services and even give financial assistance. I think you should consider getting a babysitter so you and Leo can have some parent time.

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts concerning the organization.


  140. Akinwumi Oluwadare

    For years, you have volunteered for a local theatre group. The organizers have just received a large donation, so they are circulating a survey to find out whether they should spend the group’s money on costumes or on storage.

    Considering the huge amount gifted to this theatre group, I think it will be wiser if we expend the cash on costumes rather than storage. This would avail us the opportunity to have a wider array of costumes and to also showcase diverse cultural heritages in our presentations.

    In my opinion, having a larger stock of costumes will help encourage participation. we’ll have more actors on stage, and thus, bring beauty to our drama. This will also avail us the chance to relay in-depth message to our viewers.

    Another advantage of investing in costume is that we’ll be able to demonstrate an expanse of cultural heritages, showcasing the beauty of various traditions across the globe, thus giving us wider range of viewers and followers of our theatre group.

    Lastly, I would like to state that spending the group’s money on costumes will bring us fulfilment for the purpose of the donation rather than on storage.

    1. Score 8 – Use the second conditional to make a suggestion when you have minimal control over the result – I think it would be wiser if we expended the cash on costumes rather than storage…having a larger stock of costumes would help encourage participation. We would have more actors on stage. This would also avail us…we would be able to demonstrate… money on costumes would bring

      1. Akinwumi Oluwadare

        Thanks for the prompt reply ma’am, I do appreciate. Please, what would’ve been my if I had used the second conditional in my write-up? Just asking for improvement sake ma.

        1. Your writing’s lovely. With the second conditional, you’d score 9. For more than that you need to watch your articles and parallels.

  141. Akinwumi Oluwadare

    A member of your family is thinking about going to university.
    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.

    Hello Mike,

    I got your mail on your intention to go to the University. I think that’s a wise decision, as a degree from the University will give you a better chance to compete in the evolving opportunities out there.

    Firstly, undergraduate studies, to some, is just to obtain a certificate, while others see it as an avenue to have intellectual development and obtain skills in their chosen career. I’m sure you’ll have a more robust understanding of your purpose of furthering your education.

    Furthermore, while certain people see schooling far away from home as a chance to explore the outside world, some view it as an opportunity to stay away from the hustles and bustles of their environment. Your own reason should determine your choice of school.

    Lastly, on your choice of course of study, I think it will be advantageous for you to study Business Analytics as you will find it very interesting and you’ll also have a large window for career progression.

    Looking forward to read from you on your decisions.

    Best Regards

    1. Score 8 – Use the second conditional to make a suggestion – I think it would be advantageous for you to study Business Analytics as you would find it very interesting and you’ll also have a large window for career progression.
      Gerund – Looking forward to hearing from you on your decisions. (‘hearing’ would be better than ‘reading’)

      1. Akinwumi Oluwadare

        Thanks for the prompt reply ma’am, I do appreciate. Please, what would’ve been my if I had used the second conditional in my write-up? Just asking for improvement sake ma.

        1. Your writing’s lovely. With the second conditional, you’d score 9. For more than that you need to watch your articles and parallels.

      2. Akinwumi Oluwadare

        Thanks for the prompt reply ma’am, I do appreciate. Please, what would’ve been my if I had used the second conditional in my write-up? Just asking for improvement sake ma.

        1. Your writing’s lovely. With the second conditional, you’d score 9. For more than that you need to watch your articles and parallels.

  142. You have registered for a six-month computer training program at Sambro Community College. Therefore, you want to rent a room from the Sambro Housing Agency. Write an email telling them when you need the room, the type of room you would prefer, and the reason for your request.

    Dear Mr. Huang,

    My name is Tina, and I am registered for a six-month computer training program at Sambro Community College. I would like to rent a room from your housing agency, and wonder if you have any vacant rooms for this September?

    I am looking for a single room for a period of 6 months, with an inclusion of a single bed, a desk, and a wardrobe to store my luggage. I have a small Chihuahua coming along with me, and I wonder if your agency allows pets in the building. In addition, I am comfortable with a communal kitchen and shared laundry room. It would be great if there’s a space for a bathroom in my rental room, but if not, I’d be happy with a shared bathroom on my floor.

    I choose your agency because it is a 5-min walk away from my campus, which would save me tons of time in commuting. I also love the variety of services you offer at your agency from the fitness room to a community garden built in the facility.

    My class is starting in about two weeks, and I would really appreciate it if you can get back to me by next Monday. I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Thank you,

    1. Score 8 – Inadequate sentence variety – (a small chihuahua will be accompanying me. leaving me to wonder whether or not your building allows pets.)
      ‘choose’ in the past tense only has one ‘o’ ‘chose’, but it would be more grammatically accurate to say: I have chosen your agency…

  143. 1. You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive, and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and timekeeping of the other students.
    In an email to the School Principal, complain about the situation, and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved.

    Dear Mr. Findlay,

    My name is Truc, and I am currently attending ESL-30 offered by our school. Today, I am writing you an email to express my concern regarding the quality of our course last Winter 2022 term.

    Mrs. Brunner was our instructor last term, and despite her extraordinary effort in supporting our class, I find her accent makes the lecture extremely difficult to understand. On top of that, because of the large size of the class, she couldn’t provide details feedback on our assignments. I also noticed that the syllabus of the course was unorganized, and I assumed this was because Mrs. Brunner is a new professor, which is understandable. In addition, I recalled that Mrs. Brunner was struggling to offer one-on-one support to students due to her limited office hours for our class.

    I understand that it is a challenge to be a new professor and take on teaching a class of 200 students. Thus, I suggest that for the following term, our school can hire a teaching assistant to help Mrs. Brunner with the course load. Not only a teaching assistant can help with her grading assignments, but perhaps they can help her with supporting the students during one-on-one office hours.

    I hope you find my feedback helpful in improving the quality of ESL-30.

    Best regards,
    Truc Huynh

    1. Score 8 – Past tense – Mrs. Brunner…., I found her accent made… (you’re describing how you felt about it last term)
      Present tense – I recall that Mrs. Brunner (You’re remembering it now as you’re writing the email)
      Subjunctive – no ‘can’ – Thus, I suggest that for the following term, our school hire a teaching assistant to help Mrs. Brunner with the course load.
      Inversion – Not only would a teaching assistant be able to help with her grading assignments, but perhaps also help her with student support during one-on-one office hours.
      Salutation – Capitalize both words – Best Regards,

  144. For years, you have volunteered for a local theatre group. The organizers have just received a large donation, so they are circulating a survey to find out whether they should spend the group’s money on costumes or on storage.

    Considering how Mr. Chen recently expanded our storage space last year, I don’t think we need to spend more money on storage. However, I have heard a lot of concerns from our group about our costumes, particularly because they are worried about the overall look of our show if our group wears the same costume every time. Thus, it would be worth our money to invest in costumes.
    Our current storage space is double the size of its previous space which is enough room to store everything we need for our show. We even get a new wood floor, mainly because it keeps the room warmer during winter and sometimes, we can use this space to do make-up.
    Nevertheless, perhaps we were too busy last year to have time to check on the quality of our costumes. Some of the dress linings have started to rip off while others have slowly faded in colour. Plus, if we have the capacity to invest in costumes, why don’t we think of preparing for a new show? I recall our highest record of sales was when we hit the town with our new show “Journey to Jumanji”.
    Anyway, that is the first thought that comes to my mind, and I hope that it would give our committee a better idea of what the next step would be.

    1. Score 8 –
      For 9+ Leave a line space between paragraphs
      I hope that it gives our committee a better idea of what the next step should be. (you don’t want the second conditional here because it isn’t a suggestion.)

  145. For years, you have volunteered for a local theatre group. The organizers have just received a large donation, so they are circulating a survey to find out whether they should spend the group’s money on costumes or on storage.

    With the plan of growing our theatre this year, I think it would be a good idea to spend some money renovating storage which provides us with enough space to store all the equipment. Plus, we have so many donated costumes from last year that we probably don’t need to buy more yet.

    I recalled that Mr. Chen mentioned to us that we were going to increase the number of our performance by double. That would mean that we will have a pretty tight schedule in terms of preparing and running the show. Therefore, to help run the show more efficiently, it makes sense that we have everything we need for our performers to dress up. With our current storage, we will not have the capacity to do that, which hints at the reason why we always need to rent another trailer in the back of the theatre to store our costumes.

    Moreover, seeing how we recently got a lot of donated costumes and bought some new costumes last year, I don’t think we are urgent to buy new costumes. The performers are content with their dresses and there has not been a complaint about the overall appearance of our show.
    With that note, I highly suggest that we invest our money in expanding our storage.

  146. Your city wants to improve the traffic situation in the city. The roads are narrow now so there are traffic jams every day. And there are buses only so the city is thinking of introducing a metro train system, however, it would be expensive. They want to know your opinion. Which choice do you prefer? Explain why you prefer that choice. Also, explain the problems with the other choice.

    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

    Option 1: Widen the roads.
    Option2: Improve the public transit system.

    I would like to opine in favor of option B as this seems to be a far better and convincing choice for me. Though, the other option is quite admittable, but I would like to present a couple of reasons to substantiate my argument.

    To begin with, there has been escalated trend in traffic over the past years across the globe. Improving the public transit will eventually help in controlling pollution as well. With the facility of public transport, everyone will be motivated to use it which will be beneficial for the environment. This will gradually reduce the private car on roads. Therefore, the significant changes could be seen especially during traffic hours.

    Moreover, stronger public transportation system would boost our economy. Every resident will be elated to use public transport than their own private vehicles. It would also result in cost-effective while budgeting their salaries. Metro system will be the fastest means to commute while sitting and relaxing rather than worrying to drive. However, widening the roads will not solve the problem of traffic as well as the pollution.

    Having discussed all the arguments, I believe improving the public transportation will certainly reap more benefits to the residents in numerous ways. Again, these are my personal beliefs, but I will support whatever the city decides to do.

    I appreciate the opportunity to provide input on this issue.


  147. The faculty at your university is considering a new course policy. The faculty is asking students to respond to an opinion survey.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    => Students need to take a final exam to pass the course
    => Students need to complete a research project to pass the course.

    A final exam is a more structured and standardized procedure that students have been familiarized with. A typical final exam involves multiple questions under different formats such as multiple choice, short answer questions or sometimes long question style. Students know the trill of preparation for exams and the rules they must follow as they enter the exam room. For many, this reduces the level of uncertainty compared to completing a research project.

    On the other hand, a research project involves a long period of time to complete. For certain subjects, it might not be feasible for students to conduct research in a short period of time. For example, in the mathematics field, it becomes a bit uncertain how students can come up with a research question and complete the whole project within a period of 3-4 months. In addition, research itself is a completely different skill set that students are expected to acquire on top of their course material.

    Thus, I believe that the final exam is a better option to pass the course because it directly reflects the understanding of the knowledge students are tested for and it allows students to prepare for better.

    1. Score 8 . Lovely response, but for a 9+ use the second conditional in your conclusion because you’re making a suggestion!

  148. The faculty at your university is considering a new course policy. The faculty is asking students to respond to an opinion survey.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    => Students need to take a final exam to pass the course
    => Students need to complete a research project to pass the course.

    Research is a challenge that some students fear while others face head-to-head. While research does not directly test the knowledge that ones might learn in class, it is much more representative of the typical type of work that individuals will take on after they graduate. Research requires not only your comprehension but rather your curiosity and a critical mind in solving problems. In addition, doing research is a lengthy, arduous procedure, which involves a multi-step procedure before one obtains the results, which sometimes ones can never predict.

    Research is more realistic about the world and helps students develop a growth mindset about their work. For example, if you are studying marine biology, a research project would engage students in collecting data in wild environments. They might be going to a natural habitat like the pond, or river to observe the behaviour of aquatic animals. Eventually, they will run into problems such as finding the right location to observe animals, bad weather, and missing technical equipment to conduct testing. These are the points that a final exam will never be able to test students on.

    Thus, I believe a research project is a better way to pass the course because it is better at reflecting students’ understanding of their knowledge and the application of knowledge in their future workplaces.

    1. Score 8 . Lovely response, but for a 9+ use the second conditional in your conclusion because you’re making a suggestion!

  149. You are employed by a large restaurant chain. Your line manager has written to you to ask your opinion on plans for the yearly staff trip in the coming winter. There are two options to choose from and your manager would like feedback on which you think is best.

    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

    Option A: Take all the employees to a local restaurant with a small charge to each employee.

    Option B: Have a ‘pot luck’ dinner at the office, where everyone brings a dish that they have bought or prepared

    In my opinion, organizing a pot luck dinner is a better choice mainly for two reasons.

    Primarily, it is an economical choice. Some of our employees work at minimum wage, so the contribution for dinner might hamper their monthly budget. On the other hand, the pot luck dinner will allow them to prepare only one dish for everyone at their home which can be cost effective.

    Furthermore, our office staff belongs to different nationality and culture, so everyone can cook their local dish in the pot luck dinner. Sharing cultures and food with each other will strengthen the bond between colleagues. This will help our workplace.

    In conclusion, although inviting all workers in a nearby hotel with a nominal contribution is a good choice, organizing the pot luck dinner at the office is an ideal option. Lastly, I would like to thank you sir for conducting this survey and allowing us to assist you in reaching a final decision.

  150. “You live in an area downtown where there are some schools. In some of these schools, using the internet is getting more popular. Is this a positive or negative development?

    “ Option A: Positive Development

    Option B: Negative Development ”

    In my opinion, wide use of the internet at the school level is a negative development mainly for two reasons.

    Primarily, it will hamper children’s concentration level. Students mainly use the internet to chat or post pictures on online planforms. Pop-up notifications from their social media accounts lure them to unlock their phones rather than paying attention to the professor. Scrolling through the Instagram and Facebook feeds causing lack of concentration in the respective subject.

    Furthermore, the internet provides ample information within a second of a search. However, that information is not always correct. As teenagers are vulnerable, they trust this information without confirming it. As majority of the schools in our community are in the downtown area, which is higher in a crime rate, widespread of any false news can cause a destruction at any level.

    In conclusion, although the internet is a blessing to a mankind, using it more often at the school level in a negative development. Lastly, I would like to request the school authority for a in-depth investigate on such an arising issue.

  151. You are employed by a large restaurant chain. Your line manager has written to you to ask your opinion on plans for the yearly staff trip in the coming winter. There are two options to choose from and your manager would like feedback on which you think is best.

    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

    Option A: Take all the employees to a local restaurant with a small charge to each employee.

    Option B: Have a ‘pot luck’ dinner at the office, where everyone brings a dish that they have bought or prepared

    In my opinion, organizing a pot luck dinner is a better choice mainly for two reasons.

    Primarily, it is an economical choice. Some of our employees work at minimum wage, so the contribution for dinner might hamper their monthly budget. On the other hand, the pot luck dinner will allow them to prepare only one dish for everyone at their home which can be cost effective.

    Furthermore, our office staff belongs to different nationality and culture, so everyone can cook their local dish in the pot luck dinner. Sharing cultures and food with each other will strengthen the bond between colleagues. This will help our workplace.

    In conclusion, although inviting all workers in a nearby hotel with a nominal contribution is a good choice, organizing the pot luck dinner at the office is an ideal option. Lastly, I would like to thank you sir for conducting this survey and allowing us to assist you in reaching a final decision.

  152. – Internet In Schools Survey

    You live in a CELPIP TIP downtown there are some schools. Some of schools, using the internet in schools is getting more popular. Is this a positive or negative development?

    * Choose the option that you prefer in about Write about 150-200 words.

    – Option A: Positive Development
    – Option B: Negative Development

    I would like to opine with option A, as there is multifarious reason behind it.
    In recent technology era, most of the things went digital over internet.
    Earlier schools used to depend only on limited resources of books and way of knowledge, though It was good according to that scenario but nowadays circumstances has been changed and school also need to adopt the digital study methodology to provide up to date information to their students.

    while using the internet, desired information getting in one click, all teachers and staff are UpToDate with knowledge which those are lacking earlier. This all happened due to internet. In addition, School does not need to keep all records on papers, now due to internet they can have own software and database where they can access all information globally however, there are some data loss risks are associated as cybercrime cases are increased repeatedly.
    I believe all the internet uses are getting monitored through logs and only those sites are allowed which is related to study and should be approved by schools’ authorities. I hope this security measure already taken care by all schools.

    As discussed above arguments, internet is major role to develop knowledge, I would recommend that every school should use the internet.


  153. Your company wants to allow some employees to work from home. Not everyone can have this choice because some jobs must be done at the office. The company wants to know if this is fair by surveying your opinion about working from home.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    Option A: A work-from-home choice is fair.
    Option B: A work-from-home choice is not fair.

    It is a great news that company is offering work from option for few employees who do not need to be in office for routine job or not working on any important assignment. However, I feel that organization should not have work from option for anyone.
    To start with, a company works on team spirit and bonding. Sometimes they may feel that they are not able to opt work from home option due to jobs responsibilities because of that, they will not take crucial responsibility in next project, and it will affect the team coordination and company.
    Additionality, data security is major concern for all the companies and always have the fear of leaking of sensitive data. Possibility of data leakage is higher if someone is working from home, and it may affect the company credibility.
    In conclusion, to maintain the harmony between employees and to keep the data secure, companies should not allow to work from home. It will be always in favour of a company treat all the employee in same way in all the conditions.

  154. Your apartment building is getting old, and the owners of the building are planning to do some renovations this summer. They have decided to conduct a survey to see what the tenants would like to have improved this year. Which option would you prefer?
    Option A: New paint and carpets
    Option B: New elevator

    Dear Society Managers,
    I would prefer to replace the existing elevator with modern and high-class lift system. I understand that society should be eye catching so that it will increase the status of members and would increase the market value of premises.
    Although, I feel that elevator is one of the important parts of building and should always be as per the safety norms of the government policies. Additionally, we have observed that existing system breaks very frequently, and couple of time, member got stuck in the elevator more than 30 minutes.
    Along with that, as this elevator has basic feature and responses very slow which annoy to the society member who is getting late for their office or coming back from a tired day. Moreover, it doesn’t allow to take the weight of more than 3 members so remaining member must come through stairs or need to wait for elevator to take remaining members.
    I hope my suggestion would be appealing to society management and would be taking judicious decision in this matter. Please let me know if you need more information me.

  155. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty.
    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

    Dear Mam or Sir,

    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction with my experience when I stayed in your hotel last June 21, with my mother to celebrate her birthday.

    I booked one room with 2 beds available on the first floor because my mom is old and she doesn’t like to ride inside the elevator. Yet, when we arrived at the hotel the receptionist told us that our room is not yet ready and we have to wait in the lobby. We waited for more than 2 hours to be accommodated and no single personnel approach us to explain why there is a delay.

    In addition, when we finally get inside the room it was dirty and seems like the bed linens weren’t changed at all. The restroom has no toiletries available, and I kept calling reception to provide it, at the end, we did end up buying our own.

    In conclusion, I would like a full refund of our one-night stay and I would recommend that you should update your reservation process and improve your overall hotel service to avoid this inconvenience for your customers.

    I look forward to your response.



  156. The city administration is considering whether to approve the building of a factory. Since it wants to know how residents feel, it has sent out a survey to get input on whether people would support or oppose the factory? Write a response explaining your position.
    Both Options has advantages and disadvantages. Some people might prefer Option A. However, my preference will be Option B. There are reasons and the same was mentioned below.

    Firstly, Some people say building the factory in the city is good idea and provide jobs to the local people. Remaining people will say the building the factory in the residential area is bad thought and it will have adverse effects. Factories will release lot of waste in to the water and air which will effect everyone’s health. Even recent article shows increase in numbers of diseases such as Cancer, Asthama among young children are due to factories which are build with in the city.

    Secondly, Factories required enormous land and this will be created only by cutting down trees. By doing so, Primarily, this will create imbalance in our echo friendly environment in our city. We are seeing in the news and social networking sites about the global warming where countries are severely effected due to deforestation. Instead of building a factory, we should go with park which will benefit for all ages. This will provide more value addition to our city than the factory. Consequently, i feel benefits of Option B will outweigh the advantages of Option A.

    Conspicuously, Based on the reasons outlined, i will feel Option B is better choice than Option A.

  157. Your apartment building is getting old, and the owners of the building are planning to do some renovations this summer. They have decided to conduct a survey to see what the tenants would like to have improved this year. Which option would you prefer?
    Option A: New paint and carpets
    Option B: New elevator
    I would strongly prefer setting up a new elevator. Even though the other option of arranging new paint and carpets for the building is an appealing option, but option B would certainly outweigh the advantages.
    To commence with, replacing the old elevator with a new one would immensely help the older generation to move freely from one floor to another. If the elevator is not working properly, aged tenants are more likely to face difficulty while using stairs. Moreover, it would benefit other renters while reallocating, and shifting their stuffs without any hassle. It has been observed that when people were moving their heavy furniture through stairs; it has caused damage to the walls as well as the edges of the furniture also got broken.
    Another factor to be considered is that changing the elevator would be time saving for the working tenants while heading to their work locations. Since there is no requirement for painting the building, it would be better if the elevator is operational for every individual. Is it imperative to paint the building or to change old carpets, if it doesn’t have any practical benefits?
    Considering the elucidations outlined above, I firmly believe that option B seems to be the viable selection.

  158. You have seen an advertisement in an English newspaper for a job working in the City Museum shop during the holidays.
    You decide to apply for the job. Write a letter to the director of the Museum. In your letter:
    • introduce yourself
    • explain what experience and special skills you have
    • explain why you are interested in the job

    Dear Sir,

    My name is Jenna Sharma and the purpose of my writing today is apply for an opening in the City Museum shop during summer vacations. I am a graduate student at London School of History and Arts, perhaps you have heard about it as one of the Ivy league schools. Nothing could be more exhilarating for a history student than getting to work with historically significant artefacts.

    If given a chance, it would be an honor and privilege to work for state-of-the-art museum. It could give me first-hand experience to learn and share information with visitors about the masterpieces at the shop. Additionally, It is also an opportunity to boost my resume. As far as I remember, my seniors from college have worked for you and they shared how they landed wonderful museum jobs after working for museum shop.

