Mock Writing Test

Mock Test
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Typically, during a mock writing test, we write your response together. As we write, we discuss the important things that are critical to your score.
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CELPIP Mock Writing Test 1
The CELPIP Mock Writing Test samples are intended to give you some free practice as you prepare for the CELPIP Writing test.
You’ll find the first CELPIP Writing Test Sample here
You’ll find the second CELPIP Writing Test Sample here.
I know how hard it can be to know what your examiner is looking for when you write your test. Therefore, I’ve prepared these Mock tests. They’ll give you an idea of what your CELPIP examiner is expecting to see in each response.
CELPIP Writing Task 2
For CELPIP Writing Task 2, where you’re writing a survey response in response to a prompt, it’s important to follow a basic ‘Opinion Essay’ structure. That is to say, you need a strong introduction, two main ideas, and a conclusion.
Examiners want to see that you can develop a complete introduction where you outline your main ideas, paraphrase the prompt, and state your opinion. In other words, your examiner wants an idea of what your going to be saying in your two paragraphs before you say anything.
Your examiner also wants to see that you develop you main ideas fully and stick to the point. That is to say, she doesn’t want to see lots of unrelated information. In other words, make sure that everything you say supports your main idea. Often, in this situation, your best approach is to say more about less!
Obviously, in both tasks 1 and 2, your examiner wants to see good grammar and punctuation, abundant sentence variety and tenses, and lots of appropriate expressions and efficient language.
Office Survey
Your company would like to find out better uses for their extra space. They are
undecided between creating a fitness area or a leisure swimming pool
Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons
for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.
Option A: Fitness Area: The gym would have all major gym equipment and will be open
for 24 hours.
Option B: Swimming Pool: The swimming pool will be open for 12 hours only and will
feature a hot tub as well as a jacuzzi.
I advocate for fitness centers as It would be greatly beneficial for Physical well-being for our associates along with flexibility of all day opening hours.
Before all else, as you know, in our logistics company most of associate work in office and/or hybrid work model, hence by building fitness center would significantly enhance physical health of our associate; for instance, typically I after all day working hard on computer I would prefer to do some physical activities to stretch my body and other associates I think feeling same way. Thus, this fitness center would give that amazing opportunity to our employees.
Furthermore, since the gym will be in our office premises and open all day, it would not only offer convenience to go to the gym, but also flexibility to visit any time and lift some weight, which would be the most promising feature of the center.
Comparatively, Even though the swimming pool has a hot tub as well as a jacuzzi for relaxation, Its limited opening hours would not be in favor of many of our associates.
Considering physical health along with convenience and flexibility offered by Gym; I firmly believe that It should be open for our associates.
Score 8
Parents should or should not encourage their kids for competition. A Child welfare society has sent out an opinion survey to know the views of the parents.
Is competition good or bad:
Option A: Competition leads to progress
Option B: Competition harbours hostility and aggression.
The topic of competition between kids has sparked recent debate and controversy. I opine that competition in kids is a apropos option as it would lead to faster growth in child, as well as, allow them to think out of the box.
Conspicuously, since competition provokes challenges to a child’s environment, it will enable them to be successful at a much quicker pace. Furthermore, it will invoke a powerful thinking mindset in the students, which will help them in the real world. For example, they will accomplish tasks in a more innovative and outstanding manner.
While it is true that competition harbours hostility and aggression in some cases, a closer examination reveals a more nuanced picture. That is, it is a much stronger tool than self-motivation, and a child feels more encouraged from a healthy competition. Another indisputable fact is that it would lead to heights of success that a child couldn’t have imagined themselves.
Based on the aforementioned reasoning, I still stand by my stance. That is, I believe competition is a suited option considering it is a best and effective tool in the parent arsenal.
Score 7
To Whom It May Concern
Personally, I would prefer that literacy classes should be organized free of cost for all citizens of Waterloo city to enhance literacy of the city. By doing so, individuals, who have been struggling to read or write effectively for a long time, will get proper assistance from experts in that field.
First of all, by conducting literacy sessions free of cost, people will be encouraged to attend them, especially senior citizens as those age groups are more likely to struggle to read and write more often than other age group people.
Furthemore, through those sessions, citizens can discuss their prolonged concerns regarding writing and reading to the expert speaker of the session and hopefully those experts feasible their issues. For instance, students always look to develop their vocabulary level to effectively write their college assignment and get excellent grades, they can ask in those sessions.
Even though providing library membership to citizens without any charge gives access to all kinds of books, if someone is facing a challenge to read them it will not be worth it for them.
As citizens of the waterloo will get more benefit though free literacy sessions rather than library membership, I firmly believe that literacy sessions should be organized free of cost for all the waterloo citizens.
Thank you for seeking my input in this survey.
Score 8 – When you’re offering an opinion, you need to use the 2nd conditional. (They would get proper assistance… people would be encouraged…
Dear store manager,
My name is Yamish and writing to express my concern regarding the public safety in Walmart super store which located at 221 Glendale Ave.
I was shopping at your store yesterday in pantry section where the drinks located. One of the customer was trying to get a Starbucks coffee in glass container which was placed on top shelf where nobody can reach. While he was trying to get the coffee, the bottle felt down on older lady who was passing by that customer. Older lady hit hard on his face, and she was badly bleeding under the eye.
Unfortunately, there was no associate around the section who can help her and give her initial first aid until paramedic arrives. After that, one of the associate came up but she was totally shocked and does not know what to do in that situation.
Therefore, I would like to suggest you that keep the glass bottle products on bottom shelf and use shelf blocker to prevent this kind of unfortunate accidents. Moreover, schedule first aid trained associate who can help the customer in emergency situation.
Yamish Patel
Score 7
Parents should or should not encourage their kids for competition. A Child welfare society has sent out an opinion survey to know the views of the parents.
Is competition good or bad:
Option A: Competition leads to progress
Option B: Competition harbours hostility and