    As far as my credentials are concerned, I have worked for history and arts museum store in the downtown for 2 year thus, I have ample experience in public relations to deliver my best duties if I am considered for this job. Once I was facilitated as spectacular employee of the year for best sales in the store. Moreover, my previous boss and colleagues can vouch for my work ethics.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

    Best Regards,
    Jenna Sharma

  159. You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation.
    Write a letter to the course provider. In your letter:
    • Say what the problem is.
    • Describe the accommodation you thought you were getting.
    • Ask the provider to solve the problem

    My name is Jenna Sharma and I am certain that you remember me from last week’s airport pick up at the New York city. I am highly grateful to you for arranging last minute accommodation for me since my previous booking got cancelled. It was quite a disappointing experience, however, my current housing doesn’t seem pleasing as well.
    As far as my study is concerned, it is getting compromised as my neighbors are really noisy. They party frequently and all night which upsets my sleep, therefore, I am mostly sleepy in the mornings during my class hours.

    Furthermore, my place is quite far from the school, thus, it takes me over two hours commuting back and forth. I could use those two hours accessing library and other resources on campus if I were closer.

    I request you to provide me with a housing either on school area or in vicinity. This could also help me participate actively in student activities after school hours, given that I spend lesser time travelling. I am ready to wait for better lodging until there is a suitable place for me. Meanwhile, if you could have a word with my neighbors, it might resolve some problems for me.

    Kindly, let me know if you have any question for me, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best Regards,
    Jenna Sharma

  160. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty.
    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved


    My name is Jenna and I am writing today concerning my stay at your hotel. As a matter of fact, I frequently travel to Toronto and have stayed in many five-star hotels, however, I had terrible experience staying at your facility.

    I highly appreciate you accepting my last-minute booking but I was not expecting to get a messy room. The Floor of the room was wet and bedsheets were soiled as if someone just checked out of that room a minute before I checked in.

    Additionally, I received an unsatisfactory service from your staff members. One of my luggage bags was misplaced by a member of the staff, on top of that he hardly cared to inform me. Fortunately, it was found later. Nevertheless, they were rude and unprofessional at most of the times. They never provided room service on time eventhough, I made multiple requests for the same.

    I would like to suggest that you should consider replacing your untrained team with more skillful and experienced employees. If given a chance, professional training should be provided to the current personnel as they could improve and perform their job responsibilities efficiently.

    I am open for any discussion further.


  161. Dipakkumar Navinbhai Prajapati

    Dear Amazon Support Team,

    I have a complaint to lodge about a portable massager that I purchased on 18-05-2022 from your website. The order id is #123-456-789 for your reference and perusal.

    The Firstly I was so annoyed that the delivery timing mentioned for my pin code was 2 days but I received the product almost 7 days later after completing the order on the website. I specifically bought this product due to the great features and short delivery period.

    Apart from that, I was most disappointed with the massager when I opened the box and found that it does not appear the same as it was described on the website. It was mentioned online that massager comes in black color, it can be charged with dc charger, and there is no need for AAA batteries. While this product which I have received only works on AAA batteries that are not even rechargeable and also, massager is in brown color.

    I request a replacement of the product with correct one or please refund my money on return of this massager. Hoping for a positing reply from your side as soon as possible.

    Dipak Prajapati

  162. You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation.
    Write a email to the course provider. In your email:

    • Say what the problem is.
    • Describe the accommodation you thought you were getting.
    • Ask the provider to solve the problem.


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am David, I have enrolled for one year PGP Program in your college, and I am writing this email to express my concern regarding the accommodation provided by you.

    Firstly, after my college enrolment, I applied for the college residential facility, and I opted for a single person occupancy. However, unfortunately I was given sharing occupancy, which i am sharing with another college student, in which I have been living for last couple of weeks, which is quite unexpected for me. In addition to this, the room provided to both of us is not enough for two people, and it has a lot of ventilation issue.

    Moreover, I have paid the higher fees for my accommodation on single occupancy basis, and the facility I am living is double sharing, as per your college brochure the price for that is quite cheaper than single occupancy rooms.

    Therefore, I would like you to kindly shift me to preferred accommodation or refund my money on for the days I am living in this accommodation.

    I hope you consider my request on priority basis, and take appropriate action on this matter.


  163. Dear Sir,

    I would like to draw your attention towards the issues that readers face in the public library. I think this could be a big problem for book worms and those who are fond of reading. To add more, this is a big concern for students during their exam time and looking for peace.

    Yesterday evening, my friend and I visited the public library to grab a book of History of Canada to learn more about the nation. I was astonished to see that the sitting area of the library was a complete mess. All the chairs were broken and it was hard to sit on them. Somehow, I found plastic chairs but their condition was pathetic as well.

    Besides that, my friend was looking for books to prepare for her banking entrance exam and then she found out that all the books available were not up-to-date. Books were not even organized Properly.

    In the end, I would like to request you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Firstly, the sharp nails on the chairs should be hammered properly. After that, the library should be cleaned and updated with new edition books. I hope this information would help to create a better environment for the readers and students to study.

    Mary Singla

  164. Childcare Survey
    You work in a very big office. There is a popular and cheap restaurant in the building. The boss is thinking of removing the restaurant and replacing it with a childcare facility for the working parents in the office. You have been asked to respond to an opinion survey.
    Option A: I think we should keep the restaurant.
    Option B: I think we should replace the restaurant with a childcare facility.

    After thoughtful consideration, I believe that the presence of the popular restaurant in the office building is comparatively more useful and convenient for the staff members and other visitors. However, the thought of introducing a childcare facility for the working parents is appreciative but it would not be helpful for all the people working in the office.

    Restaurant is much popular amongst the employees, and everybody use the services of it whereas the childcare facility will only help the employees who have children.

    Hence, it will be useful for limited people. On the other hand, majority of staff members are used to spend their lunch time or free hours at the restaurant because it helps them keep refreshed and surfeited. Also, it is no secret that, everybody loves the food and reasonable prices that the restaurant has been offering from past few years.

    In the conclusion, I would prefer using the facilities of restaurant in the office building over opening a new childcare facility because the decision to keep the restaurant will be fair and reasonable to the employees as well as for it owners who have been serving in our office building from long ago.

  165. You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation.
    Write a letter to the course provider. In your letter:
    1. Say what the problem is.
    2. Describe the accommodation you thought you were getting.
    3. Ask the provider to solve the problem.

    Dear Sir,
    I just moved to Canada to pursue the Computer Science course, and the purpose of my writing is to take your attention to my awful housing condition.
    First of all, I want to point out the size of the room; Since, It’s extremely tiny, It makes walking quite arduous . In order to move from one place to another, I have to hop over the furniture. What’s more, when there are daily power cuts for several hours, studying or doing any household chores at night becomes out of the question.
    I anticipated(expected) a cosy and spacious 1 BHK apartment with a supplemental(extra) study room, where I can go through my course. Moreover, due to the overwhelming population of bugs, my expectation of having a clean and well-maintained area is also doomed.
    In order to mend the situation, It is highly urged that you make it a top priority to shift me to a better place. Considering it’s quite a predicament for me, I would need to appeal to the University if I don’t get a timely response.
    Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Furthermore, an open line of communication from your side, in this case, would greatly help out.
    Yours Sincerely,
    John Doe

    1. Score 8. Watch your capitalization and don’t sign off as ‘John Doe’. A John Doe is an unknown dead person .

  166. Your children’s school provides free school lunches. Usually the lunch is a hamburger, hot dog, or pizza. The children really enjoy the lunches. Some parents want to change the lunches so that the children eat salad or vegetables every day. The school asked you to respond to an opinion survey.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

    -Option A: I would prefer the lunches stayed the same.

    -Option B: I would prefer they changed the lunches.

    To whom it may concern,

    I hope you are having a wonderful day. The following is my personal opinion explaining why the free lunches daily provided by St John’s Elementary School should remain as currently offered.

    As a parent of Mathew from fourth grade I have heard several complaints from other parents regarding the actual lunch selection presented by the academy’s cafeteria, however I recognize the possibility that all parents are free to provide their own homemade lunch to their children, and considering that I grew up without having any kind of free aliments at school, I feel entirely grateful with this institution for the service provided.

    Besides the former reason, I have always noticed positive comments from my son and many of his classmates regarding the actual choices they have, I believe it is completely acceptable to let them enjoy their favourite meals because it’s our responsibility as parents to primarily take care of our children diet and nutrition. I understand it would also be unsustainable for the institution to supply the options requested by multiple parents, such as organic based lunches.

    I will continue appreciating your consideration towards this matters.

    Kindest regards,
    Marcus Weber

    1. Score 9
      punctuation: “…daily provided by St John’s Elementary School should …” (daily, provided by St. John’s Elementary School, should) -interruption
      “…As a parent of Mathew from fourth grade I have…” (As a parent of Mathew from fourth grade, I have) -subordinating conjunction
      “…cafeteria, however I recognize…” (cafeteria; however, I recognize OR cafeteria. However I recognize) – conjunctive adverb
      “…they have, I believe it is…” (they have. I believe it is OR they have, and I believe it is) -missing connection
      possessive: “…our children diet and nutrition…” (our children’s diet and nutrition)

      1. You and your family visit the local shopping mall every week. However, it has become more and more difficult to find a parking spot recently. You would like to let the shopping mall manager know about this problem.

        Describe the problem you are having with the mall’s parking.
        Explain what you and your family have to do in order to visit the shopping mall now.
        Provide some suggestions for how the mall manager can solve this problem.

        Dear Manager,

        This is Adam, a regular comer to the national shopping mall and lately it has been becoming tougher to park the car.

        Whenever I visit the mall with my family, I had to park my car in the paid parking lot behind the street, and walk 1 km all the way, which is terrible to do specially when coming with kids. This is also creating an other problem in carrying the purchased items bags when returning from the mall.

        I do believe there are ways easy to implement and cost effective solutions which would solve the problem to some extent.

        Firstly, there are no parking separator lines in the last two basements resulting in parking vehicles in their own way. As a result, the space is not effectively utilized, and fixing this would a quick remedy. Secondly, in the first basement, half of the space is reserved for trucks, possibly to unload items. As you may know, these trucks mostly arrive in the early morning hours, you could mention allowed parking hours in those slots in the first basement.

        I am hoping my view points are going to help shoppers.

        Best Regards,

  167. You have registered for a six-month computer training program at Sambro Community College. You want to rent a room from Sambro Housing Agency.

    Dear Sambro Housing Agency,

    My name is Danh, and I am contacting you about renting a room because I am going to study at Sambro Community College for the next six months from January to June 2023. There are some criteria that I want to list:

    It is better if the accommodation nears the school or bus, so I can walk or take a bus since I do not have a car. About the room, I would prefer an apartment with one bedroom, one kitchen and one bathroom. More importantly, the building must have no pet policy because I have to wake up early every morning for classes, so I do not want to hear the noise of pets that significantly affect my sleep.

    Moreover, my budget will be around $1000 to $1500. It would be great if you can provide me with a list of available rooms with images then I can decide which one the suitable for me and also the rental documents so I can read policies in advance.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or new information.
    Viet Danh

  168. Question: Survey on class duration. 1.5 hours or 3 hours

    The duration of classes is still an ongoing discussion topic amongst college students, and many of them think three-hour classes once a week are convenient. However, in my opinion, 1.5-hour classes twice a week is a more suited option, because of the learning experience they can provide.

    Conspicuously, short duration classes allow the students to focus better. This is because an adult’s average attention span ranges from 32 minutes to 48 minutes, and it starts to diminish after that. Furthermore, consuming the material or information in small chunks would allow the students to grasp the concepts better. For example, it would give them time to reread the material before the next class, so that it is easy for them to build upon whatever they have learned already.

    On the contrary, some individuals think that three-hour classes are better because they need to travel to the campus only once. Although it seems convenient, one would miss a lot, if they miss just one class. Furthermore, I have seen students leaving the class after the breaks between hours, since they are overwhelmed, and I believe the professors would also endorse the same.

    Based on the aforementioned arguments, I would strongly recommend changing the schedule to 1.5-hour classes twice a week, as they provide the students a more comprehensive learning experience.

    1. Score 8
      no comma “…miss a lot, if they miss…” (miss a lot if they miss)
      “…between hours, since they…” (between hours since they)
      Better transition “…On the contrary…” (On the other hand) – The survey is really asking you to support your opinion with two ideas. It’s not asking you to discuss both sides of the issue.

  169. Hostel management has decided to upgrade the security in and around the campus. The management has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have as new security measure. You are residing in a College hostel :
    Option A: New HD Night Vision Cameras covering the area around the hostel.
    Option B: Installing biometric locks on the doors.
    I would strongly believe that installing HD Night vision cameras covering the area around the hostel is a better choice compare to installing biometric locks. Night vision cameras provide protection against theft, watch on outsiders and great safety features at the night. Let me eloborate the points further.

    Firstly, in last one year there are many instances were we have seen robbery in the hostel. So, night vision cameras will help us to eliminate the theft and keep students belonging safe.

    Secondly, some unwanted people would persue the student for any wrong purpose while they are returning back. By keeping a watch, we can safeguard the privacy.

    Lastely, in every hostel there are students who break the rules and try to jump the wall for any wrong reasons like drugs, cigarettes, etc. By keeping a watch on this type of people, we can reduce the wrong activites at a very early stage and thus make a safe and healthy environment.

    Based on above reason, I would like to conclude that HD Night vision cameras will play an important role in maintaining the safety and healthy place to live.

  170. You are a college student. Your school is offering $2,000 to one student: this money will be used to pay college fees. The school is inviting all students to explain why they should get this award.
    • a description of what you are studying at college
    • why you are interested in your studies
    • a statement of how well you are doing at college
    • your future plans

    Dear Mr. Williams,
    Having been accepted to MET for the 2020 fall term to pursue an Advanced Diploma in Computer Information Systems, I am writing to express my desire to participate in the Tuition Award Program. For as long as I can remember, I have had a strong passion for technology and computers, and I believe that technology can make education more accessible to the poor and needy.

    During my two years at MET Boston, I have maintained a GPA above 3.85, excelled in all classes, and made it on the dean’s list. In addition to that, I am a member of Giving Back, a volunteer tutor team working with underprivileged school-going children in the community. The students connect to the volunteer tutors using an application that I developed.

    Servant leadership is the philosophy that I would intend to follow while chasing my dream as a computer programmer. I want society to benefit from my education and MET Boston to gain prestige as an institution supporting innovation for the greater good. This award will allow me to achieve these aims and put more time, effort and resources into creating more beneficial tools for the community.

    Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

    Yours sincerely,
    Geetha Vasu

    1. Score 9
      Preposition: “…and made it on the dean’s list.” (and made it onto the dean’s list)
      Second conditional: “This award will allow me to achieve…” (This award would allow me to achieve) The final decision hasn’t been made yet.

  171. Your company wants to allow some employees to work from home. Not everyone can have this choice because some jobs must be done at the office. The company wants to know if this is fair by surveying your opinion about working from home.
    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    Option A: A work-from-home choice is fair.
    Option B: A work-from-home choice is not fair.

    In recent years, more and more companies are shifting towards the work-from-home model, and some people think it is unfair because not all employees can choose that option. However, I firmly believe that the company’s decision to allow some employees to work remotely is reasonable because of increased employee productivity, reduced employee turnover, and lowered operational costs.

    Essentially, the work-from-home model would benefit the business financially as it reduces the operational cost to a great extent by eliminating the need for expensive office space proportional to the number of employees. For example, a company with 300 employees operating in San Francisco could save millions of dollars in lease and parking if they shift to a remote working model.

    Another reason is, the flexibility that the work-from-anywhere model offers the employees in terms of transportation, comfort, and timing is endless and it directly translates to happiness and productivity. A recent survey by Harvard Business School shows that remote working employees are 1.4% more productive than their in-office counterparts.

    In conclusion, I would consider the company’s decision to allow some employees to work-from-home as fair, primarily because of its economic benefits to the company, but also the flexibility it would provide to the staff.

    1. Score 9
      incomplete conditional: “…San Francisco could save millions of dollars in lease and parking if they shift to a remote working model…” (San Francisco could save millions of dollars in lease and parking if they shifted to a remote working model) The second conditional combines the past in the condition with would/should/could in the result.
      no comma: “…Another reason is, the flexibility…” (Another reason is the flexibility)
      missing comma: “…endless and it directly translates…” (endless, and it directly translates) – coordinating conjunction + subject

  172. Your children’s grade 5 class teacher likes to take the children on field trips to museums or parks. Sometimes the teacher takes the children on public buses. Some parents are unhappy. They say the school should always use school buses even though it is more expensive. You have been asked to respond to an opinion survey.
    Option A: Public Transit: I think it’s okay for children to travel on public transit.
    Option B: School Buses: I would prefer children only to travel on school buses.

    Lately, the issue of school children traveling in public transport during their field trips has become a concern for some parents because they think that it may not be safe for their children to ride a means of public transport. However, I firmly believe that it is alright for children to travel on public transit sometimes, primarily because the school staff ensures that children’s safety is not compromised during those trips and it helps the children develop necessary life skills.

    First, I believe those pre-teen years are a good time for children to practice life skills and independence. Making them travel in a less familiar environment would enhance their confidence, improve their navigation skills, and allow them to learn how to be safe when among strangers.

    Second, I have noticed in the past that the teacher was so vigilant in ensuring the safety of her students during the field trips by carefully selecting the timings and venue and by including a sufficient number of adults in the group.

    In conclusion, I would strongly recommend that children of grade 5 and above should use public transport for some of their field trips as long as the staff members can guarantee their safety.

  173. You recently visited a zoo where a man died after falling into the tigers’ enclosure. You were unable to do anything but wanted to show your concern for visitors’ safety.
    In about 150 – 200 words write an email to the zoo’s director. Your email should do the following things:
    – describe the incident (date, place, people involved; reason for the accident; what action)
    – complain about the short fencing(used the old standand, people are getting taller, added wild animal bigger in size)
    – show concern for visitors’ safety (climb over, easier to break) replace the fence and put a sign nearby and on the ticket)

    Dear Mr. Smith,

    The purpose of my writing today is to lodge a concern regarding the potential safety hazards at Assiniboine Park Zoo.

    I, along with my kids, paid a visit to your zoo on Louis Riel’s Day and witnessed a man climb and fall over the barrier while he was attempting to feed the tiger. Not only the fence just reached his shoulder’s height, but also the tip of the fence was rusted. The eyewitnesses raced to the security; unfortunately, moments later, the full-grown Bengali tiger has dragged him off by the neck.

    Since the zoo was initially designed to be a petting zoo, its fences and barriers were built to meet the standard of farm animals. Even though part of the zoo was converted as a rescue shelter for wild animals from Churchill, the safety measures were not reconstructed accordingly. Undoubtfully, what contributed to the accident is the short fence.

    It is imperative that safety measures, such as drills, should be undertaken to prevent throwing stones at animals, teasing animals and feeding them by public or visitors. Warning signs should be placed at a visible spot near wild animals and on the front of the ticket. Immediate action for enhanced emergency response is highly called for.

    I am looking forward to your prompt action.


  174. You and your friends are planning to go to Dubai on vacation. You have to arrange hotel accommodation and need details about hotel rooms and other facilities before making a final decision.
    150 – 200 words, write an email to the hotel managers. Your email should:
    – request details about the hotel (nearby transportation,
    – describe the type of room
    – identify any special needs (i.e. smoking or non-smoking room) (non-smoking, far from the elevator, higher floor possible with city view)

    Dear Hotel Manager,
    This is to inquire about the availability of accommodation at Sheraton Dubai Airport in June, this year. Any information, tips and suggestions that might boost our traveling experience would be greatly appreciated.
    I, along with two friends, will be coming down to Dubai to celebrate our college graduation during summer holiday. Since we don’t intend to rent a car, we really emphasis the accessibility to public transportation, especially to the Millennium Mall and the airport. Knowing summer can be sultry, we appreciate if you can provide us with information about surrounding restaurants, entertainment, exhibitions, and attractions.
    A small but decently furnished and well-ventilated suite would be quite enough for us. Ideally, we prefer a double-bed room with a futon sofa bed, bathroom attached. Additionally, bonus point if the room is on a higher floor with city view.
    In particular, we are firm on a non-smoking room since I have asthma. A desirable room would be away from the elevator and ice machine, which could assure the quality of our sleep.
    If you can provide the above accommodation, please send me immediately your tariff rates for full board so that I may order for the reservation in your hotel.


  175. A member of your family is thinking about going to university.
    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.

    Hi Jana,
    Many congratulations for completing the milestone of your graduation, now it’s time to go to a reputed university.
    I would like to advise you that you choose a university a little bit far from your home, as it has its own benefits. The first and foremost advantage is that you became independent to handle your own need, as being far from homemade to self-sufficient, also you get more focus on studies as you will be away from social life.
    Choosing a course has a crucial role to play in your career growth, hence based on my experience I am suggesting a few of the areas which are in high demand. For example, if persuasion is something your cup of tea, I would recommend going with the sales and marketing field of studies. Nowadays marketing has a booming future.
    Apart from that if you are interested in computer technology, go for computer science. Each day world is changing you to change in technology, with that rapid speed, a spike in vacancy for computer engineers are in place nowadays.
    The above recommendations are based on my experiences and current market trend, let me know if your thoughts are different so we can connect to find what best suits your needs and interest.

    Gunja Jaiswal

  176. I would prefer that a free public transit pass for one year to be given to all employees as a gift on the occasion of company’s 10th anniversary. Below paragraphs would elucidate my opinion.

    If free public transit pass is given to employees, it would help to reduce traffic on roads as employees will start using public transit. Also, our public transits are designed in such a way that it provides total comfort and ease to everyone who travels, since it connects all areas with each other. Government has also initiated few regulated programs to control the traffic on roads.

    Though, a free underground parking pass also seems to be a tempting gift for employees, however, this offer would encourage more employees to bring their own vehicles to office which would lead to traffic on roads and impact the environment badly. As per an article published in NY Times, vehicles leads to emission of carbon monoxide gases. These gases are very much harmful to our health. Additionally, many of our employees stay at a far distance from office and do not drive to work. Offering a free underground parking will be of no use to them.

    In Conclusion, to save our environment and provide comfort to employees to commute to office, free public transit pass is a better choice.

    1. I would be in favor of the park to stay as it is, since it is the only park in our vicinity being used by us and all are neighboring residents. Below paragraphs would elucidate my opinion.

      Firstly, City park is the only park in our area having basketball court and a big playground which is being used by everyone around. Before this park was constructed, we had to travel 10 km to take our children to other park which contains Basketball Court. Due to which we were able to travel only twice a month.

      Secondly, this park is being used for morning and evening walks and picnics by nearby residents and along with that, many schools used this park for multifarious competitions.

      Thirdly, this park is located closer to the main road because of which we use to face lot of traffic jam issues. If an apartment is constructed on this park, it would be highly inconvenient for the elderly people to stay in the apartments due to heavy traffic outside. Additionally, they will be using car for their daily errands which will eventually increase the traffic. On top of that, sound pollution would also increase which would not be suitable for elderly people.

      In conclusion, City park being a popular park should be remained as it is and I opine for the same.

      Pooja Dalal

  177. You live in a small town of 10,000 people. A large green area in the centre of town is undeveloped. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have built in that area.
    Option A: Shopping Complex: This shopping mall would include restaurants, a large supermarket, and a movie theatre.
    Option B: Recreational Park: This park would include a sports complex, a large green area, and a small petting zoo.

    After thoughtful consideration, I believe building a recreational park with a sports complex, a large green area, and a small petting zoo in the centre of town is the best idea for the town construction.
    First, our town is lacking sports areas. Building an area for sports will encourage the people in the town to do more physical outdoor activities, therefore, it will improve the social lives and health of our community.
    Secondly, should we proceed with the erection of the shopping complex, we will have to remove most of the trees in the land, which contribute to air pollution and greenhouse emissions. Building a park covered by a large green area will minimize the number of trees being cut down. People of all ages benefit from a nature-oriented environment. The youngsters can make it as their natural playground, whilst the adults can utilize it as their means of taming stress.
    Finally, a small pet zoo is always an irresistible attraction for children as they need accompanies to play with. Also, this will be a great opportunity for them to learn about different animals, especially their habitats, and behaviors.
    In conclusion, I am confident that the establishment of a recreational park is a better decision because of many significant benefits it brings.

    1. Score 8. Nicely written here too, but the same conditional issue as in your office response. You must use the second conditional (past + would/should/could) when providing an opinion about something undecided.

  178. 4. You work in a very big office. There is a popular and cheap restaurant in the building. The boss is thinking of removing the restaurant and replacing it with a childcare facility and has asked whether you would prefer:
    Option A: Replace the restaurant with a childcare facility
    Option B: Keep the restaurant and let parents make childcare arrangements offsite.

    I agree with your decision of replacing the restaurant in the building with the new childcare facility for the workers who have young children for the following reasons:
    Firstly, by having a childcare center at the office, the workers will save their commuting time as they can drop off or pick up their kids at their workplace. As a result, it will also increase their punctuality. On the other hand, the children can also benefit from daycare services. At the center, they will have the opportunity to meet with other younglings, which will help them build social skills, connections, and personalities.
    Secondly, the parents would feel more at ease when their children are near to them. Should anything bad happen, they can be there almost immediately. Without worrying about their kids, the employees can pay more attention to their job.
    In summary, I highly believe that constructing a childcare facility after the removal of the restaurant will be beneficial in terms of time and work productivity.

    1. Score 8. Nicely written, but you must use the second conditional (past + would/should/could) when providing an opinion about something undecided.

  179. Your child is facing an issue at school and is not able to concentrate
    -Talk to the concerned personnel and tell them the problem
    -Give suggestions
    -Ask for a meeting

    Dear Mr Peter,
    I am writing this letter with regards to issues pertaining to predicaments my child is facing, for a few weeks now. I would like a quick resolution for the same.

    My child is being bullied by his classmate, James. He posed as a pleasant personality to Rishab, but slowly he started calling him names, because of these demeaning tendencies, he has given up the idea of going to school entirely. Also, I have noticed a decreased interest in studies which can be accounted for by the neglect from the educator’s side.

    Since nobody is taking this up, I would like to put forward a few recommendations. Firstly, I would like you to personally intervene in this matter by having a peaceful conversation with the children. If it still escalates, communicating with the parents of the concerned party should help. Secondly, it would be in our favour if you could inspect the quality of individual student-teacher interaction by visiting the specific class: which will help us gauge where Rishab is lacking.

    As a parent, I feel one on one communication would help to subside this matter, speedily. Could you please arrange a time out of your busy schedule?
    Thank you for your cooperation. An open line of communication will be appreciated.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Sarah Tiwary

    1. Score 8
      “Regards” with an ‘s’ is only used in salutations or third person simple present; otherwise, the word is ‘regard’ without an ‘s’.
      Watch your conditionals. When you don’t have complete control over a situation’s outcome, you must use the second conditional (past + would, should, or could)

  180. Your car is hired from a company and while you are driving on holiday, you have a small accident. You will have to write a report to the company to explain it.
    In your letter:
    when and where you hired it
    describe how the accident happened
    what kind of action did you take after the accident

    Dear manager,
    I am writing to inform you that I had a minor accident with the Lexus NX which I hired from your company last week.
    My name is Mike, and I rented a Lexus NX, 2020 from your company in Guy Street on November 15, with the bill number 4518202. Regarding the contract, I have to return it next Wednesday.

    Yesterday morning, while I was driving north towards to Quebec City, a car behind me lost control and hit the back of my car which dented slightly the left-back corner of the bumper.

    Since we were driving on highway 40, I called highway police and asked them to come and give me a report so that I could send it to you and the insurance company as well. When the police officer arrived, they requested our driving licenses and realized that the other driver was guilty of the incident. He, then, filled the insurance paper and gave it to me. Moreover, we transferred our contact information with the idea it might be needed. Furthermore, I took some photos of cars, the position and the accident spot in the bumper. All documents are attached.

    Your kind cooperation would be most appreciated.

    Best regards,

    1. Nice one Mike. Score 8. Avoid over-using the same type of connection. You’ve used two conjunctive adverbs right next to each other here. “Moreover, we transferred … Furthermore, I took some photos of cars…”. Focus instead on sentence variety – start a couple of your sentences with participles. “After arriving and checking our driving licenses, the police officer realized the other driver was at fault.”

  181. Dear bank manager,
    I am writing to express my deep concern regarding my card which I was supposed to receive by mail, while it was missed on the way so that I could not able to receive it at all.

    My name is Mike, a client of yours. Owing to the renewal of my bank card, I made a request to receive a new one. After roughly a period of four-week waiting time, I, to my surprise, found out that the card was missing and did not exist in the envelope. This has brought me great anxiety so that I cannot digest the issue any longer.
    Based upon either the bank’s policy, the information of card holders must be preserved confidentially; whereas, my personal information is seemingly stolen by a stranger. From my perspective, this is a terrible situation which a client of yours can experience. Honestly, I do not know how you want to avoid releasing my bank information and who is assumed to pay the price due to the fault in this regard.

    I would like you to discover the trouble which has affected me severely; moreover, I would ask you to cancel the missing one and reissue a new one. Although this cannot bring my satisfaction, it causes to diminish my concern, at least.

    I would deeply appreciate it if you take this matter into your immediate consideration, and your kind cooperation in this respect is highly appreciated.
    I look forward to hearing from you promptly.
    Kind regards,

  182. Although taking steps for increasing the use of electric cars and bikes have their own benefits such as pollution reduction, I would like to choose the option to allocate money for the development of public transport systems since its benefits outweigh the other option.

    Apart from reducing environmental pollution, it is equally important that the traffic is managed efficiently and people can reach their destination on time. Through the use of electric cars, we can definitely decrease the pollution, however, what about the traffic congestion which is already out of control in our city at present? If we start using public transport, we can surely reduce the traffic and can easily and conveniently reach our destination. For example, if we use the metro train from victoria, there will not be any traffic but if we take a road trip, we can encounter heavy traffic.

    Hence, I would definitely believe that the government should take steps for improvement of public transport systems.

  183. Dear Manager,

    I am Mihir, and I have purchased a three chair sofa set for my home on 27th November from your C.G Road outlet of Royal Furniture mart. The purpose of my writing is to lodge a complaint about the inferior quality of the furniture I got.

    The complete sofa set has been delivered to me by today morning and I was ecstatic after receiving the delivery earlier than I expected. However, my happiness didn’t last long! As soon as I unpacked the box, I was disgruntled to observe that the right armrest of one of the sofas was broken. Not only did I receive the faulty furniture but also it wasn’t polished properly. I am also attaching the photographs of the faulty goods along with this email for your reference.

    Considering the above reasons, I humbly request you to kindly replace these sofa sets or get them repaired immediately.

    I am anticipating prompt actions from your end.


  184. If given a choice, I would definitely opt for banning smoking in the Public area considering the health issues as well as a reduction in air pollution.

    To begin with, the public road is widely used by all the age group of persons. When some non-smoker, especially the children watch pedestrians smoking on the road, it creates a negative impact on their minds. Furthermore, it is a proven fact that the observation power of children is quite high and there are high possibilities that the Children start smoking by imitating the one who smokes on the road.

    Not only to the Children, but the smoking creates adverse impact on the health of smokers himself. Smoking is proven to be the main reason for lung cancer, breathing issues as well as it also creates problems during pregnancy.

    Furthermore, Smoking in the public area causes air pollution which may passively affect non-smokers. Why should the non-smokers get suffered just for the sake of enjoyment of smokers for five to ten minutes?

    Considering the above, I am strongly of the opinion to ban smoking in the public.

  185. If given a chance, I would recommend that the Company should give salary hike to all the employees on the basis of the experience considering their importance as well as the skills that they possess.

    To begin with, it is said that experience makes the human best in all walks of life. The senior employees are well versed with the company culture and they are proven to be more efficient than the novice employees. The management skill, as well as the way of communication that they possess, is more beneficial for the Company. For example, while allocating the new project, management doesn’t require elaborating each and every minute detail to the experienced employees as they can handle it on their own and can save valuable time and resources for the Company.

    On the other hand, the employees who are educationally more qualified may be advanced in terms of theoretical knowledge but they can’t compete and provide a practical solution when it comes to dealing with the actual situation.

    Considering the above explanation, I strongly recommend that management should consider the option to give a remuneration hike on the basis of experience.

    1. Score 8 – Watch your punctuation and don’t mix modals with subjunctives. There wouldn’t be a ‘should’ in this sentence – “I strongly recommend that management consider…”

  186. Dear Sir,
    I am Dipti Saboo, and the purpose of my writing today is to register a claim for the missing carry bag which I have lost recently during my visit to Thailand.

    I am on my vacation to Thailand and Today morning, I was at the St. Peterson zoo around 10:00 a.m along with my carry bag which consists of my wallet (approx. 50,000 baths), a gold chain, and my Ipad. While I was clicking the picture of the elephant, I put my bag on the floor for a while. I went near to the cage of that elephant and within a fraction of 5 minutes when I came back; I was astonished to find that my bag wasn’t at its place!

    I started searching all around but couldn’t find it. I also contacted zoo security to help me with my bag but it wasn’t as helpful as I expected.

    Now, as per my policy document, I have to make the complaint within 24 hours of loss of luggage items, and accordingly, I am submitting herewith my policy documents, The Police complaint, and the description of the missing product.

    I Request you to process my claim and provide me a compensation of 75,000 baths for my loss at the earliest.


  187. You and your family visit the local shopping mall every week. However, it has become more and more difficult to find a parking spot recently. You would like to let the shopping mall manager know about this problem.

    Describe the problem you are having with the mall’s parking.

    Explain what you and your family have to do in order to visit the shopping mall now.

    Provide some suggestions for how the mall manager can solve this problem.

    Dear Manager,

    I’m writing this mail to complain regarding to the lack of parking spots. My family and I visited Yorkdale mall last Saturday after lunch to buy my daughter’s birthday gift. However, we came across a complicated and annoying situation on there. The most serious one was with parking spots. We arrived at 12:30 p.m., but I could not find a suitable location for parking my vehicle. In addition, so many cars entered in the same direction resulting in a traffic jam. My wife and daughters were throwing a tantrum and I struggled to comfort them. The day was hard and irritating; I was really disappointed about /in your mall’s conducts. Therefore, I felt the need to make you aware about the problem. I would to give you some advice to fix it. You should report it to your higher department that extending parking spots for more customers and safety. Traffic guards should be put in place to organize traffic jams. I will be looking forward to receiving good news from you about this problem and hope you have a good day.

    Best Regards,

  188. Although creating new separate lanes for the bikers have their own benefits, I do believe that allocating funds for the construction of a swimming pool and spa would be a more beneficial option considering the health benefits and relaxation.

    Swimming is proven to be the best exercise for the whole body. There is a number of people who avoid going to a gym due to laziness or lack of time. However, if the swimming pool is constructed along with Gym, it will serve a dual purpose for the user i.e enjoyment as well exercise. Swimming also provides the health benefits such as losing fat, muscle building as well rejuvenating inner peace.

    Furthermore, as most of the people in our locality have been living busy life due to their job or business, constructing a spa center will provide relaxation to the body from the routine life. Moreover, there is no other spa facility available in our vicinity and therefore it can also be the medium for generating revenue for the authority.

    If the bike lane is created for the bikers it will only be helpful for the riders. On the other side, the possibility of increase in road accidents should not be neglected.

    Hence, Government should most definitely allocate funds for the Swimming pool and Spa.

    1. Score 8. Watch your tenses, plurals and singulars. Gerunds are singular nouns ; “(the act of) creating new lanes for bikers has its own benefits”

  189. Hi Rohit,

    How’s life? I apologize for not replying to your previous mail as I was busy with my final exams.

    Well, I have great news for you. Can you guess where our college has arranged a summer camp this year? Let me tell you, it is in your town Delhi for three weeks! Finally, after two years we will be able to meet each other.

    We will reach there on the 15th night via flight and our camping will start from the 18th Morning. Our university had already booked hotels near the riverfront for our stay. However, I need your favor. Since you are living there for 2 years, you might be well versed with the nightlife of the city. Can you suggest some exciting dance club where we can enjoy and have fun on 16th? Do let me suggest two-three clubs so that we can finalize one of them.

    Additionally, we are planning for the night out on the 17th. Could you please help me to arrange a weekend party and suggest a place for the same?

    I am looking forward to seeing you and your family soon.

    Yours’ truly,

  190. City Development Survey
    You live in a small town of 10,000 people. A large green area in the center of town is undeveloped. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have built- in that area.Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    ▉Option A: Shopping Complex: This shopping mall would include restaurants, a supermarket, and a movie theatre.
    ▉Option B: Recreational Park: This park would include a sports complex, a large green area, and a small petting zoo

    While I recognize, building a recreational park might be a great decision, I believe the city should make the shopping mall since it will kick start our economy with immediate job possibilities.

    To begin with, constructing a mall with multivarious amenities will create a substantial no of jobs. Due to the lack of employment opportunities, a large no of people is moving to big cities regularly. For instance, a fresh high school graduate needs an essential job to support their higher study. Unfortunately, the scarcity of job openings is not allowing them to stay and fulfill their dream at the same time.

    Additionally, having a supermarket, an eatery, and a movie theatre undoubtedly will attract more investment in businesses from other areas; in turn, there will be a significant increase in revenue. Apart from that, utilizing the extra fund, the administration will be able to create essential infrastructure for further development.

    To sum up, I can understand that constructing a recreational park might be an appealing idea; nonetheless, jobs are more important than personal well-being. Therefore, I think building a shopping mall will be a more desirable choice.

    1. Score 8. Watch your conditionals. When you’re talking about a result over which you have no control, you should use the second conditional – past + would/should/could

  191. To whom it may concern;

    My name is Dipesh and I traveled from Ahmedabad to New Delhi through Flight number AI-768 of Jet Airways on 19th December, 2021. I usually travel through your Airlines and have a pleasant experience every time. Unfortunately, I have to say that the service on board was terrible during my last trip.

    After completing my check-in formalities, I reached my allotted seat number C-3. However, to my utter disappointment, the fabric of the seat was having a stain of wine and oily food. Moreover, its bad smell was making me feel more uncomfortable, and when I complained to the crew about the issue, she said that since the flight is full, she can’t allot me another place to sit and she didn’t even bother to get the seat cleaned even after my sincere requests.

    Furthermore, after the flight took off, I ordered a vegetable grill sandwich but I was disgruntled after receiving a beef sandwich. Although the crew apologized, it couldn’t compensate since I have already eaten half a sandwich!

    Considering the adversity which I have had to face, if I may, I would sincerely recommend you to take steps for maintaining proper hygiene, as well as train your staff adequately.

    Thanking You!


  192. To whom it may concern,
    I was stunned by the unfortunate experience which I have had witnessed yesterday when I visited the Kamala Nehru zoo with my friends.

    The fencing of the cage of the white Bengal tiger was a shorter one and a man who seems to be in his early forty was near the cage and he apprehend that the tiger would not be able to cross that much height. But that was his misfortune! While he was chatting with their friend near the cage, the tiger was approximately 3 feet away, jumped all of sudden, and fetched the man into his cage! Screaming and hustle-bustle started all around by the visitors for helping that person. However, one could not dare to do anything to rescue the man, and unfortunately, he becomes the meal for the tiger.

    Witnessing this unforeseen situation, I strongly recommend that the fencing of the wild animals should be of at least 12-15 feet height. Furthermore, the cage should be properly locked and a security guard shall be placed near the cage who can manage and instruct the crowd about the safety measures.

    I hope the management will consider my suggestions and will do the needful.


  193. If given a choice, I would choose the option to build a baseball ground which is the most popular sport among youngsters like us.

    At present, we have only a baseball ground which is one hour run from our vicinity and it becomes quite challenging for the parents to take their young children to the ground which consumes most of their valuable time, as a result of it, they manage to do it only once or twice a week.

    Another feature that would make the community ecstatic about the ground is the large sitting facility which the city is planning to construct. The present ground does not offer reasonable sitting capacity, which is quite disappointing as younger players like to have their parents or grandparents sit in ground and enjoy watching them play.

    On the other hand, simply building an athletic track might not be useful for the community as almost 60% population is above the age of 50 and as a result, I personally think that the running track would remain unutilized and its maintenance will put an extra burden on the city and ultimately on the pocket of residents.

    Hence, I do believe that constructing Baseball ground is more beneficial for the society.

  194. Dear Pratatp,

    The purpose of my writing today is to complain about several incidences of mental as well as physical harassment happening with me for the last couple of weeks.

    Mr. Paulin Shah and Mr. Kinjal Patel, who are working in the stock purchase department, are constantly bullying and using racist words targeting me in particular. Last week, on Friday evening, Mr. Paulin called me by my last name and started using abusive words without any reason and his colleague Mr. Kinjal accompanied him in his misbehavior and he also passed comment on my skin color.
    Initially, I tried to avoid such behaviors from the employees of the Company. However, when it continues for 2 more days, I strongly opposed and warned them not to use such kind of words in the future. However, to my utter disappointment, they are still the same and are continuing their misbehavior.

    Henceforth, I was left with no other option but to lodge a complaint with you through this Email. The Audio-video recordings of their deeds are also available at my disposal which I can share with you for evidence.

    Request you to look into the matter and resolve it at the earliest.


  195. In my opinion, the Newspaper agency should continue the physical version of the newspaper along with the Digital version.

    If I talk about myself, I always enjoy reading physical newspapers early in the morning with a cup of coffee in spite of having access to the Digital version. Furthermore, being a Software engineer, I have to spend most of the time on a computer for my work. Therefore, if I read the newspaper on my mobile and computer, I will not get much enjoyment from it, since I use it as a relaxing tool from my daily job life. Moreover, if the agency stops printed version, the old age readers’ needs might get affected since they may not be well versed with the cell phones and internet links of the websites.

    Lastly, the digital version has its own benefits, for example, the reader can have access to the news at his/her fingertips at any time and they can get themselves updated with the latest news without any delay.

    Hence, considering the above reasons, the newspaper agency should definitely keep both versions available for their readers.

    1. Score 7. Don’t use yourself as an example – talk about people in general.
      Make sure you identify your main ideas in the introduction.
      Great grammar!

  196. A member of your family is thinking about going to university.
    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.


    Hi Claire,

    I want to follow up with our conversation on the Thanksgiving family reunion dinner. You mentioned that you really admire Uncle Jackson being a surgeon at St. Boniface Hospital and you wanted to apply for pre-med just like him.

    As your aunt and a nursing instructor at the University of Manitoba, I highly encourage you to do so as you cannot bypass a university degree if you want to practice vocations like physicians and nurse practitioners. Also, a qualified degree can significantly increase your career prospects. I heard some honour students from UofM got admitted to the top-notch residency program right after graduation.

    Choosing a university far away from home also presents unique benefits. You will inevitably gain more independence as you will be handling the daily errands on your own. You might be also exposed to new cultures and lifestyles if you choose universities like McGill in Quebec. That’s why many universities offer programs for their students to exchange in a foreign country.

    Medical school is a long-term commitment. You might only see the bright side of Uncle Jackson but not the effort he invested throughout the journey. Thus, I suggest you start with a Bachelor of Physician Assistant. And let your inner voice make the decision whether to continue pursuing medical school afterwards.

    Aunt May.

  197. In my opinion, you should definitely shift to Mohawk College which is having international repute for your further studies rather than Mosaic college which is only having state repute.
    While choosing a college for higher studies, you should prioritize your future prospects and should take career growth into consideration. The exposure for your engineering studies which you will get at the international college will be unmatchable. Moreover, the healthy competition among students from different states will surely benefit you in terms of your career growth. After completion of your graduation, you will stand a way ahead of the other peers who will be taking admission in state repute college.
    Apart from the above, the big corporates like Amazon, Facebook, Google will also take part in the placement at Mohawk college which will provide you the financial growth and job satisfaction.

    On the other hand, If you choose a state repute college such as mosaic, your growth and knowledge will limit to a certain extent.

    Considering the above reasons, choosing a college of international repute will be beneficial for you.

  198. I strongly oppose the decision of the authority allowing Walmart to build a shopping mall in our vicinity considering the economic interest of local vendors as well as the environmental issue.

    The people in our small suburb are engaged in a variety of trades and businesses in order to earn their bread & butter. If the big shopping mall is constructed, people will tend to buy from this store and the business of local vendors will get adversely affected. In my view, we should support the local vendors instead of the giant chain like wall-mart whose revenue already runs into millions.

    Furthermore, constructing the big mall would require minimum 10 acres of land and only huge farms can cater to the need of such a large vacant place. If the farm is given for constructing malls, it will be harmful to the environment since a large amount of green space will be used for the building.

    Hence, considering the above situation, the government should not permit a wall-mart to construct the mall.

  199. Dear Principal,
    I am writing to express my deep disappointment toward the quality of delivering the English classes that I am taking at your school right now.
    Initially, I chose your language school because the advertisement was shown that there will be quality delivery of the English language classes which will include weekly doubt sessions, regular feedback on writing assignments, and will have supporting teaching staff. However, nothing advertised has become reality yet. Because it’s been 2 months and I am still struggling with my essay writing teachers are not providing feedback on writing assignments and my score is declining day by day. I have asked regarding the feedback classes, but no one is responding well. Consequently, this course has become too time-consuming as I could not concentrate on other activities having unclear doubts in my mind.
    I would like to provide a suggestion to either replace the teaching faculty or ask them to conduct proper doubt sessions and provide adequate feedback on writing assignments to improve the quality of classes.
    Hope you would take the next corrective step soon.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Shabnam Malik


    Your Apartment building is getting old and the owners of the building are planning to do some renovation this summer. They have decided to conduct a survey to see what the tenants would like to have improved this year.
    Option A: New paints and carpet
    Option B: New elevator

    In my opinion, the residents of Asher Housing colony should definitely go for new paints and carpet considering cost-effectiveness and necessity.

    Firstly, since the building is almost 25 years old and hasn’t been painted any time since its construction, giving them vibrant touch along with attractive carpets would surely give the residents a feeling of a new home.

    Furthermore, the painting job and carpet would not cost as high as compared to installing elevators. It would hardly cost around $150 per unit which will be pocket-friendly for the owners.

    Lastly, Given that the building is having only 3 floors in each block, the elevator will not be the primary requirement for the tenants. Moreover, the majority of the tenants staying in the apartments are young blood and don’t require the support of an elevator. It may also happen that tenants would require vacating the building for the period till the installation of an elevator is going on in the apartments which will cause undue hardships for them.

    Hence, considering the above reasons painting and carpet jobs will surely be a win-win situation for tenants as well as the owners.

      1. I firmly believe that new wall colour and changing of carpets for our A-Block Building can be a great idea because the building is 30 years old that demands a change due to following reasons.
        The spray paint is done in a traditional manner. when first time this building was build there wasn’t enough equipment’s to do the paint as compared to the modern tools that has resulted in some crack over the plaster and due to this it seems like the walls are dirty as well.
        In addition, the floor carpets are also made of wood. In the winters the heat is supplied in the apartment through the ground wood which is again an old method of generating the heat to the house, that definitely needed to be changed because we notice that annually the heat supply gets lower and lower as compared to the previous year.
        I strongly encourage to drop the idea of new elevator as they are still in a great condition and to focus more on the above-mentioned repairs.

  201. A Transit company in Vancouver is asking the public to give feedback on a better fare system for its frequent users, they have sent out an opinion survey to see which discounted Fare system is preferred by transit users.
    Choose the option you prefer and why?
    Option A: A monthly Transit pass for a fixed price
    Option B: A discount on prepaid single use tickets.

    If given a choice, I would prefer to choose the discount on prepaid single-use tickets considering the convenience and cost-effectiveness.
    If the concession is provided on prepaid tickets with unlimited validity, it will lure users to utilize public transport instead of private vehicles. Due to increase in the public transport, Air pollution can be decreased. To exemplify, reduction in private vehicles will ultimately reduce the use of petrol and diesel which will be helpful in reducing the pollution at a certain level. The Problem of traffic congestion can also be solved if the public starts utilizing public transport.
    On the other hand, if the monthly pass at a fixed price is issued, it will not be that much beneficial. For example, if there is a summer holiday, then the students using the monthly pass may not be able to take advantage of it. Furthermore, there is a time constraint of monthly validity is there which will put another restriction to its use.
    Considering the above, I believe that the monthly discounted pass system is highly beneficial for the community of Vancouver.

      1. I firmly believe that a permanent discounted 30 days pass can be an effective idea for those consumers that are using it on daily purposes as it can provide relieve to them and will generate more revenue to the authorities involved in it.
        Many citizens depend upon public mode of transportation due to rise in the inflation and if at this challenging time, coast mountain transit can lower their monthly prices than this would give the public some peace of mind and this way more people can start using this means of services that will in result in high revenue to the higher jurisdiction that can be used in several other useful places.
        Those human beings who are using these facilities just once in a while, they can just buy the everyday permit at the same value as they are not utilizing it randomly. In addition, the charges of day-to-day ticket is just $5, which is already the least amount that is been taken from them.

        I strongly encourage the department of company to focus just on the month-to-month markdown rather than single day rebate as that is more valuable.

  202. You recently switched service provider for Internet but soon realized the service is not working properly, Internet Company did send a technician however the problem persists, write an email to the customer service manager describing the problem
    a. Mention the problem
    b. Explain how the problem continues even after the technician tried
    c. Suggest a solution

    Dear customer service manager,

    The purpose of my writing today is to lodge a complaint regarding the poor bandwidth of my Airtel broadband connection which I have had switched from Reliance Jio a month ago considering the cost-effectiveness and higher speed which Airtel promised to provide.

    Initially, the Internet connectivity was consistent and the speed was remarkable. However, from the last week, there is a sudden decrease in the speed of the connection. To make the matter worse, the router also stopped working.

    For the solution of the issue, I registered a complaint through your toll-free number and they sent Engineer to resolve the connectivity issue. After the visit of your executive, the Internet works fine for a day, but then again today, the same problem which I was facing initially reoccurred which is making challenging for me to do my crucial work office from home.

    Considering the urgency of the matter, I request you to get my Internet connection rechecked and if require, get my router changed within a couple of days.
    Hoping for a positive response from your end.

    Ross Galler

  203. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog.
    It has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.

    Option A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    Option B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.

    Working in the weekend is always a lethargic experience for the employees, hence less working hours would be the accurate option. Thus, I strongly support the idea to call the entire office to work in the upcoming Saturdays only for two hours.

    To begin with, the obvious reason would be less consumption of time. In other words, an individual can spend the remaining hours other than working in any leisure activity. Consequently, the productivity of each person working the firm will improve tremendously.
    For example, one can spend time with family in a movie theater after logging in.

    Furthermore, decision of who would work on which weekend will be insignificant as everyone will follow a same pattern causing less confusion among the workers. Not only it reduces to compete with other peers but also promotes unity by everyone working in unison. For instance, according to the survey taken NY times “Working in an environment where all are treated equal improves mental health and a content employee”

    To conclude, according to my perception calling everyone to office and punch in for only two hours saves time as well as encourages togetherness in the team.

  204. Dear Store Manager,

    I recently received an advertisement in my mail about the opening of your new department store in the downtown area. the mail has clearly stated that many special items will be on sale promotion with greatly discounted prices as a welcome gesture in the store. Therefore, I and my husband decided to visit the store to take advantage of the promotion.

    However, upon arrival, we could not find any of the advertised items on promotion which was really disappointed as we were especially looking forward to making certain purchases. Not only that but the smaller items such as socks and underwear which were mentioned in the advertisement. I enquired with the sales associate, and he informed me that they had received a limited stock of sales items. Therefore. all the goods have been sold out.

    I feel that as a store manager, it is your duty to ensure sufficient stock was available, knowing that advertisement may generate significant interest from customers. I would like to make a suggestion to honor the sale promotion prices when more stock becomes available at the store as a token of apology.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kamaljeet kaur

  205. Both the options have their own merits and I can understand why some workers will want to keep the restaurant. However, if I had to choose, I would prefer to replace it with a childcare centre because of the reasons stated below.

    To begin with, although the food served at the restaurant is delicious, it has an obsolete infrastructure and thus, doesn’t attract many customers. Moreover, its maintenance cost is much higher than the revenue it generates. So, I believe it’s a bad idea to continue running it.

    On the contrary, the childcare facility will not only aid the employees but also profit our firm as probably all the parents working with us will enroll their wards there. Furthermore, this will relieve the workers of the stress of picking and dropping their kids to other childcare centres. As a result, productivity will increase because the employees will devote their time and concentration fully to work.

    Therefore, I believe that it will be wiser to replace the restaurant with a childcare facility.

  206. You had cancelled holiday trip last year and you have called insurance company multiple times but no refund yet.
    State your situation
    Why you have cancelled the trip?
    What you are feeling now?
    What you need from them ?

    Dear Manager,

    It behoves me to mention that I had booked the holiday trip to Mexico last year and I took a travel insurance from XYZ company dated 25th August,2020 of $1000. But, due to some medical emergency in my family. I had to cancel that trip. And I informed insurance company two days before my trip.

    To my dismay, I called to the customer care of your insurance company multiple times but they have not paid any attention. Initially, the concerned officer said that I had to provide some documents .However, I submitted required documents. I did not receive any refund yet.

    It’s been a year now. I am feeling a great dissatisfaction from your company this time. Even though, I have a very busy schedule. I have to call insurance company again and again.

    As a solution of this, I feel I am entitled to get a refund for this on priority basis.

    I request you to kindly look into this matter and do the needful.

    An open line of communication will greatly help out in this matter. And you can contact me on a below mentioned number.


  207. Your car is hired from a company and while you are driving on holiday, you have a small accident. You will have to write a report to the company to explain it.
    In your letter:

    when and where you hired it
    describe how the accident happened
    what kind of action did you take after the accident

    Respected Sir,

    I am a happy customer of your esteemed car rental company, and I am writing to inform you about an accident during the drive.

    I rented a Corolla SE ‘GSB498’ from 5th December 2021 for three days and was driving to upstate New York with my family. We weren’t aware of the snowstorm, and after an hour of driving, the weather suddenly got worse. There was zero visibility on the roads, and suddenly another car came and hit the front of my vehicle. Luckily everyone was safe, and it was a small accident.

    Furthermore, due to the crash, the engine stopped working, so I immediately called the toll-free number of your company, and the customer service person arranged a towing car. I was so pleased with your representative’s responsiveness, and he was very kind to arrange another car immediately from your upstate branch. I will always be thankful for that, otherwise, we all would have ended up freezing in the cold weather and canceling our trip.

    Finally, everything was taken care of since the insurance already included accidental damage and coverage. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you.

    Kind Regards,
    Anna Mathew

  208. Your car is hired from a company and while you are driving on holiday, you have a small accident. You will have to write a report to the company to explain it.
    In your letter:

    when and where you hired it
    describe how the accident happened
    what kind of action did you take after the accident


    Respected Sir,

    I recently rented a Car through your esteemed company and, I am writing this to report an accident which recently took place on my trip. My rental was a Toyota Corolla: ABC324 picked up from Miami Airport on Friday at 5 PM for the weekend. I also purchased the roadside assistance package along with the daily insurance coverage from Avis itself.

    The incident took place on the 8th of April Saturday while driving my way towards Key West. I was driving cautiously under the speed limit when an SUV came in full speed and ramped the bumper in the rear, making my balance off and eventually hitting the sidebar under extreme force. Fortunately, the vehicle was equipped with airbags and my family and myself are safe but, the Corolla’s back is entirely crushed with the lights broken and the side of the Car has suffered many scratches.

    Furthermore, we contacted 911 and roadside assistance immediately and the police took our statements along with the key witnesses confirming no wrongdoings on our end. Eventually, they towed the vehicle to the nearest garage for repairs and maintenance work.

    I request you to kindly look into this matter and do the needful.

    Kind regards,
    Jake Peralta

  209. Dear Manager,

    My name is John and the purpose of my writing is to express an interest for the post of part-time football coach at Westley football club based on the advertisement on Gulf News today.

    During my teenage years, I trained under Coach Jim at Westley football club, hence, it would be an honour to come back and coach the young aspiring footballers. I used to play pro with Manchester city for about 10 years and have led my team to championship titles countless times. At present, I’m coaching the team at Wright football club for the past 2 years and have played a major part in moulding them physically and mentally for the game. Additionally, I have also led the team to many wins over district and national levels.

    Please find enclosed my resume and reference letters for your kind perusal. I can start right away as my current schedule is quite flexible.
    Looking forward to your response.


    John Smith

  210. A research suggests that damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of
    worldwide improvements in the standard of living.

    Write 150-200 words discussing whether you agree or disagree and why do you take that

    stance. What effects could it have if the government goes with either choice?

    Option A: Support the topic.

    Option B: Go against the topic.

    In the modern era, technology has conquered humans and their standard of living. Therefore, I second the suggestion for the following reasons:

    Firstly, In the 21st century, every home has multiple air conditioners and refrigerators for leisure. These electronic devices lead to emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Other than that, every household has a car, and nobody prefers to use public transport. Vehicles emit Carbon-monoxide gas and have proven to be dangerous to human life. Furthermore, research also mentioned an increase in chronic diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancers in adults and many infants exposed to air pollution.

    Secondly, manufacturing industries cut down thousands of trees to build factories leading to deforestation and global warming. The chemicals from these plants are released into the air and underlying water bodies. Any cross-contamination into drinking water could cause an epidemic. According to NASA, the temperature of the earth is likely to rise 2% every year increasing the chances of natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, Tsunamis, etc.

    Finally, the government should encourage everyone to use public transports or carpooling whenever possible to reduce pollution and regulate strict laws against factories posing a threat to the ecosystem.

    1. Score 8. Make sure you paraphrase the statement in your introduction. Your conclusion should start with, “In conclusion”, not ‘finally’.

  211. Your manager is surveying employees’ opinions about commuting preferences. It is the company’s 10th year anniversary and your manager would like to offer a gift to all employees. She would like to know if the staff would prefer to receive a free underground parking pass for one year or a free public transit pass for one year.

    Option A: I would like the one-year underground parking pass.
    Option B: I would like the one-year public transit pass.


    Respected Madam,

    Congratulations on the Company’s 10th anniversary and although, the one-year parking pass seems tempting and a relief to the wallet, I would certainly want to enjoy the benefits of traveling throughout the city and thereby wanting a free one-year public transit pass.

    One of the perks of staying in New York is that Public Transport connects the farthest and the most remote corners of the city to the most hustling and bustling ones. Connectivity is efficient and we have a lot of options including the path trains, subways, and buses.

    Secondly, driving a car in the city is a nuisance due to increased traffic and a rise in congestion. Moreover, I travel from New Jersey so, traveling in trains and catching a bus to our workplace seems to be a convenient option rather than experiencing daily traffic. Besides, having moved from California a few months ago, I would like to explore the city and what’s better than discovering it on Public Transit.

    Furthermore, my parents stay in Philadelphia so, I would like to visit them every few months and having a pass would be the icing on the cake. Lastly, I would like to thank you for offering this survey.

    Kind regards,
    Jake Peralta

    1. Score 8. Even with the letter format, the survey response should follow the Opinion Essay format. Watch your punctuation.

  212. At your workplace, recyclable materials, such as juice boxes, are not separated from the regular garbage. You would like the company to start a recycling program, at least in the cafeteria.

    Explain the problem.
    Suggest ways to solve the problem.
    Offer to volunteer and help.


    Respected Sir,

    I, Jake Peralta, am writing this email to express my concern over the non-separation of the recycled garbage from the regular one at our workplace.

    Currently, we have no separate bins for different types of garbage and all of it accumulates together. Plastic waste such as bottles, soda cans, and boxes is mixed with wet waste causing immense harm to our environment. Besides, the garbage authority has issued several notices and warned us multiple times, but our management seems a little concerned about it and has completely turned a deaf ear to them.

    Nonetheless, we can initiate a recycling program by making our Cafeteria implement this policy by segregating the waste along with having separate bins for different types of waste all over our workplace. Having different colored bins for different types of waste will be an efficient and easy way to encourage people to throw away waste in the respective bins. Moreover, as time progresses, we can implement it throughout our workplace.

    Furthermore, my team understands the magnitude of the situation and is offering to come forward and create a program on waste management for our employees, thereby making them aware and responsible through various seminars and sessions. I sincerely hope you take the necessary steps to implement this.
    Kind regards,
    Jake Peralta

  213. You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation.
    Write a letter to the course provider. In your letter:

    Say what the problem is.
    Describe the accommodation you thought you were getting.
    Ask the provider to solve the problem.

    Respected Sir,

    I just moved to Canada to pursue the Computer Science course, and I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the accommodation provided.

    Firstly, I am handicapped, and I had very well mentioned in my application that I would require special arrangements for housing. When I reached the hostel, I was assigned room ‘3A’ located on the third floor with two bunk beds. I had specified that I would require a room on the ground floor, and this came as a bolt out of the blue for me when my roommate refused to switch beds since I wanted the lower section of the bed. Moreover, the main reason I applied to your University was that it assisted disabled students.

    Secondly, I was promised a room with two single beds closer to the restroom, since it would make matters easier for me. I paid an extra $500 for the above-mentioned requests, and none of the requirements were fulfilled. Other than that, the room wasn’t clean and was in a complete mess.

    Finally, I request you arrange a different room for me as soon as possible since I am concerned about the situation. Thank you.

    Kind regards,
    Anna Mathew

  214. Office Upgrade Survey

    Your company has extra money to spend on office upgrades. Your boss wants to build 5 additional parking spaces for the employees. One of your co-workers, though, suggests building 30 bike stands to promote a healthy lifestyle instead. The company asked you to respond to an opinion survey.

    Option A: I would prefer to have more parking spaces.
    Option B: I would prefer to have more bike stands.

    I appreciate you are inviting our opinion on the option of an office upgrade surrey.

    If given the choice I would prefer to have more bike stands for the following reasons.

    To begin with, by doing office job people hardly indulge in any type of physical exercise and sitting for a long time on chairs employees feel fatigued. Especially for the people who are in the operation department where is a limited scope of customer dealing.

    Moreover, many of my co-workers who reside in the proximity of the office want to come by bike to have a healthy lifestyle. Riding a bike even for ten to fifteen minutes may improve health issues. Nonetheless, they have bikes. They can not come to the office by bike because of the non-availability of bike stands.

    Additionally, It is also beneficial for the environment as riding a bike will reduce air pollution levels which will also be related to good health. Bikes use a minimal amount of fossil fuels. And there will be less traffic on the roads.

    I think for the benefit of society and employees company should spend money on building the bike stands.

  215. You have borrowed money from your bank. You agreed to repay a fixed amount every month. However, it will be difficult to pay any money back this month.

    State the amount of money you borrowed and the repayment schedule.
    Explain why you borrowed the money.
    Explain the reason you cannot pay any money this month and why you will be able to pay next month.

    Dear Manager,

    I have availed the business loan of $60000 for ten years in 2015 under loan account no 567890 from your bank. I am paying an equated monthly installment of $600 of aforesaid loan regularly.

    I took this loan to expand my footwear business. As I wanted to open two more footwear showrooms at different locations to boost sales and profit. I have three footwear showrooms and my sales were also increased and everything was going well. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, my business shut down completely. Somehow I managed to pay EMI from my saving for the last three months.

    Actually, this month I don’t have enough balance in my savings account to pay the EMI amount. But I will be able to next month as I tie-up with Amazon for selling footwear online. Moreover, the Government allowed opening the showrooms for a specific time. I hope everything will be on track soon.
    Therefore, I am confident that I will be able to resume the installments as per the agreed schedule from the next month onward.
    Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

    Kusum Sukhija

  216. It is my opinion that we should replace China Wok with a childcare facility to support the physical and mental well-being of our employees especially parents.

    The benefits of having such an option available nearby highly outweighs its disadvantages. The main reason for believing this is because it is a daily struggle for parents to drop their children to a trustworthy centre and arrive on time for office. No doubt, most of the time it is a physical strain to juggle everything on a daily basis.

    It is also possible to say that a working parent becomes more productive when they don’t have to stress out over the well-being of their child. Additionally, it is easier to deal with an emergency if the facility is in the same building. What seems more convincing for me is that my child is bonding with children whose parents I’m familiar with.

    On the other hand, the restaurant has not been having good business these days due to the poor quality of food and unhygienic standards. It is not viable to keep it running under loss when there are much better options already available.

    Hence, I believe that opening up a childcare should be prioritized. I trust that you will make the right decision.

  217. Printer Survey

    Your boss thinks paper is unnecessary because everyone has a computer and access to the internet. Your boss wants to take away all the printers so that people use much less paper. Other people think that this will be very inconvenient. Your boss asked you to respond to an opinion survey about whether to keep the printers.
    Option A: I think we should keep the printers in the office.
    Option B: I think we should have a paperless office with no printers.

    I second the suggestion to have a paperless office with no printers for the following reasons:

    Firstly, In the digital era, most people prefer digitized documents rather than prints. Schools and Universities allow students to submit their assignments online. Nowadays, even contracts or leases are digitally signed, and Banks offer paperless statements. Companies have transformed into a paperless environment for cost-effectiveness and to invest in digital equipment. According to a recent survey, companies have saved at least $50,000 by reducing paper.

    Secondly, According to an article in “NY Times,” almost ten thousand trees are cut every year to produce paper. This leads to deforestation and increases the level of Carbon-dioxide resulting in global warming and air pollution.

    Nonetheless, Employees take advantage of office printers for their personal use. Recently, our company got various complaints about the staff using printers to print essays, notes, etc. for their children. Employees have developed the attitude that printing is free of cost in the office, and they can take a print whenever they want to.

    Conclusively, it’s our responsibility to keep our environment safe by removing printers when everything is available online.

  218. Barbecues on Balconies Survey

    Your apartment manager is surveying your opinion about people using barbecues on their apartment balconies. The apartment balconies are small. Some residents think that because barbecues can cause smoke and catch fire, they should not be allowed. However, others think that using barbecues should be allowed because people like to enjoy summer food at their home. Your manager asked you to complete an opinion survey.
    Option A: Residents should not be allowed to use barbecues on their balconies.
    Option B: Residents should be allowed to use barbecues on their balconies.


    Allowing barbeques on personal balconies is not only dangerous but also jeopardizes the safety of the people living and therefore, I feel that barbeques should not be permitted to be used on the balconies for the following reasons:

    Firstly, balconies are not equipped with Smoke detectors which is altogether a different matter of concern as we experienced last month where a candle caused a curtain on fire. Besides, enclosed balconies with little room make barbeques even riskier, and if there is a lack of attention on the grill, there are high chances of things going haywire quickly and taking a turn for the worse.

    Secondly, many families are not comfortable with the smell and the smoke caused by barbeques in the balconies, and respecting their privacy and concerns should be an important factor before making any decisions for our apartments. Moreover, the balconies are very close to each other and the noise levels caused by barbeques may be problematic to our residents which may cause some heated arguments and give rise to unnecessary fights among the folks.

    In conclusion, there is a common recreation space designed for our members where they can enjoy the Summer heat and safely cook some nice barbeque among several other members causing no disturbance and inconvenience to people.

  219. You work for a clothing company. Your company has a new style of coat.

    Provide information about your company.
    Provide information about the new style of coat.
    Suggest who might buy this coat and why.
    Invite the staff at the magazine to write about the coat.

    Respected Sir,

    I am a huge fan of your fashion magazine, and I am writing this email to invite you to write an article on our new clothing line which we just introduced.

    Firstly, I am the Sales Manager at Fashionista. Our fashion designers recently introduced a coat which is new to the market. It’s a trenchcoat that is waterproof and has an inner lining of insulation for warmth. The coat is designed in a way where it looks classy, stylish and serves its purpose.

    Secondly, we have planned to launch the coat soon since the Fall season is right around the corner. Besides, the trenchcoat is waterproof, so we are expecting heavy demand for this coat from all age groups, as no brand has a waterproof trenchcoat out in the market. Moreover, the trenchcoat is also available in 15 different colors of all sizes.

    Furthermore, we are looking to advertise the coat through your magazine which would eventually give us some exposure. Our firm would be honored if you could drop by next week and write a small article in your magazine.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards,
    Anna Mathew

  220. In the mail, you received an advertisement about the opening of a new department store. The advertisement said that they have many items at special low prices. However, when you went to the store, you could not find the items.

    Explain why you went to the opening.
    Complain about the store not having the items they advertised.
    Describe how you would like the store to fix the problem.

    Respected Sir,

    I, Jake Peralta, visited your newly opened store, and I am writing this to express my dissatisfaction regarding the absence of advertised discounted items in your store.

    Last week, I got a mail regarding your new store, and since, I recently moved to this area, it was a perfect opportunity for me to shop. Furthermore, there was a huge discount on Home appliances which tempted me even more to visit your store.

    Unfortunately, the items shown in the advertisements were not only unavailable but also some of the furniture and appliances were not in the inventory when I enquired about them with your staff. Besides, the low prices were used to attract customers to the stores as there was no discount available on any items in the store. My only purchase was a Juicer which broke down within a couple of days to which, I am still awaiting a response from your customer care regarding that.

    Nonetheless, I would recommend you to get your act together and restock your inventory as false advertising is a crime and you could be in serious trouble if any customer files a complaint against you. I hope you understand the magnitude of the situation and take the necessary steps to correct this.

    Kind regards,
    Jake Peralta

  221. Workplace Commuter Survey

    Your manager is surveying employees’ opinions about commuting preferences. It is the company’s 10th year anniversary and your manager would like to offer a gift to all employees. She would like to know if the staff would prefer to receive a free underground parking pass for one year or a free public transit pass for one year.
    Option A: I would like the one-year underground parking pass.
    Option B: I would like the one-year public transit pass.

    I would opt for the one-year public transit pass for the following reasons:

    Firstly, Since I stay in the outskirts, I prefer taking public transport, rather than driving myself. With a free public transit pass, I wouldn’t have to wait in long queues every day to get a ticket. Moreover, during the rush hours, I have to wait for a minimum of half-hour to obtain a ticket to the tri-rail. Due to this reason, there have been times when I reached the office late and missed client meetings.

    Secondly, our office is located right in the middle of the city which gives huge accessibility to public transport. Hence, most of the employees prefer subway, path trains, buses, etc. Besides, only 10% of the staff get their car and use the underground parking. A free transit pass would allow employees to travel without any costs incurred or spending on fuel.

    Furthermore, a free transit pass will motivate others to use public transport, thus reducing air and noise pollution caused by heavy traffic. This would prove to be a cost-effective solution and an amazing gift for all the employees.

  222. Printer Survey

    Your boss thinks paper is unnecessary because everyone has a computer and access to the internet. Your boss wants to take away all the printers so that people use much less paper. Other people think that this will be very inconvenient. Your boss asked you to respond to an opinion survey about whether to keep the printers.
    Option A: I think we should keep the printers in the office.
    Option B: I think we should have a paperless office with no printers.


    There are several other way’s which can be implemented to reduce paper usage therefore, I feel that keeping printers in the office is a viable option for the following reasons:

    Our company relies on heavy paperwork so, having no access to printers will be a bolt of the blue for the employees. Besides, Internet access doesn’t justify the fact that paper usage will be reduced. There are several important tasks like printing our monthly invoices, creating the budget plan, sending the Verification forms to our customers, creating copies, to depict a few which cannot be paperless.

    Although we can implement several ways to curb the paper usage and change our task management to sending the paperwork online, it won’t necessarily take away the printer entirely from the scenario. Many of our Client’s still have primitive systems and are very skeptical of sending them important and confidential information through e-mail. Furthermore, there is always a threat of Online hacking, and the information is never safe, as experienced last Summer, where our Database was hacked, wiping out our entire Customers Record.

    To conclude, awareness about the environment will certainly help in reducing paper usage rather than curbing the use of printers, which is an important part of our setup.

  223. You work for a clothing company. Your company has a new style of coat.
    Write an email to a magazine in about 150–200 words. Tell the magazine about the new style of coat. Your email should do the following things:

    Provide information about your company.
    Provide information about the new style of coat.
    Suggest who might buy this coat and why.
    Invite the staff at the magazine to write about the coat.


    Respected Sir,

    I work for H&M, and I am writing this mail to bring to your attention, our latest line of Coats called the “Pride Collection”.

    Our company has always supported and been an avid supporter of the Gay Community as you wrote about us in your esteemed magazine regarding our float sponsorship in the NY City’s Community parade last Summer. We encountered a lot of demand for a less formal and stylish line of Coats matching the pride’s aura and personality, and keeping in mind those requests, we have decided to launch our new line of Coats targeted toward the beautiful and amazing people of the Pride Community.

    The new Coat has various options to choose from: Fur collars, Straight collars stitched with Velvet Buttons, and comes in seven vibrant colors depicting the Rainbow. The Coat has a stylish vibe and is perfect for Winter weather besides, rocking party looks if required. The Coat comes in two different dimensions i.e. the overcoat or the Regular.

    Furthermore, the Launch is scheduled for next Friday at Madison Square, and I would like to invite your team to attend the event and write about the Coats, which are already creating a buzz on Social media.

    Kind Regards,
    Jake Peralta.

  224. At your workplace, recyclable materials, such as juice boxes, are not separated from the regular garbage. You would like the company to start a recycling program, at least in the cafeteria.

    Explain the problem.
    Suggest ways to solve the problem.
    Offer to volunteer and help.

    Respected Sir,

    I am writing this email to suggest a recycling program for our office cafeteria.

    Firstly, I have noticed that the office doesn’t have a separate garbage bin for recyclable waste such as juice boxes, plastic bottles, etc. Such products can be recycled and reused, thus saving our environment from unwanted pollution.

    Secondly, it takes many years for paper or cardboard to decompose. Plastic never decomposes, and it will stay in our environment for thousands of years. For this reason, the government has regulated programs for separating waste. According to an article in the “NY Times,” the recycling industry is booming, and it has helped reduce 20% of pollution. Besides, it has led to a cost-effective way of manufacturing recycled products.

    Finally, I would like to suggest that our company take stringent measures to save mother earth. One thing you could do is, introduce recycling bins in the cafeteria and other office spaces like near the printers. I would be happy to volunteer for such an important cause and would love to educate others too. I am planning to give a small presentation on a recycling program next week whenever you are available.

    I hope you consider my request. Thank you.

    Kind regards,
    Anna Mathew

  225. You enjoy going to your local coffee shop to work, read, and meet friends. However, every time you go, the seats and tables are dirty and you have to clean them up.

    Describe why you enjoy going to the coffee shop.
    Explain the problems with the coffee shop.
    Suggest how the problems could be solved.

    Dear Manager,

    I am a regular customer of XYZ coffee shop. I always love to have espresso coffee with Almond and butter scotch cookies while reading. The aroma of that coffee allure me to come at this coffee shop and specially the cup cakes that you often make on weekends. As I am a coffee lover, I feel it is the best place to hang out with friends.

    Lately, I noticed that the seats and tables are full of dust. And I could not find any staff to clean it. Whenever I want to sit first I have to clean them up then only I can sit. It gives a very bad impression on customer’s mind. As I love this place so, I think I should bring this problem in your notice.

    Considering this, I think you should hire some more staff for cleaning the chairs and tables or you could trained the existing staff.
    I am looking forward to see how my suggestion will translate in to a prompt action from your side.
    Kusum Sukhija

  226. Barbecues on Balconies Survey

    Your apartment manager is surveying your opinion about people using barbecues on their apartment balconies. The apartment balconies are small. Some residents think that because barbecues can cause smoke and catch fire, they should not be allowed. However, others think that using barbecues should be allowed because people like to enjoy summer food at their home. Your manager asked you to complete an opinion survey.

    Option A: Residents should not be allowed to use barbecues on their balconies.
    Option B: Residents should be allowed to use barbecues on their balconies.

    Although using barbecues to enjoy time with family is a great idea, I think that residents should not be allowed to use a barbecue on their balconies for the following reasons:

    Firstly, apartment balconies in Los Angeles are not designed to use barbecue grills. The balconies in the apartment building measure 300 sq ft, which is pretty much cramped. Moreover, LA is a city that is dry year-round, which increases the risk of fires. The apartments are made of wood, and smoke from the barbecues can burn down an entire building.

    Secondly, our apartment has a good clubhouse with an open pool and barbecue grills beside it. The residents already pay for such amenities and should take advantage. Furthermore, the free space in the community can be booked by a family beforehand, and they can enjoy a good barbecue summer with their family rather than barbecuing the apartment and risking the lives of their loved ones.

    Finally, According to an article in “LA Times”, almost 25% of the deaths in the city occur due to fires in the apartments that were caused due to barbecuing. There should be stringent measures taken to reduce the risk of fire and to keep everyone safe.

    1. Score 9. Make sure you use your transitions, ie. “…barbecuing; therefore, there should be stringent measures taken to reduce the risk of fire and to keep everyone safe.”

  227. Scent-Free Workplace Survey

    Your manager is surveying your opinion about a scent-free workplace where perfumes and strong smells are not allowed. Many other workplaces in the city already have this policy.


    Smelling good is an important Corporate habit, and I believe that people should have the right to wear any scent for the following reasons:

    Being in an interactive corporate job, where we communicate with a lot of folks on a day-to-day basis, looking and smelling good is necessary for a good first impression. People prefer a good vibe and better smelling surroundings rather than stinky stale air to breathe. According to ‘NY Times, 66% of the professionals feel confident and presentable in their jobs where they have no restrictions on dressing, applying scent, and having flexible break times.

    Furthermore, people more aged complained about having allergy’s and headaches due to scents, as surveyed by our company in the last quarter at one of the after-work events. 71% of our staff consists of young college graduates and engineers under 30 and implementing any restrictions or policy could hamper our relationships with them.

    Lastly, companies implementing this policy seem to be hesitant in revealing whether this policy has had any adverse and lasting changes in their company as reported by ‘Times Now’. Besides, being one of the coolest startups in the City, we have come a long way in making our actions speak rather than implementing such harsh workplace words.

  228. Write an email to the department store manager in about 150–200 words. Your email should do the following things:

    Explain why you went to the opening.
    Complain about the store not having the items they advertised.
    Describe how you would like the store to fix the problem.

    In the mail, you received an advertisement about the opening of a new department store. The advertisement said that they have many items at special low prices. However, when you went to the store, you could not find the items.

    Respected Sir,

    I recently visited your departmental store, and I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction with the unavailability of the products advertised.

    Firstly, I received an advertisement about the opening of your store, and it contained many discounted items and deals on electronics. I was particularly interested in the deal: “Buy 1 Samsung Galaxy 5 and get a free LG Microwave”. But when I visited the store, I couldn’t find the items advertised. I asked the store representative about the offer, and he said that the store doesn’t have the Samsung phone or Microwave in stock.

    Secondly, when I asked your salesman about other items in the advertisement, he gave a deaf ear. Moreover, his rudeness to customers came as a bolt out of the blue for me. Your store misled customers through the advertisement and lured us to your store opening.

    Finally, As a departmental store, it is your responsibility to treat customers with the utmost respect and customer support. I would suggest you take stringent measures to resolve this issue. One thing you could do is, offer the same deals advertised to the customers and give orientation or training sessions to your salesman.

    Thank you.

    Kind Regards,
    Anna Mathew

  229. You have borrowed money from your bank. Now your income has changed.

    Write an email of about 150–200 words to the bank and explain the change in your finances. Make a request to change the amount of money you pay back each month. Your email should include the following things:

    the amount of money you borrowed and the current repayment schedule
    why you borrowed the money
    how your income has changed and why it has changed
    how you would like to change the amount of money you pay each month


    Respected Sir,

    I, Jake Peralta, an esteemed and a longstanding customer of your bank, and I am writing this requesting you to make some changes in my monthly repayment of the Loan.

    Last year in August 2020, I was approved of a 20,000$ loan for purchasing a new Car. Currently, I am paying a monthly repayment of 500$ for 24 months with an interest rate of 9.8% due every 5th of the month.

    Fortunately, I was promoted to a higher post at my job to a Senior Manager, and by god’s grace, there was a 20% increment in my salary. Although Chicago was a dream city for us, my family has decided to move to New York. Due to this reason, I would like to make some changes to my current repayment structure, starting from increasing the monthly repayment amount to 1000$.

    Furthermore, since your bank was just a block away from my current residence, I preferred to paying through a check, but my New York Apartment is far from the nearest branch, so I would also like to change my mode of payment from check to Online Payment.

    Attached is my Monthly Receipt of the repayment for my Account Details. Thank You.

    Kind Regards,
    Jake Peralta

  230. Park Use Survey

    Your community centre is surveying your opinion on a new event happening every Saturday in the park near your home. There are two events being considered. One suggestion is a vegetable and fruit market. The other suggestion is a second-hand furniture and appliance market.

    I appreciate the opportunity to provide inputs on park use survey.

    I strongly believe that vegetable and fruit market in the park on every Saturday is far better and convincing choice because of the following reasons.

    Firstly, there is no farmers market in the proximity of our area. Whenever, we want to buy vegetable and fruits. We have to go to a mall ,that is, ten miles away from our society. If every Saturday ,there is fruit and vegetable market in a park it will make our life easy as it has now become whole day task to buy these things from mall.

    Moreover, In mall the cost of fruits and vegetable is always high as compared to these market as in these market fruits and vegetable are directly sold to customers, no intermediator is involved mostly and sometimes, only one mediator is involved.

    Nonetheless, we are paying more amount. we do not get fresh vegetables and fruits as these mall usually buys in bulk quantity. But having a Saturday market for fruits and vegetable we could get fresh vegetables and fruits at a reasonable price.

    Considering this, I hope you will make right decision for our community.

  231. You are a high school teacher. A student of yours has just graduated with excellent marks from high school. This person wants to find work.

    Explain how you feel about her high school grades.
    Explain why a college education is good.
    Explain why going to work instead of college is unwise.

    Dear Sam,
    Congratulations on your high school graduation. What a proud moment it is ! I am very excited for your amazing grades. Your parents must be thrilled as I am.

    I would like to give my two cents that why you should pursue your college studies. Firstly, for building a good career in any profession you need to have a deep knowledge of the subject . In college, you will understand it with the help of projects and practicals.

    Secondly, College education teaches you imperative lessons that will help you in living a better life For instance, time management and self discipline. By doing multiple things, at the same time like studying and doing internship will teach you how to manage time for every activity.
    Finally, In College days we meet people of different culture and it gives a real time experience for life and also college memories are the life time memories.

    However, If you go for work instead of college definitely you will get a job and initially, you will feel financial freedom. But in long run, you will not get a higher position job that you could get after completing your college education.

    I hope you will come up with a best decision.
    Good luck.
    Anna Mathew

  232. A research suggests that damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of

    worldwide improvements in the standard of living.

    Write 150-200 words discussing whether you agree or disagree and why do you take that

    stance. What effects could it have if the government goes with either choice?

    Option A: Support the topic.

    Option B: Go against the topic.


    Improvements in Technology and Modern Science has improved the way people live their life which is ultimately causing harm to our environment and therefore, I agree with the research for the following reasons:

    Firstly, mankind is a selfish being and the recent advancements in Tech and the sudden boom in Science have not only helped him to make his life efficient but also find innovative ways to comfort himself. Building concrete Jungles along a booming mangrove, building large structures along with river bodies, disturbing the food chain by animal killings, and consuming unrealistic products are causing greater repercussions than ever imagined.

    Secondly, showing off is a virtue in today’s world so people have started using all types of Gadgets and an increase in the number of vehicles around the world has not helped the cause for the environment either. Fuel resources going empty along with Ozone Layer depletion is a real threat, and many cities in the world are already bearing the brunt of that with increasing temperatures and rising sea levels causing uncontrolled natural disasters.

    Furthermore, the Government intervention will be fruitful and make people more aware of the environmental problem besides creating some stringent laws going forward as the government should remember that he who pays the piper calls the tune.

  233. Scent-Free Workplace Survey

    Your manager is surveying your opinion about a scent-free workplace where perfumes and strong smells are not allowed. Many other workplaces in the city already have this policy.

    Option A: The workplace should have a scent-free policy.
    Option B: The workplace should allow people to wear scents.

    Although scents make a person smell good, I second the suggestion of a scent-free policy for the following reasons:

    Firstly, Every individual has a different taste when it comes to perfumes. Some may like sweet scents, while on the other hand, some may like strong fragrances. Recently, Anna from the sales department fell sick due to a colleague who had worn a strong scent. She had allergic reactions to the perfume and was coughing badly, and hence she had to be taken to the hospital.

    Secondly, According to new research, perfumes are harmful to our bodies and have various side effects. The most recent article in the “NY Times” says that doctors suggest not to use too much fragrance due to the high risk of breast, lung, and skin cancers. In the past five years, there have been 5000 cases of such cancers, and doctors blame perfume companies for it. Furthermore, 50 perfume samples were collected last year, and they had specific chemical ingredients that proved to be dangerous to health.

    Finally, multinational companies in our city have already adopted this policy, and it would be great if we follow the same path for the well-being of our employees.

  234. Write an email of about 150–200 words to the bank and explain the change in your finances. Make a request to change the amount of money you pay back each month. Your email should include the following things:

    the amount of money you borrowed and the current repayment schedule
    why you borrowed the money
    how your income has changed and why it has changed
    how you would like to change the amount of money you pay each month

    You have borrowed money from your bank. Now your income has changed.

    Respected Sir,

    I am a customer of your esteemed bank, and I am writing to request a change in the amount of money I currently pay each month for the loan.

    Firstly, I had taken a home loan of $100,000 from your bank, and on the 1st of every month, the bank deducts $750 from my checking account. The interest rate for 15 years is 15.1%, and I have been repaying you for one year.

    Secondly, I switched jobs three months ago and currently working for a multinational company, and I’ll be relocating to the USA in the next two months. The company pays me a pretty high package than my previous job and therefore, I think I’ll be able to repay you sooner than expected. My income has increased by 45%, and I would like to change the amount being deducted every month from $750 to $2000.

    Finally, I recall you offering a lower interest rate if a customer pays back almost 20% of the loan in just three years. I would be happy to receive a lower interest rate in the future. For your reference, I am attaching copies of my current and previous paychecks.

    I hope you make the suggested changes to the amount. Thank you.

    Kind Regards,

  235. Task 1:

    You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation.
    Write a letter to the course provider. In your letter:

    Say what the problem is.
    Describe the accommodation you thought you were getting.
    Ask the provider to solve the problem.


    Respected Sir,

    I recently enrolled in your esteemed College for a six month Course on Java, staying at the temporary accommodation provided by your University and I am writing this to express my dissatisfaction regarding the place.

    Firstly, housing was the least of the concerns coming to a different country to pursue my dream course, and I was prepared to face a lot of challenges related to the culture, weather, and the people around me. But, after arriving at my allotted place, I was flummoxed. The place was completely different from the one shown in the pictures as I was provided with a large room with nine other Students. The beds were adjacent to each other and had a small desk beside them. Besides, we had to share the closet space with everyone making it worse.

    Furthermore, the accommodation promised by the University was a studio apartment with ample room for a bed, study table, and closet space along with the basic amenities. On my day of arrival, the Manager of the place turned a deaf ear to all my concerns being rude and adamant.

    Lastly, I request you to speak to the Building manager to grant me a better place or kindly refund my accommodation fees.
    Thank You.

    Kind regards,
    Jake Peralta

    1. Score 8. Watch your subjunctive and punctuation. These are really holding you back. Let me know if you’d like a class to clean these up.

  236. Your children’s school provides free school lunches. Usually, the lunch is a hamburger, hotdog, or pizza. The children really enjoy the lunches. Some parents want to change the lunches so that the children eat salad or vegetables every day. The school asked you to respond to an opinion survey.

    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
    Option A: I would prefer the lunches stayed the same.
    Option B: I would prefer they changed the lunches.

    Dear Sir,
    I appreciate your inviting our opinion on the school lunch survey.
    if the given choice I would prefer to change the lunches as it seems a far better and viable option for me. I would like to give a couple of reasons to substantiate my arguments.

    To begin with, No doubt food like pizza and burgers are very tasty and student loves it. But it can be harmful to the health of students. As they are in growing age they need more nutritious food for the overall development of their body and mind.

    Moreover, having these types of lunches every day can lead to child obesity and that is a very serious issue. Junk food has more oil and salt as compared to other food. It contains more fats and carbs.

    Furthermore, It is observed that after having junk food people often feel sleepy as it is hard to digest because of fat substance. As a result, students do not focus in after-lunch classes because of the heaviness in their eyes. it affects their studies also.

    After discussing all my arguments, I firmly believe that schools should change the lunches for the benefit of student health.

  237. 5. You have registered for a six-month computer training program at Sambro Community College. You want to rent a room from the Sambro Housing Agency.

    Write an email telling them when you need the room, the type of room you would prefer, and the reason for your request.

    Respected Sir,

    I am writing this mail to get a room rented out for a computer training program that I enrolled in at the Sambro Community College.

    Firstly, I am working for a multinational firm that requires me to pursue a six-month computer science crash course. Since this is an online class I would require internet access along with equipment like desktop monitors, keyboard, and headphone set, etc. I do not have a well-organized workstation at home, and it would be difficult to manage studies at home with two infants.

    Secondly, I know that your agency has been renting out rooms for educational purposes for a very long time. My training starts next month on the 1st October 2021 and will continue until 1st February 2022. Furthermore, I am looking for a small-sized room with the above-mentioned electronic items. I would only be able to study during the night since I work during the day and have to finish the daily chores of picking up my kids from daycare. Therefore, I am looking for rooms that are available from 7 pm to 11 pm every day for six months.

    Finally, I am willing to pay the rent for the entire term in advance. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind Regards,
    Anna Mathew

    1. Whoops Anna, you’ve misunderstood the question. You should be writing to rent a room that you can live in during your course – not study in. Try again. You’re writing is superb, but your response would only score 5 with this misunderstanding.

      1. Respected Sir,

        I recently enrolled at the Sambro Community College for a computer course, and I am writing this email to request to rent a room from your agency.

        Firstly, I will be relocating next month from Calgary to Sambro and would require a place to stay. I would like to rent a condo apartment with a private bedroom and a private bathroom along with a kitchen. Moreover, I would be very much inclined to rent a furnished apartment so that I do not have to end up buying furniture just for six months. Furthermore, I heard that students in that area share a two-bed apartment or stay as paying guests. I am open to that option too.

        Secondly, I am looking for a six-month lease that would start from 1st October 2021 and end on 1st February 2022. According to your website, renting a room through your agency would cost me anywhere between $900 to $1000 depending on the amenities, and it very well fits my budget.

        Finally, I am willing to pay the rent for the entire term in advance. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

        Kind Regards,
        Anna Mathew

  238. 5. You have registered for a six-month computer training program at Sambro Community College. You want to rent a room from the Sambro Housing Agency.

    Write an email telling them when you need the room, the type of room you would prefer, and the reason for your request.


    Respected Sir,

    I, Jake Peralta, have enrolled at the Sambro Community College for a six-month Java Programme and, I am writing this to request you to help me rent a room through your esteemed Housing Agency.

    Firstly, my course commences on the 5th October 2021 and, I am planning to fly in during the last week of September. Initially, I am looking at a place around the college since I do not prefer traveling in the harsh winter’s. Although I am flexible enough to travel under five miles if the situation permits but, my preferred option would be a nearby place and moving in before my courses begin.

    Secondly, since I am an introvert and not a chipper, I prefer the entire room to myself. I am aware that single rooms are costly but, it is something which I am adamant about, as far as my requirement is concerned. Furthermore, many of the students are paying guests with families, so I am open to that option too.

    Furthermore, many of my friends recommended your agency’s name as you have helped them and provided support besides, living on campus is no fun as it is certainly a dent in your wallet.

    I hope to hear back from you soon. Thank You.

    Kind regards,
    Jake Peralta

  239. Correction** Sorry about it

    Deloitte Corp. has never faced such a backlog in the past five years, and I understand that the employees will have to work harder and use weekends to complete their tasks. Hence, I would like to go with half the employees working for four hours for the following reasons:

    Firstly, most of the employees travel to work by car or public transport. I spend an hour commuting to the office and wouldn’t want to spend on fuel to work for two hours. According to a “NY Times” article, a person is most productive in the office for about 4-5 hours. Although we will only be half the staff, I think we can get most of the work done in those four hours.

    Secondly, working for four hours will allow employees to plan their weekends. The staff could be divided into groups and could take turns for each Saturday. In this way, everybody works Saturdays, but the same person will not have to work two straight months. Moreover, the staff would get to spend some time with their families and take some time to relax.

    Finally, the company could also provide employees with reimbursement for travel and free meals. This would indeed promote good work culture and a healthy environment.

  240. 5. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. It has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.

    Option A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    Option B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.


    Half the staff working for four hours would lead to more debates and skeptical feeling among our staff so, I would certainly want the entire staff to work for two hours every Saturday.

    Firstly, the previous two months have been a roller coaster for our company ranging from several management changes to some haste product delivery leading to a 10% drop in the third quarter sales revenue along with jeopardizing our relationships with some of our clients thereby increasing the load on pending tasks. Teams ranging from Marketing, Business, Accounting, IT, and Sales are accountable for this and be equally responsible for sharing the repercussions.

    Secondly, deciding which team will work on which Saturdays of the month is asking for more trouble and heated table conversations which I am sure our company has had a lot in recent times building up to this monumental rule change. Besides, more than 60% of our staff are parents allowing them just the weekends to spend time with their kids.

    In Conclusion, our teams work in a collaborative environment and require communicating with every team on a regular basis, it is in the best interests of the company, regardless of their position to make the entire staff work for two hours on a Saturday.

  241. You and your family visit the local shopping mall every week. However, it has become more and more difficult to find a parking spot recently. You would like to let the shopping mall manager know about this problem.

    Describe the problem you are having with the mall’s parking.
    Explain what you and your family have to do in order to visit the shopping mall now.
    Provide some suggestions for how the mall manager can solve this problem.

    Respected Sir,

    I visit your mall every week, and I am writing this email concerning parking issues.

    Firstly, I have noticed that the mall parking is overcrowded these days even during non-rush hours and one of the main reasons is that a few residents park their cars in the parking lot even if they don’t visit the mall. Since your parking is free, most people are taking advantage and park their car in the mall for hours so that they do not have to pay for the metered parking lots.

    Secondly, last week my wife had to take several rounds of the parking lot for an hour until she found a spot. Furthermore, to avoid this hassle of parking and to save time, a few disappointed customers are already looking for others options to shop in the area.

    Finally, I would like to suggest that you bring this up in the monthly committee meeting and take stringent measures to overcome this issue. One thing you could do is, keep an hourly fee for parking or allow the customers to exit the parking only if they scan their shopping bill.

    I hope you do the needful. Thank you.

    Kind regards,
    Anna Mathew

  242. You and your family visit the local shopping mall every week. However, it has become more and more difficult to find a parking spot recently. You would like to let the shopping mall manager know about this problem.
    • Describe the problem you are having with the mall’s parking.
    • Explain what you and your family have to do in order to visit the shopping mall now.
    • Provide some suggestions for how the mall manager can solve this problem.

    Respected Sir,

    I am a frequent visitor at your esteemed mall and, I am writing this to convey my dissatisfaction about the parking availability.

    Since my family prefers local produce, I visit your mall every week to purchase groceries but, recently, I have experienced a lot of trouble finding a parking spot. Due to the new wing construction going on, spots have been reduced to half and, out of those, most of them are always occupied by the construction vehicles or workers themselves. Besides, out of these reduced spots, many are reserved for the shop owners making it difficult for the public to find a parking spot even during non-peak hours let alone the weekends.

    Secondly, the public lot in front of the shopping mall seems to be taking advantage of the situation and increased their rates by double. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to have an option but to pay the required amount for my car not to be in jeopardy because of the recent car-related thefts skyrocketing in our area.

    Lastly, it would be helpful if you could make some temporary parking arrangements on the ground beside the mall until the construction is over or strike a deal with the public lot to reduce rates.

    Kind regards,
    Richard Patron

  243. At your workplace, recyclable materials, such as juice boxes, are not separated from the regular garbage. You would like the company to start a recycling program, at least in the cafeteria.
    Explain the problem.
    Suggest ways to solve the problem.
    Offer to volunteer and help.

    Dear Manager,

    It behoves me to mention that in our office recyclable waste are not separated from a regular garbage. There is only one bin available to collect all type of waste in cafeteria.

    I think for the safety of environment our company should begin some recycling program in our office. For instance In cafeteria there are many type of waste like paper waste and vegetable waste ,plastic waste etc. There should be a separate bin for recycle material and other material that can not be recycled.
    Moreover, different recycled products can be made by the material collected in separate bins for example from vegetable waste organic compost can be made and from paper waste recycled notebooks can be made etc.
    I am delighted to work for this eco friendly initiative. I always wanted to do something for our mother nature and I think by this program I can do this.

    Please count me in for this program.
    I am looking forward to see how my suggestions will translate in to a prompt action.


  244. You live in a small town of 10,000 people. A large green area in the center of town is undeveloped. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have built-in that area.

    Although, a mall coming up would make life convenient for shopping, but I would like to have a Recreational Park built for the following reasons:

    Firstly, Calgary is a town, that still preserves its green areas and for this reason, it’s the least polluted town in Canada. For a Shopping Complex to come up, thousands of trees will have to be cut and this will lead to deforestation which will lead to pollution thus causing imbalance in our ecosystem. Whereas, for a Recreational Park, we would be able to retain almost 80% of the green area which will include a petting zoo. Only 20% of the trees will have to be cut for the sports complex.

    Secondly, Calgary is famous for its nature reserve which brings in tourists and many explorers to our city. A Recreational Complex would encourage school students to actively enroll themselves in sports activities. According to the “NY Times” article, almost 60% of children suffer from “ADHD” and obesity. This would be a chance for our community to help such children do some physical activity. The petting zoo would surely be the icing on the cake, as children would like to visit animals along with doing some workouts.

    Conclusively, a Recreational Facility would prove better for the future of all members in the town.

  245. You recently made reservations for dinner at a very famous and expensive restaurant in town. However, the meal and the service were terrible. The restaurant manager was not available to solve the problem, so you left without a resolution.

    Respected Sir,

    I recently visited your esteemed restaurant, and I am writing this mail to express my dissatisfaction with the customer service I received.

    Firstly, I made this reservation for my Anniversary dinner with my family. I ordered your famous specials on the dinner menu and had specifically instructed the waiter about my wife’s allergy to peanuts. We had to wait for almost an hour for the food to arrive and it was a disaster when I found some peanuts in the “Green Curry” that my wife ordered. She was lucky enough that she didn’t consume it.

    Secondly, when I informed your staff about it, he behaved pretty rudely. I was flummoxed and requested to get the dish replaced. Furthermore, the restaurant messed up the bill and charged extra for the Curry I ordered the second time. Although the waiter gave us a complimentary dessert, by then, we all were so furious that we left without having a word with you.

    Moreover, I have been a regular customer at your restaurant, and I have never experienced such terrible service. Finally, I suggest you bring this up in the employee meeting and take stringent measures to improve customer experience.

    Thank you.

    Kind Regards,
    Angel Smith

  246. You live in a small town of 10,000 people. A large green area in the center of town is undeveloped. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have built-in that area.


    Although creating a recreational park seems to be a reasonable idea, our town has a less number of entertainment options available for the public and creating a shopping complex would be a better option for the following reasons:

    Firstly, most of our residents drive at least 15-20 miles for purchasing groceries at Walmart and K-Mart located on the outskirts of the town after Publix decided to close some of their stores in our town due to budget issues. Therefore, having a supermarket in the center of our town would suffice the needs of the residents. Besides, having great additional food options would be the icing on the cake.

    Secondly, ever since Regal Cinemas has decided to pull out of our town, AMC has been the only saving grace for many movie buffs including me which is in the neighboring town, and traveling there is very inconvenient for many people especially for children on the weekdays causing a great deal of inconvenience.

    Furthermore, our town is in a need of state of art Complex where people can spend time with their families, friends and have an enjoyable time. I hope you dot your i’s and cross your t’s before taking the right decision.

  247. You recently made reservations for dinner at a very famous and expensive restaurant in town. However, the meal and the service were terrible. The restaurant manager was not available to solve the problem, so you left without a resolution.

    Respected Sir,

    My name is Adam Smith and I visited your esteemed restaurant yesterday, and I am writing this to express my dissatisfaction regarding the poor service and management experience.

    Food Mart has a reputation of providing a high-class service along with amazing customer service, but it didn’t seem so yesterday. I had made a reservation for fifty people about a month ago as instructed on your website, to celebrate our company’s success but, as we reached the restaurant, we were told to wait about an hour making our colleagues and overseas clients face a very inconvenient situation.

    Furthermore, the service was too slow, and the food didn’t seem to match up to the quality expected and to make matters worse, one of your waiters spilled some hot soup on my colleague’s tuxedo.

    I have been visiting this restaurant with my family and friends for years and yesterday’s event was a bolt of the blue for me. I was surprised that the hostess was not very polite and approachable about the entire incident and turned a deaf ear to all our concerns. I hope you get back to me regarding an explanation for this and provide compensation for this bad experience. Thank You.

    Kind regards,
    Adam Smith

  248. Family Picnics

    The City Manager is surveying the opinion of the community about family picnics held in public parks. On the one hand, public parks are created for people to enjoy nature. On the other hand, large family gatherings can be noisy and occupy a lot of park space. The City Manager has asked you to complete an opinion survey.

    Option A: Family picnics should not be allowed in public parks.
    Option B: Family picnics should be allowed in public parks.

    I appreciate your inviting our opinions on family picnics survey.

    If given the choice, I would prefer to choose that family picnic should be permitted in public park as it is more suitable and convincing option for me.I would present a couple of reasons to substantiate my arguments.

    To begin with, In today’s busy life parks are the only outdoor place where families can enjoy together. As at the same time, children can also involve in some physical activity. Additionally , As childhood obesity is increasing globally we should encourage children to play some sports and have fun in park by exercising.
    Moreover, Public parks are made for all the residents so that they can enjoy nature. Parks provide ample space for picnics. At times, it is not possible to arrange family get together in a house because of limited space.However, sometimes family picnic can be noisy but one should respect each other’s way of enjoying in the park.
    And, if the city Management is concerned with the free parking space then visitors can come to the park by walk but not allowing the family gatherings in public parks is unfair with nature lover.

    Therefore, in my opinion, the option to allow a family picnic in public parks is a wise choice for the society.

  249. Printer Survey

    Your boss thinks paper is unnecessary because everyone has a computer and access to the internet. Your boss wants to take away all the printers so that people use much less paper. Other people think that this will be very inconvenient. Your boss asked you to respond to an opinion survey about whether to keep the printers.

    I strongly believe that the printer should most definitely be removed from the office considering environmental and economic benefits.

    It is a proven fact that reduction in forest areas and cutting down trees are the main reasons for global warming which is the hot potato nowadays. We are indirectly contributing to environmental hazards by excessive use of papers are made up from the foliage of trees. I have seen that a lot of employees unwantedly give prints even though it is not required.

    Furthermore, with the world shifting towards a digital era, the paper-based formality should be distinct. We always have the option to do all the office work digitally rather than giving printouts. In this way, we can save ample of money of the Company which can be invested in the Business. For example, we can send copies of Invoices digitally rather than giving print puts to customers.

    Ergo, it should be beneficial in the interest of the company and the public at large to ban the use of paper.

  250. You work for a clothing company. Your company has a new style of coat

    Write an email to a magazine in about 150–200 words. Tell the magazine about the new style of coat. Your email should do the following things:

    Provide information about your company.
    Provide information about the new style of coat.
    Suggest who might buy this coat and why.
    Invite the staff at the magazine to write about the coat.

    To whom it may concern,

    I am Dipesh Solanki, and I am a fashion designer at Raymon’s male section. We at our Company always promote taking leaps with the ever-changing fashion industry and are prominent players in Men’s outfits across the globe.

    As our constant endeavor to satisfy the customer’s need, we have recently designed a coat made from velvet fabric. It is made from minutely collected silk from Kashmir, India, and has been engraved with blue stones around the neck which is specially ordered from New Delhi. These are the limited edition coats and will be available for the stipulated time period only.

    This custom-designed velvet coat is the most ideal choice for wedding ceremonies since it will provide an elegant look to the Groom for his special day. Apart from that, it will be perfectly suited for music and dance functions due to its vibrant colors and shiny fabric.

    With these, we will be grateful to you if you could send your staff for capturing the detail of the coat and publish the article in your renowned fashion magazine “The Fashionista”.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    With regards,
    Dipesh Solanki

  251. Your son has been experiencing some difficulties at his elementary school. He has been unhappy for several weeks. You want to talk to his teacher.
    Describe the problems your son is having.
    Suggest some solutions to the problems.
    Make an appointment with the teacher to discuss the problems and your solutions.

    Dear Ma’am,
    It behooves me to mention that my son (James )is studying in your school in grade two and he is very despondent from last two to three weeks. Last night, I talked to him then he finally told me that some students were trying to bully him. These students are not of his class. They are elder than him and always make fun of him in front of others. As a result, James does not want to go to school.

    I would like to resolve this problem as early as possible as my son is afraid of going to school. I think you should intervene in this problem and talk to those students. Additionally, you should warned them that it is not acceptable. Moreover, You can also talk to their parents to resolve this issue.

    Considering this Situation, I personally want to meet you about this so that we can analyse this problem and discuss all the possible solutions as it is a sensitive matter. I will be available anytime.
    An open line of communication would be greatly help out in this issue.
    Looking forward to your prompt reply.

    Anna Mathew
    James Mother

  252. Your English instructor has assigned a final project. It will involve doing online research and presenting a 15-minute speech to the class. This project can be done either individually or in groups of three. Your instructor has asked you to complete an opinion survey.

    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

    Option A: I want to work by myself on the final project.
    Option B: I want to do the project in a group of three.

    I strongly believe that instead of a group, the final project on ‘Urban Transport Mechanism’ shall be allocated on an individual basis.

    It is evident that working in a group requires extensive time management and adjustments. The Group has to decide a convenient time that is suitable for everyone, and only then they can initiate their task. Moreover, any change to the schedule or availability of team members will affect the project work. For instance, if a member decides to meet for the project at night and the member who was supposed to bring his laptop could not come due to any unavoidable situation, then even though the remaining members remain present, the task would be postponed to the next day only.

    On the contrary, If the project is given separately to each Individual, It would enable us to perform our task at one’s convenience and without dependency on others. To exemplify, not only I can do extensive research through the internet at my leisure, even at midnight, but also be able to prepare my presentation speech eloquently, if I work independently at my home.

    Considering the above points, the final project must be assigned on a student-to-student basis for better evaluation.

    1. Lovel. With accurate inversions, it would score 10 ‘…only then can they initiate…’ and ‘not only can I do extensive…’

  253. You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the time keeping of the other students.
    Write an email to the School Principal complaining about the situation and suggesting how you would like the issue to be resolved

    Respected Principal,

    I am writing in regard to the English course that ABC school is providing. I am very disappointed with the quality of course.

    I am an International student and English is not my first language so I need extra help in English. That’s why, I joined an English course in your esteemed school .Even though, the course is very costly than other private school. I thought that school must provide some extra study material and support. But I found this worthless as the teachers are giving same instruction that are available on social media .Moreover, No extra tips and assignments are given in this course.

    Even the study material is also outdated, as this is a language course and in language new words are added every day and style of writing also changes after sometime. But teachers are teaching in the same old way. I personally feel it is a wastage of time as there is no improvement in my English skills.

    Considering this situation I think you should either hire some new teachers who are more updated and know new pattern of teaching or you should trained these teachers.

    I am looking forward to see that how my suggestion will translate in to a prompt action.
    An open line of communication will greatly help out in this matter.


  254. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. It has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.

    Option A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    Option B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.

    I appreciate the opportunity to provide input on backlog survey.

    I strongly believe that all the employees would work for two hours every Saturday to catch up on its backlog as seems to be far better and convincing option for me. I would like to give couple of reason to substantiate my arguments.
    To begin with, Clearing of backlog is imperative for the proper functioning of office work. This backlog is created by all staff members so it is the responsibility of all the staff to complete it as early as possible and if everybody will come for two hours on Saturday this can finished early.

    I support this because it also give a sense of equality in office. No one should feel that only they have to come because of others backlog.
    Moreover its only a matter of two months till the pending work done if anybody have some problem we can accommodate it as we are team. Additionally, The employees have to come only for two hours. After that they still have Saturday to for themselves and their loved ones.

    Moving discuss all my arguments I believe all the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.

  255. 4. You work in a very big office. There is a popular and cheap restaurant in the building. The boss is thinking of removing the restaurant and replacing it with a childcare facility and has asked whether you would prefer:

    Option A: Replace the restaurant with a childcare facility
    Option B: Keep the restaurant and let parents make childcare arrangements offsite.

    I second your suggestion to replace the restaurant with a childcare facility for the following reasons:

    Firstly, Nowadays, postpartum depression is pretty common. When my two-year-old Mary was born, I struggled to find a nanny after my maternity leave was over. I had two weeks before returning to work, and it was stressful. I was anxious most of the time that my child is with some unknown woman. A daycare facility in the building would allow the new parents to visit their children and would give them some stress relief. I wish the daycare opened in the office building two years ago.

    Secondly, many amazing restaurants around the entire block are affordable. I prefer to walk a few minutes to buy lunch. Besides, I don’t get much time to exercise during the day, so a fifteen minutes walk to and fro wouldn’t hurt.

    Finally, opening a daycare in a building like ours would encourage other firms to explore such options for their employees’ mental health. Furthermore, this would set a good impression on our company work culture.

    Thanks and I hope you make the right decision.

  256. 4. You work in a very big office. There is a popular and cheap restaurant in the building. The boss is thinking of removing the restaurant and replacing it with a childcare facility and has asked whether you would prefer:

    Option A: Replace the restaurant with a childcare facility
    Option B: Keep the restaurant and let parents make childcare arrangements offsite.

    Ans: Although having a Childcare Facility in the same building as our’s would be beneficial and convenient for our entire staff members, but I suggest you keep the restaurant for the following reasons:

    Firstly, Sam’s Food Court has been in our building since the beginning. People not only from our office but nearby co-working spaces and professional facilities come here to have food. Sam’s delivers food to more than half the people from our office as they provide a variety of food options and also have special monthly and yearly incentives, especially for our Company peeps.

    Secondly, as Aetna takes charge of our Healthcare provider beginning 2022, it has partnered with various facilities to provide our staff with convenient options and join a Childcare facility that is specifically near to the policy owner’s Home and has narrowed down the radius to under 5 miles making it efficient for parents. Besides providing this option, they are also lowering the monthly premium for our staff since we have had a contract for ten years.

    Furthermore, our Clients from China are visiting us early next year, and greeting them with an under-construction building will leave them flummoxed. I hope you make the right decision for our company.

  257. 4. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty.

    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

    Respected Sir,

    I recently stayed at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, and I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with customer service and the cleanliness of the room.

    Firstly, You being a 4-start hotel, I had my hopes high which very well was proved wrong. I stayed at your hotel from September 1st to 5th and had booked the Deluxe Suite. When I reached the room with my family, we noticed that the room was a mess. We felt as if the room service person hadn’t cleaned the carpets, washroom, and the bedsheets were lying all over the floor. I contacted reception immediately to let them know the situation. Although the receptionist was sorry about the condition of the room, it was a bolt out of the blue when no room service showed up even after the complaint.

    Secondly, We had to wait for at least an hour to get the room cleaned. Furthermore, when I contacted Hyatt customer service for compensation, the person on the call spoke rudely and mentioned they couldn’t do anything about this matter.

    Finally, I request you to compensate your customers and to train the staff so that such incidents do not continue to happen.

    Best Regards,

  258. 4. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty.

    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

    Respected Sir,

    I stayed at your esteemed Hotel during my Chicago Trip, and I am writing this mail to express my dissatisfaction regarding the Hotel Services experienced during my stay.

    JW Marriot is known for its amazing service and providing customer satisfaction, but that didn’t seem the case when I experienced several delays in getting the room service throughout my weekend stay. The staff was rude and adamant and turned a deaf ear to my requests.

    Secondly, my room was not cleaned before my arrival and had several filthy clothes and garbage left behind by the previous travelers. After several complaints, your staff managed to clean my room, but that too wasn’t up to the mark. The carpet was full of dust, and the washroom was out of several toiletry items. Furthermore, the laundry staff messed up my order, and my Tuxedo wasn’t ready before the Gala Night at your Ballroom.

    Having suffered such a service came as a bolt out of the blue for me as I have been a frequent visitor at your Hotel. I suggest bringing up this issue with your staff Co-ordinator and also having some stringent measures to improve the cleanliness and guest services. Thank You.

    Kind regards,
    Adam Smith

  259. 3. Your company is considering whether or not to sponsor a float in the upcoming community parade. Your superiors have asked whether you support or oppose the investment.

    I second your suggestion to sponsor a float in the upcoming Black Lives Matter Community parade for the following reasons.

    Firstly, I have been a longstanding member of the community, and I know how much they struggle every day for their fundamental rights. Even in a developed country like the USA, most Blacks strive to find job opportunities because of racial discrimination and no proper guidance. The incident that caused the death of a black man John Floyd this year is pretty alarming for the whole nation, and sponsoring a float in the parade would help them understand that multinational companies like us support their cause and encourage them to strive harder.

    Secondly, I think it will also put a good impression on our company that we hire candidates of all races. This parade is being held in the busiest street in New York City with over 100,000 attendees and would give us a chance to go publicly live by sponsoring and showing our support. Furthermore, this will also encourage other IT companies to support such parades in the future.

    Besides, the community doesn’t have many funds, and they are thriving to find sponsors. They would much appreciate and be grateful if we sponsor a float.

  260. 3. Your company is considering whether or not to sponsor a float in the upcoming community parade. Your superiors have asked whether you support or oppose the investment.

    Our company has recently acquired additional funds for our new shoe Campaign, and that is why sponsoring the float in New York City’s upcoming Gay Community Parade would be an ideal investment and provide a perfect launchpad for our upcoming product.

    Even before the passing of Section 377, our company has been an avid supporter of the Pride Community and always encouraged people to be open and proud about it. Our New Shoe Line: “Pride for Life” is targeted towards the Gay community celebrating their awesomeness and uniqueness, and we couldn’t get a better occasion and audience than the people in this Parade.

    Secondly, the parade lasts for three days traveling from Manhattan to Brooklyn and finishing in Queens. Statistics show that our new product has sparked the greatest interest in Brooklyn via our various marketing campaigns and online buzz. Furthermore, the parade is going to have several events and competitions and having our product showcased there will be an amazing strategy and create even more frenzy among the crowd.

    Lastly, this year’s sponsorship bidder will acquire the float rights for 5 years so looking at the bigger picture, it will be a perfect setting for our company to launch anything new and keep our audience abreast of all our latest and upcoming products.

  261. 3. You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the timekeeping of the other students.

    Write an email to the School Principal complaining about the situation and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved.

    Respected Sir,

    I am Anjali Jones, an English student at your school, and I’m writing to inform you about my dissatisfaction with the current curriculum, guidance, and materials.

    Firstly, I come from a country where English isn’t the 1st language spoken, and for an international student in a country like Canada, it’s altogether a different ball game when it comes to communicating. I have taken a few English Literature and Grammar courses and realized that the Professors just went through basic stuff. There weren’t any case studies or assignments that were given or discussed. Furthermore, the coursework is pretty expensive, and I was hoping that if I’m paying so much then the courses would be more advanced. I also noticed that the students arrive late or even bunk classes because the teachers are very lenient and don’t seem to bother.

    Secondly, I visited the School Library last week to look up some Literature books written by Dan Brown and couldn’t find any books. I thought that the library would have books on such famous authors that would enlighten students to pursue Literature and wouldn’t have to spend on buying books.

    Finally, I would suggest that you bring this up in the Annual Teacher’s meet and also use the school funds to update the library collection.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Anjali Jones

  262. 3. You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the timekeeping of the other students. Write an email to the School Principal complaining about the situation and suggesting how you would like the issue to be resolved.


    Respected Sir,

    I am John Smith, an international student majoring in English at your esteemed school and I am writing this notice to express my dissatisfaction regarding the poor state of the education provided.

    As an international student, I have to incur a lot of expenses moving to this country and the least I expected was the courses to be affordable, but seeing the per credit rate so high was a bolt out of the blue. I have to complete 30 credits for my graduation and the overall cost is high.

    Secondly, the quality of teaching is deteriorating because the faculty doesn’t seem to have the subject knowledge and isn’t very helpful in communicating with the students. I along with several other students have had major issues having our questions answered, and the teachers seem to turn a deaf ear to them. Although a lot of material is provided by the school, the information inside them is outdated and primitive particularly in the Literature Section and needs to be updated. Furthermore, timekeeping by several students seems to be catching up like fever to everyone and in turn affecting the entire environment of the class.

    I request you to bring this matter to your Annual Teacher’s Meet this week.

    Warm regards,
    John Smith

  263. You have recently moved to another province and need your internet service set up. You chose the company you would like to go with and made an appointment. However, nobody arrived at the scheduled time.
    Write an email to the company in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

    Explain the problem.
    Tell them why you need internet service.
    Suggest what the company should do now.
    To whom it may concern:

    The purpose of my writing today is complaint about the no-show of your executive to set up the broad-band connection at my residence.

    I have moved to the calgery last week, and I have availed the Airtel’s internet plan of $250 for a year for my home located at 92, Mason avenue, Calgery, and have also paid 100% advance as per your policy vide receipt number 198. I received a call from your executive, stating that confirmed appointment with your technical support staff at 02:00 P.M for the installation and connectivity. Although I cancelled my important meeting in order to get the Internet active on time, no one came from your company even after waiting till 05:00 P.M.

    Given that I am working form home and majority of my work is online, I am in dire need for the internet. Since I wasn’t available with any other option, I have to use my mobile data for checking emails and skype calls in laptop. However, the speed of mobile internet is not optimum for my office job purpose, and therefore I have to get the broadband facility.

    Considering the hardships I am facing due to non availability of internet, I request you to get the internet active by today without any delay.


  264. You are a volunteer at the local community theater group. You have been asked whether the group should spend its money on costumes or on storage.

    While I appreciate the idea that the group spends its funds on storage, I would agree to spend on new costumes for the following reasons.

    Firstly, I have been a longstanding volunteer at the Nicks Performing Arts Group, and I think the audience is always amazed by the various outfits we come up with. Costumes are the essence of a character in a play, and through the costumes, we can portray a certain theme. It’s become a vital part of any play throughout the years. I remember, a few years ago, the group was performing in Chicago, and we had bought these funky dresses for a scene, and the audience couldn’t stop cheering us. They were so excited, and they even applauded all of us at the end of the play for the bold outfit we chose.

    Secondly, Costumes are affordable, and over the years, our group has had contact with some amazing stores and tailors that give us costumes at a discounted rate. They even allow us to rent out costumes and hence we will end up saving a lot. Renting costumes would also put less burden on us thinking about where to store these costumes.

    I think our performances are always well entertained because of our costumes.

  265. 2. You are a volunteer at the local community theater group. You have been asked whether the group should spend its money on costumes or on storage.


    I have been a volunteer at the Performing Center for over a decade and having the National Theatrics Competition next month in Florida coming up, I think that this quarter’s budget should be spent on Costumes and making our aesthetics look better.

    Our group’s acts have been applauded and respected a lot by the audience, and we have had some memorable performances over the last couple of years but one thing where we sometimes lack is the originality and the relatability of our characters to the person and situation addressed. Having different outfits for different plays and situations doesn’t always guarantee a perfect act and always leaves room for improvement.

    Secondly, as we expand to more states across the USA, our crew is becoming larger along with the increasing amount of diverse audience we will experience, and that is why it is important to maintain the standard of our group and have the clothing and props matching the various acts we are going to have beginning 2022.

    Lastly, spending on costumes rather than storage will make more sense as our group will be traveling to different cities and states to perform and to throw a lasting impression, it is necessary to make our acts a visual treat for our audience.

      1. Thank You, Angela. I have a question. How is Celpip writing scored? If we get an 8 in the E-mail Section and 9 in the Opinion section, will the final score be rounded off to a 9? Please let me know. Thanks

  266. 2. A family member recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.

    Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)

    Hi Jill and Daniel,

    Congratulations on the birth of baby Alysia. I hope you all are doing well. I know that becoming parents for the first time is a bit overwhelming, but it’s an experience you will always cherish. I did experience something like this when John was born.

    Firstly, Parents play an important role in upbringing a child, right from teaching them values and life lessons to educating and supporting them. Postpartum stress is pretty common. Meditating for some time or taking a few sessions with a counselor would bring a huge difference. I and Peter did take a few sessions three years ago.

    Secondly, you can always hire a nanny. Nowadays, websites can give you information about available nannies. You just have to signup, pay for the service and enter your requirements. These websites are genuine and you won’t have to worry about a background check of the nanny you hire for your kid, and this will make things easier. You can also ask your parents to come over for some time. They would love to spend time with their grandchild and it would give you some relief.

    Wishing you luck and good health to all.

    Warm Regards,

  267. A family member recently had a baby and is overwhelmed by parenting.

    Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)

    Hey Marshall and Lily,

    Congratulations on becoming Parents. I am glad to hear the news, and I am writing this to encourage and motivate you regarding your concerns about parenting.

    As you know, I and Barney have been parents for five years now, and trust me there is no better feeling than to watch your newborn baby smile and laugh at you. I know it may sound intimidating but think of all your sacrifices over the past nine months and those sleepless nights you both spent until now for that little angel to come and embrace the world.

    Children have developing minds at an early age, and that is why you both have to be their mentors and teach them your family values, tradition, and culture. Although they will attend school in the future and learn everyday skills and get bookish knowledge, the real-life lessons are taught by the parents that tend to stay forever.

    Parenting can be overwhelming, but there are various institutions for guiding you throughout this journey. Baby Corp. is a well-known institution that can help new parents by arranging a babysitter, have yoga and therapy sessions and arrange financial aids for qualified parents.

    Wishing you luck and good health to all.

    Warm Regards,

  268. 1. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.
    Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

    Respected Sir,

    Although the idea of a chemical factory coming up will create job opportunities but I oppose the factory for the following reasons.

    Firstly, we live in a society that’s largely populated and a chemical factory coming up would cause serious damage to the ecosystem. BP Chemicals is planning to cut down 5000 trees to build the chemical plant. This will lead to deforestation and an increase in the amount of Carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere leading to global warming.

    Secondly, the factory will release waste products which will cause air and water pollution. The Ganga River has the purest water which is used for domestic purposes. The entire city will be affected in case of cross-contamination in the river due to the chemicals. Furthermore, it will result in the death of fishes, animals, and birds that consume this water.

    Finally, according to a recent study, air pollution has gone up by 65% this year causing chronic diseases like asthma, bronchitis, lung cancers, etc. to many citizens including infants who stay around such factories.

    It’s high time that we start caring about our mother nature. Thank you and I hope you make the right decision.

    Yours Sincerely,

    1. Use the second conditional throughout to get 9+. It’s the appropriate conditional for a situation where you have limited control over the outcome.

  269. 1. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.

    Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

    Respected Sir,

    Sun Chemical’s recent acquisition of the land near our community for building a huge factory is a grave matter of concern and I am writing this to express my opposing views.

    The multi-dollar company announced last week that they are going to build the factory along the Thames River which is a single source of supply for our entire town. The construction of the factory will require a lot of water and the factory will use the Thames River as their primary source, which will be a burden on the Community which is already facing an acute shortage of water due to a record-breaking summer this Fall.

    Secondly, the building of factory involves a lot of noise and this would be a nuisance for everyone, particularly the old population. The elderly people are already facing problems and this would only add to their existing issues. Young people including children, students, and young professionals require peace and a good environment.

    Lastly, pollution is going to be a major concern for our community which is already among the worst polluted regions in the USA according to the National Pollution Index-2021.

    I hope you make the right decision.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Adam Smith

  270. 1. A member of your family is thinking about going to university.

    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.

    Hi Jill,

    I hope you are well.

    I recently heard that you are planning to go to university for further studies. I know that you have listed a few universities and I would like to give you some advice since I attended university two years back.

    Firstly, I would always recommend you to follow your heart. Decide on what are your interests and what profession you want to be working in maybe 3-4 years from now. Once that is finalized you can check online on the top universities for that coursework and apply. I do know that you learned some coding in school and participated in hackathons. So you could opt-in for a bachelor’s in computer science.

    Secondly, some students choose universities to explore new places. They might want to stay away from home since they want to be independent and it will also give them a chance to get out of their comfort zone. Some universities also offer sports scholarships. You must check those since you are a national-level swimming champion.

    I can understand that the entire process is taxing but in the end, it’s worth it. I hope you make the right choice.


    1. Super. Both alternatives would score 8, primarily because of your punctuation. Your content and organization are great.

  271. 1. A member of your family is thinking about going to university.
    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.

    Dear John,

    It is great that you are planning to attend University for your graduation and I cannot be more proud about it. I am writing this email to express my joy and giving you some helpful advice.

    University Education is very necessary for your personal as well as professional growth. You acquire life-changing skills, write a thesis, perform research and learn interesting subjects which you can apply and implement in your professional and personal life going ahead.

    Also, your ideal preference should be a university away from your hometown because living in a different state or city will make you more responsible and helps you focus more on your studies. For example, When I use to study in Chicago, I lived with a bunch of strangers but that unfamiliar environment brought out the best in me and helped me a lot in my life. It may sound intimidating, but different people give you different perspectives of lives involving culture, values, education.

    Since you have always been a Numbers geek and want to pursue a career in Finance, I would suggest taking Corporate Finance and Statistics courses along with a course on Financial economics.

    All the best and hope you do well.

    Best, regards
    Adam Smith

  272. You saw a travel agency’s advertisement for a vacation abroad. Write a letter to inquire about booking this trip. In your letter:

    describe the holiday you hope to take and why the advertisement appealed to you
    describe what information you need from the travel agency before making your booking
    request this information

    Dear Mr. Dwijay,
    I am writing this to inquire about the flyer of your agency, published in Globe and Mail for Maldives Holiday package.

    Well, as my marriage is going to be solemnized next month, I am planning for my Honeymoon in Maldives. Your 4-Days and 5-Nights Maldives Holiday package, that too at a cost of Rs.80,000/- per person is music to my ears.

    Nonetheless, Before making my final decision, I would like to have certain information such as whether this package includes Flights or not? What is the Name of Resort and at what distance it is located from Maldives Airport? What are the excursions available at the Resort? Are there any honeymoon freebies available to newlywed couple? What about the discount coupons applicable for spa and massage? Since we are vegetarian, I would also like to make sure, whether vegetarian food is available there or not? Also, do let me know about the cancellation policy and other COVID-19 related guidelines which need to adhere by us.

    It would be great, if you could please provide this information at your earliest convenience in order to make our decision.

    Thanking You!

    Jyot Mistry

  273. You are a member of an Officer’s Club. A small area in the club is available for development. The President of the club has sent out an opinion survey to see what the club members feel the space should be utilized for – a library or a conference hall.

    Option A: The library caters to people of all ages, non-members can join, profits can help in buying more books, book clubs can be started.
    • Option B: The conference hall is required for club meetings, can be let out to corporate firms for meetings, will help in generating revenue, can be used as a reading room.
    I am thankful to you for inviting our opinion for utilisation of vacant place of Rosemerry Club.

    If given the choice, I would recommend to have the conference hall for the Club considering the economic as well as social reasons.

    Although, our club occupies 90 acres of land, it doesn’t have the Conference hall for organizing club meetings as well as social events for club members. It is observed in the past that, every year while organizing Annual event for the members, we have to search out for the outside options, and have to pay considerable amount as a rent for the same. However, If we have our own conference hall, we can utilize it any time without depending on other options, which may or may not available whenever we require it.

    Furthermore, during the year, we can also let out that conference hall to corporate as well as other stakeholders in lieu of rent. It will surely provide revenue to the club.

    Additionally, the option to utilize the conference hall as the reading room during the vacant time is always there to cater the need of avid readers of the Club.

    Therefore, in my opinion, the option to construct the conference hall is a wise choice for the Club.

  274. You bought a set of China tea cups from a famous department store, as a Christmas present for your sister. When you reached home, you found that a few cups were broken. You went back to exchange the damaged cups, with the receipt, but the sales executive refused to take them back
    • State what problem you had with the purchased item.
    • Complain about the inability of the sales staff to address the problem.
    • Describe how you want the store to solve the problem to your satisfaction.

    Dear Manager,

    The purpose of my writing today is to lodge a compliant for the faulty utnsiles which I got from your store last week.

    As a matter of fact, I purchased six China tea cup set amounting to CAD 250 on 19th December, 2021 from your store. As it was wrapped up in the box, I didn’t opened the box, and purchased it directly after checking the sample Design and quality which was kept on the reck. However, when I reached home, to my utter disappointment I saw that handle of Three out Six cups were broken.

    Being aggrieved by the product, I went directly to your store and met your sales staff, Mr Jason Roy, to get me the replacement of the cups. Nevertheless, surprisingly he replied that, “It is the duty of the Customer to check the product before purchasing and It can’t be replaced since no warranty or replacement is provided on the Chinese Products!”. This type of behaviour and answer was totally unacceptable.

    In view of the above circumstances, being regular customer of your store, I request you to get me the replacement of the product or give me the refund for the same. Since it is time senstive matter, your early response in this matter shall be highly appreciated.

    Thanking You!

    Yours’ Truly,

  275. You are taking an English writing class at a local college, and your instructor is surveying your opinion about the final exam. Currently, half of the course grade is based on a three-hour final exam written in class. However, your instructor is considering allowing students to submit a five-page report instead, which they would write at home.

    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

    Option A: I would prefer to write a three-hour final exam in class.
    Option B: I would prefer to write a five-page report at home.

    I appreciate your inviting our opinions on the option of a final report in lieu of a final exam in this class.

    If given the choice, I would prefer to turn in a five-page term report than to sit a final exam. I firmly believe that writing is a craft that, in order to produce the best work product, should not have imposed time constraints. When we are asked to write exams under short timelines, such as 3 hours, that tends to favour efficiency over quality, and I have found in past exams that my writing suffers tremendously.

    I would much prefer to have the opportunity to sit with a term project or report at home, think through both the content and the writing style, and produce a final paper that I have spent some effort on and that I am proud of.

    Especially given the report/exam is worth half the course mark, I think it only fair that we are given the time and opportunity with a final project to assimilate some of the lessons of the course, and put them down in a report that is worthy of your final assessment!

  276. Your manager asked you to work at the reception desk while the receptionist is getting lunch. This involves answering telephones and helping clients who come in. However, you are unable to help out because you have other work.

    Explain why you don’t have time to help out.
    Suggest a way to solve the problem.

    Dear Bob,

    I am writing this in reference to the earlier mail asking me to take the receptionist’s work while she is not available. Nonetheless, I am really sorry but I am not in the position to take this additional duty since I am already occupied with preparing the sales forecast report for next quarter. Furthermore, I need to submit the report to the Management by tomorrow itself.

    Since you are already aware, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Company’s Transport Business has hampered adversely for previous 2 quarters. Therefore, preparing a future road map of sales is the utmost priority for the Management and they are not going to tolerate any delay in this matter. Moreover, I am also required to collect the sales data from different departments and have to prepare Diagrams and Presentations in order to present an accurate picture before the Board of Directors.

    I hope you understand the gravity of the situation. Meanwhile, if I may, I would suggest you ask the Associate Sales executive team for carrying out the receptionist job on a temporary basis as they are having a plethora of experience in dealing with clients and they can do this work efficiently.
    Once again, I sincerely apologize for not helping you out this time.

    Thank You.

    Dipesh Solanki

    1. Super! I wish I could write like that in another language! It would score 8, but it’s so close to a 9 – just watch your sentence variety and punctuation.

  277. You live in an apartment building. The apartment management wants to improve the security of the building. One option is to install a new lock in each apartment, the other option is to install more security cameras in the building. The management is surveying your opinion on these security improvement plans.

    Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

    Option A: I choose to have a new lock for my apartment.
    Option B: I choose to have more cameras in the building.

    In my perception, installing cameras in the building would be a more viable solution for the security of the residents considering the cost as well as the safety measures.

    Although the one-time cost may be higher for the installation of CCTV cameras, it would be cheaper as compared to providing a new lock to each individual home for a society of more than 70 houses.

    Moreover, the nuisance of robberies and theft can be mitigated through CCTC cameras, since the robber or thief will be having fear of being caught or being recognized if they know that they are being monitored under lenses.

    Nonetheless, there is always a way to open up or broke the lock and we can’t do anything to prevent any kind of mishap that may happen after breaking the lock as we may not be having adequate proof against the lock-broker.

    In view of the above explanation, I certainly believe that installing Cameras will be more beneficial to us than locks for society’s security.

  278. Internet In Schools Survey

    You live in a CELPIP TIP downtown there are some schools. Some of schools, using the internet in schools is getting more popular. Is this a positive or negative development?

    * Choose the option that you prefer in about Write about 150-200 words.

    – Option A: Positive Development
    – Option B: Negative Development


    The action of using the internet in schools has been a hotly debated topic amongst individuals. In my opinion, usage of internet in schools can lead to positive development is a more suited option due to multifarious reasons.

    Conspicuously, the internet can help in the growth of school children. This is because, the school kids can explore more knowledge which are rather not available in the text books provided by the school. Furthermore, internet can help students interact directly with their competitors from other country. For example, students from different countries in different time zone can interact and work at the same time on a project.

    On the other hand, some people think that internet usage among school children can lead to negative development. Nonetheless, it has its own negative side. One clear reason is that the internet can impact a students career in a wrong way due to the fact that it gives an opportunity for illegal activities.

    Considering all the assertions, I am of the opinion that internet usage in schools is the way forward and is a positive development not only for the students but to the country as well.

  279. You have borrowed money from your bank. You agreed to repay a fixed amount every month. However, it will be difficult to pay any money back this month. Write an email to the bank in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

    State the amount of money you borrowed and the repayment schedule.
    Explain why you borrowed the money.
    Explain the reason you cannot pay any money this month and why you will be able to pay next month.

    Dear Branch Manager,

    Myself Suzane Marry and I am maintaining the loan account no: XXX22233 with your branch for my car loan amounting to Rs.3,00,000/- borrowed from your Bank which is repayable along with applicable floating interest rates within 5 years at the equal monthly instalments of Rs.7,280/-.  

    I am using that car as an Uber cab service for my livelihood. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and resultant lockdown imposed by the Government, public transport has come to an abrupt halt, so as my earnings. Given that the majority of the people are staying at home due to safety reasons and most of the employees are having their work from home, the use of cab services has become minimal this month.

    Considering the above reasons, I do not have enough sources of Income this month and I may not be able to pay the loan instalment for this month.

    Nonetheless, I believe that the public transport will get normalise from next month observing that Covid-19 curve is flattening. Apart from that, as an alternative mean for earning, I have also started working part-time with BPO Company. Therefore, I am confident that I will be able to resume the instalments as per the agreed schedule from the next month onward.

    Thanking You!

    Suzane Marry

  280. You are a high school teacher. A student of yours has just graduated with excellent marks from high school. This person wants to find work.

    Write an email to this student in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

    Explain how you feel about her high school grades.
    Explain why a college education is good.
    Explain why going to work instead of college is unwise.

    Dear Joy,

    It is the moment of pride for every teacher when his pupil passes the exams with flying colors. I was also delighted and felt exuberance when I acknowledged that you have passed your Third-year B.Com exams with the distinction.

    Now, since you will be heading towards the next steps, It is pertinent to mention that taking a college education is favourable for your professional goals. Given that, you have an excellent academic record, you will be provided with a plethora of opportunities to decide on your career path by diversified courses offered by the universities. The college studies will help you embark on the next phase of your life as you will get to learn in depth knowledge about the field which you are willing to choose.

    Nonetheless, I felt little concern when I hear that you are looking for a job instead of further education. Even though you may be successful in getting short term monetary benefits by working right now, it will be challenging for you to maintain that growth and have a great leap forward if you are not having professional expertise in your field, which you can be able to achieve only through higher studies.

    I hope you will rethink it before coming to the final conclusion.


  281. You and your co-worker often have lunch in a nearby park. However, there have been too many birds in the park lately, especially the pigeons who want your food. The situation is spoiling your lunch break.

    Write an email to the local newspaper in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

    Describe the importance of the park to you and your colleagues.
    Explain how the birds have affected you.
    Suggest what the newspaper’s readers, or city officials and park managers, can do to improve the situation.

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    The undersigned is the HR Manager of Copper & Co. and the purpose of my writing today is to draw the attention of print media as well as the local government towards the challenges which the visitors of Montreal central park have to face on a routine basis due to distractions caused by Birds.

    Montreal Park which is located just opposite of our Company is one of the places where we have our meals and use it for leisure activity in the break for getting tranquility from the busy office hours. The park is of significant importance for us since we do not have enough dining space available in our office.

    However, for the last 4-5 days, we observed that the group of doves is causing difficulties to us while having our meals. For example, yesterday a pigeon flying above us poop on one of my colleagues which made all of us discontinue our lunch. Furthermore, They come near our lunch boxes even though we try to keep them away by throwing tiny pebbles at them.

    Hence, I would like the park managers to build a separate space for feeding those birds so that they stay away from the visitors and one can have a peaceful time at the park.

    Dipesh Solanki

      1. Thank you for your response. Could you please guide me what are the bullet points which I should take into consideration in order to score 10 Plus

  282. 1. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.

    Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

    Although constructing a massive factory near our society would benefit many people in terms of employment. However, I would disagree with the statement considering its cons.

    Predominantly, building a workshop will generate many problems, such as air and noise pollution. Moreover, the chemicals released by these factories have harmful effects on human health as a result people of all ages are prone to lung and heart diseases.

    Apart from that, the industrial unit will function day and night, which would make it strenuous for the local people to spend some time in an open environment since the waste would be produced by the factory all day long. In addition, it would tarnish the future of the children as they could not be able to play outside their places.

    On the other hand, building a manufacturing plant would help in the expansion of the town, but despite that, I would not support this decision at the cost of people’s future and well-being.

    In conclusion, I would like the company to drop the decision to build a factory.

  283. 4. You recently stayed in a hotel where the service was slow and the room was dirty.

    Write an email to the hotel manager complaining about the accommodation and suggesting how the issue might be resolved.

    Dear Manager,

    I have been a regular customer at your hotel for the past couple of years and never experienced such a chaotic service. However, I had an unpleasant stay last week at your hotel.

    Let me fill you in with some details. To begin with, I booked your staycation package on 1st Aug’21 since it was my husband’s 40th birthday while reaching a hotel we had to wait for 15-20 minutes before someone could be available at the concierge. Moreover, they took longer to hand over the key card for our rooms due to which our trip started on a gloomy note.

    As well as the rooms were not up to the mark since they had an uncanny scent besides this the bed linen was also stained. Apart from that, the room service facility was sluggish as a result, it took us another few hours to begin our celebration even after reaching our destination.

    Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could provide some discount or a complimentary stay at your hotel for our next visit.

    I hope you would attend to my request on this matter expeditiously and I look forward to your positive response.

    Yours sincerely,
    Katie Bin

  284. Chinthaka Roshan Jayasinghe

    A member of your family is thinking about going to university.

    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.

    Hi Dileep,

    Understanding that situation of going to university. Firstly, I appreciate your efforts for pass the final exam of the school.

    With having a degree or M.Sc. It would be easy to find the job. As well as, one day it might help increase your salary and get the new promotion and also you will get an extra qualification for your profession.

    When I selected the institute, I picked Montreal university. It has been located another province of Canada. Free life, beautiful environment, and position of the world ranking I had been considering the pick university.

    Personally, I think BSc (SP) Tourism management degree would be the best option for you because tourism is the largest industry in the world, and also that industry is finding highly qualified persons for run their business.

    However, I would be grateful if you can take an opportunity to enter the university.

    Please be kind enough to send your reply on this matter,

    Thanking you,

    Yours truly,


  285. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. It has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.

    Option A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    Option B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.

    I am writing this today regarding our company’s survey in order to get to the backlog with possible two options. I certainly believe everyone in the staff should work for two hours every Saturday for the next couple of months to complete the target instead of half the worker enjoy their Saturday and another half, work on their behalf for four hours.

    I support this because each member of staff has a duty to finish the backlog as the company needs their support. Moreover, making employees work every Saturday for two hours would help in building unity among each other and will reflect their faith in the organization.

    Accordingly, the employees operating for only two hours would still have a Saturday for themselves and to spend with their loved ones whereas if half of the employees will do the same amount of work every Saturday for four hours could not spend quality time with their families since the entire day can be used by their work comprises travel.

    Therefore, in my opinion, every working person should join on every Saturday to work for a couple of hours.

    Thank you for the opportunity to let me share my personal beliefs about this issue.

  286. Chinthaka Roshan Jayasinghe

    You work in a very big office. There is a popular and cheap restaurant in the building. The boss is thinking of removing the restaurant and replacing it with a childcare facility and has asked whether you would prefer:

    Option A: Replace the restaurant with a childcare facility
    Option B: Keep the restaurant and let parents make childcare arrangements offsite.

    First of all, I would like to make this an opportunity to thank you for the company manager for thinking on the child care facility and keeping the restaurant, as well as taking the initiative to consider our opinion as the staff.

    According to my opinion, keeping cafeteria and outside childcare arrangements would be the best option. Even though the company does need the child care facility also. Most of the staff have been doing part time jobs. Therefore, they have not time to prepare meals them self. Due to that reason, the staff were eaten their meals at the cafeteria.

    The main benefit of the restaurant is time saving. The company has been providing one hour for the lunch. During that time, it might not possible to go outside restaurants for the meals. One hour is not enough to both smoking and eating.

    Taking all these facts into consideration, I strongly believe keeping the restaurant and let parents make childcare arrangements offsite would be the best option. Anyway, this is my personal opinion. However, I will support whatever decision you made.

  287. You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the time keeping of the other students.

    Write an email to the School Principal complaining about the situation and suggesting how you would like the issue to be resolved.

    Dear Principal,

    This is Emily and I am a student in your six-week crash course for the English language at your private school. Though the course is costly, I am disheartened by the standard of command, information and punctuality provided.

    To begin with, the material handed over for self-study is chaotic as it does not include detailed information about the subject. Moreover, the instructions given by the professor seem to be uninformative as a result, the concepts are unclear for me and many fellow students. On top of that, the teacher was never on time for the class due to which we suffered our doubts session at the end of each class.

    Apart from that, I would like to mention the teaching pattern of the instructor since it did not comprise any group discussions, assignments and class works, which is the major reason is the failure of understanding the language.

    Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could extend the course duration for another six weeks or refund the amount for the course of considering the standard of the teaching.

    Yours sincerely,
    Emily Park

  288. Chinthaka Roshan Jayasinghe

    our company holds an annual spring-cleaning day where all the employees help clean the office. Your boss has asked everyone to complete a survey to indicate their preference of job. Which option would you prefer? Option

    A: Clean up outside the building Option

    B: Clean up inside the building

    First of all, I would like to make this opportunity to thank you for the company as organizing an annual spring-cleaning day as well as taking the initiative to consider our opinion as the employees.

    According to my opinion, cleaning up inside of the building would be the best option. The Edmonton city mayor has announced on upcoming week weather report. It had mentioned, the temperature will suddenly increase during the next week. After the previous cleaning program five of employees had admitted the hospital as the skin issues.

    As well as, most of people have been suffering breathing issues. The outdoor environment has been including dust. Due to that reason, the staff does not like to work outside.

    Taking all these facts into consideration, I strongly believe cleaning up inside of the building would be the best option. Again, this is my personal opinion. However, I will support whatever decision you made.

  289. Although a childcare facility would be a profound addition to our building, I would still prefer the restaurant on our office premises.

    Firstly, my team of 300 people sits on the 67th floor, it takes them around 12 minutes in the elevator just to reach the parking lot, and again a 5 minutes walk to their respective cars due to our enormous parking space. Given that our lunch break is for 30-35 minutes i think it is impossible for them to have a delightful meal or even get takeaways from outside restaurants. The repercussions of this would be uncomfortable to our employees.

    Further, a survey conducted last month concluded that only 25% of people in the organization have children who go to a daycare facility. Also, there are many available services around our town of Mumbai that, for a small extra fee, pick up and drop children to desired locations. Having said that, I think catering to the other 75% of employees would be a better option.

    in conclusion, I would like the restaurant to continue its activities.

  290. 5. The company you work for would like to ask employees to work on Saturdays for the next two months in order to catch up on its backlog. It has circulated a survey asking your opinion about two possible options.

    Option A: Half the staff would work for four hours every Saturday.
    Option B: All the staff would work for two hours every Saturday.

    In my opinion, if given the option of working on one Saturday for 4 hours and having the next Saturday off, or working 2 hours every single Saturday, I would choose the former. There are two major rationales behind this thought.

    Firstly, if I have to plan a little getaway with my family over the weekend, I would not be able to do so if I am required to come in for even two hours of work. The travel time to relaxing locations around our town of Smallville is long. For example, I had visited the golden temple last Saturday and it took me 3 hours only to reach there. Hence, if I am working from 10 am-12 pm I would not be able to plan my “healing time” properly.

    Secondly, if we are working at half capacity, employees can decide amongst themselves who will take which Saturday off. This might be a good team-building activity, as I foresee some employees covering for their colleagues at times when some have certain obligations to attend to.

    I think it’s unfair for devoid employees a continuous stretch of 48 hours retreat from work. However, I understand that the backlog must be dealt with and hence, I am of the opinion that 50% of our staff can handle working for 4 hours on alternative Saturdays to clear this overdue work.

    I trust you to make the best decision.

  291. 5. You have registered for a six-month computer training program at Sambro Community College. You want to rent a room from the Sambro Housing Agency.

    Write an email telling them when you need the room, the type of room you would prefer, and the reason for your request.

    To Sambro Housing Agency,

    I would like to rent out a studio apartment in close proximity to the Sambro community college for six and a half months to accommodate me during a computer training program that I have signed up for.

    My course, ‘next big tech challenge’ initiates on September 1st and I would like to get settled in about 4 days prior to the beginning of the course. further, I would like to rent this place till January 15th. Since your housing agency specializes in properties near campus I would request you to show me options that are close to the train station as I would be traveling back on a few weekends to meet my family.

    My expectations are simple – a cozy, fully furnished, studio apartment with a separate bathroom and kitchen. I would not be working these six months and have to be frugal with my budget, which ranges from $750-$900.

    Best Regards

  292. Write an email encouraging the young couple in their new parental role, explaining why you think that parents are the best teachers, and offering support (suggestions for organizations they could turn to, financial, babysitting, etc.)

    Dear Shyam and Tripti,

    Congratulations on your newborn, I think Lavith is a great name. i understand that being a new parent can make you anxious but the two things that you need to keep in mind is that children will learn a lot from you and there is ample amount of support available in the world today.

    Firstly, you would be happy to know that children, especially from the age zero to two, pick up lessons by observing their parents. I believe both of you have immense potential of raising him and will be great role models. Because both of you would shower him with so much love, he would naturally be an understanding and caring child. i remember the time both of you supported me during the 2020 lockdown, i still owe you alot for that.

    Secondly, One of the most important mobile application that you must get is ‘Baby lu’, this will help you track Lavith’s sleep time, remind you about his feeding time, and also provide live assistance with doctors in case of emergencies. i understand that both of your jobs are highly demanding, thankfully the world today is adaptive to working parents. once Lavith is 2 years old you can resort to the daycare facility called north avenue, that’s where my daughter, June went.

    Lastly, since I am a financial advisor, I would recommend that you start saving up for his education at the earliest. Did you know that if you start with just $50 per month in equity ETFs for 18 years, you most likely will be able to fund his entire college tuition?

    Looking forward in meeting this angel.

    Best regards

      1. Manoj Kumar Mannam

        The biggest truth of our life technology circulating every movement since couple of decades, makes prompt communication in the world, I personally strongly believe it is positive invent sign for students are using internet in schools for gaining expand knowledge.

        firstly, children are using internet very common in homes for playing games and participating in online competitive exams in the world, these tasks will give self-motivate towards endeavors, rather than it improves up to date knowledge in the world opportunities remove nervousness for further studies, fewer children misleading internet in a bad way, however children should be able to access necessary required information.

        rather than, currently all schools are providing online classes using network, there is more flexibility to attend classes from anywhere in the world, also, all recorded recorded teaching classes stored in school online weblink, since absence students can be able to catch those recording videos to understand.

        finally, my internal opening to granting net access to all school children’s, it makes more effectiveness and enlarge their study knowledge, also respect this idea to encourage other schools in the city.

  293. 2. You are a volunteer at the local community theater group. You have been asked whether the group should spend its money on costumes or on storage.

    The fresh 25 theater group is very personal to me, I have been a member of this community group since i was 7 years old and have seen how much we have grown. However, I feel that in the last 2 years our audience count has reduced and a survey which we had conducted 3 months ago concluded that people are tired of the monotonous acts. i think that its time to use our funds to bring more life in terms of new costumes and characters.

    Although i understand the necessity for a storage facility especially since volunteers come from various parts across the city, i think the urgent and important issue that needs to be resolved is our audience count diminishing. the age demographic of our city has changed, now we have more teenagers than we have ever before. If we spend our budget on colorful and lively costumes we may to able to attract them along with their parents. Eventually, this would lead to us raising more money, and then we can consider funding the storage facility.

    Further, storage facilities require heavy annual maintenance, just look at our current storage facility, it costs $750 every year solely to replace lost keys. Costumes on the other hand require lesser maintenance, for example, we still have the Bob the builder costume for 8 years now. which reminds me we need to get that dry cleaned.

    Hence, in my opinion, the limited funds that we have should be invested towards getting new costumes.

  294. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.
    Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position

    The recent announcement by Tesla inc. on the Hindu times about them considering about building their 500 acre manufacturing / assembling factory in goregaon was music to my ears.This area has plenty natural resources and the local population stand to  benefit from the opportunities in terms of jobs and overall area development.

    The residents of this peaceful community have been facing a scarcity of employment, especially  since the samsung factory shutdown. A recent study showed that over 35% of goregaon is dependant on stimulus cheques from the government. With Tesla setting up their massive factory here , the people will gain economic benefits. They have estimated to employee over 3500 people and are considering 60% via local hiring.

    The beauty about an enormous factory being set up here is that the entire area gets developed. the factory needs raw materials to be transported in and final good transported out the facility, hence they would definitely look at building up better roads and systematic traffic lights, something we have been missing. Further, Tesla is know to treat its employees and their families with kindness, for example, they have partnered with oberoi interenational in Maharashtra to develop a school and hospital near their facility. we can hope for the same here too.

    Lastly, the real estate market in goregaon would be postively impacted by this move. Now, i must admit that this would benefit me personally as i have a number of properties around town.

    Hence, in my opinion, The overall benefits of Tesla setting up their manufacturing unit here in goregoan is a great idea.

  295. 1. A member of your family is thinking about going to university.

    Write an email to your family member explaining why some people go to university, why some prefer universities far from home, and which courses you think would be interesting and/or useful.

    Dear Priyanka,

    I am delighted to know that you are interested in studying further, here are my two cents on your situation.

    There are many reasons why one would consider studying in a university. One major reason would be the job opportunities available post graduation, you remember Tina from my school? Well, she went to the university of California and got recruited by NASA straight from college.

    A study by Harvard college recently mentions the benefits of going to a university slightly far away from one’s home town. The primary reason they have stated is that it gives students a sense of responsibility towards their life, more than 75% of students developed better decision making skills living more than 5 hours away from their respective homes. Another reason they mentioned is that students gain independence and learn how to live by themselves.

    We know each other for 17 years now, i have seen your passion for computers since you were a baby. i think computer science is definitely a course you should be considering. Also, the demand for Information Technology jobs has started to boom around the world.

    Hope you take the best decision for yourself.

    Best regards

  296. Jaspreet Kaur Saini

    * Task Information

    – Internet In Schools Survey

    You live in a CELPIP TIP downtown there are some schools. Some of schools, using the internet in schools is getting more popular. Is this a positive or negative development?

    * Choose the option that you prefer in about Write about 150-200 words.

    – Option A: Positive Development
    – Option B: Negative Development

    In recent decades, as the nation has marched towards technological advancement, the internet has become increasingly popular. A chunk of society opines that incorporation of cyberspace or e-learning in schools curriculum is a destructive trend; however, I strongly believe that this is a positive development.
    As we are progressing toward the digital era, it is actually need of the hour to educate children about the internet and its usage. The significant advantages are accessibility and information that it offers. Furthermore, it bridges communication gaps. When messages and information are shared digitally, misplacing notes and assignment sheets will become a thing of the past.

    Although the internet provides myriad merits, there could be detrimental effects as well if internet usage among children is not properly supervised. While using the internet, students could be exposed to various forms of vulgarities such as Violence and Pornography. But with some proactive steps and monitoring by both parents and teachers, this problem can easily be curbed.

    Based on the above discussion, I still stand my stance and reckon that the internet will widen the knowledge horizon of students and provide assistance in this fast-paced world.

  297. A particular company has announced that they would like to build a large factory near our community. I think that this move would be very beneficial for our community.

    I support this move because constructing a huge factory will bring a lot to the community. The benefits can include various job opportunities, overall growth of our community, more financial support from the government and also use of so much waste-land in our community.

    People can benefit as they don’t have to travel far for work. They can simply work at the factory and be close to their homes at the same time. This will save so much time and money. This will also give a chance to the people to give back to the community by serving it.

    More employment will bring overall growth of the community and people would want to join our community, in turn making it larger and larger. This will also bring financial support from the government and will help strengthen the community overall.

    We have so much of open land which is barren and can’t be used for cultivation. So, building a factory over it will be an added advantage because this land can be finally put to some use.

    So in my conclusion, I support the move because in my honest opinion I do think that we all can benefit from it.

  298. Personally I don’t oppose the idea of a childcare facility, but having it substitute the restaurant is a harsh idea in my opinion.

    Firstly, 75% of our company employee are single and don’t have infants. I think majority won’t really care even if the company built a child
    care facility but they will certainly be despicable if something were to happen to the restaurant. As you know our office opens early in the
    morning and people hardly have any time on their hand to cook food, they all rely on the affordable and good quality delicacy offered by
    that very restaurant. Most of the company employee including my self gets breakfast and lunch from there.

    Secondly, out of remaining 25% only 7% actually prefer to leave their babies in a child care facilities and to further things up, the best child
    care facility in this town is located 2 blocks away from our office which I believe most will be the first choice of many parents due to its reputation.

    In overall conclusion, I believe the restaurant is an important part of the building and its should stay for the sole duty of serving its customer.

    1. Nice response, but your introduction and conclusion are weak, and some of your plurals need work. You would score 8

  299. Although, a child care facility in the office building is a welcome addition to many of my colleagues, with children . I would still prefer the existing restaurant, in the office space.

    Firstly, my team of 100 sits in the 25 th floor of the building. It takes 10 mins on average, for an employee to get to the ground floor by means of an elevator, during busy hours . Given the fact that our lunchbreaks are between 30-35 mins , it becomes a task in itself for someone to get to the bottom floor , find their vehicles that are parked in the parking lot, which is a good 5 mins walk from the office building , hence making it practically impossible for them to dine or take out food from a restaurant outside the campus.
    Secondly, only 25 percent of the employees have young children, or babies who will require a child care facility . Which is far less when compared to the 75 percent who depend on the restaurant for their meal .

    This is one of the main reasons, why the restaurant is popular and cheap , because it provides the convenience, through its location .

    In conclusion , I would like to see the restaurant stay and continue serving its patrons.

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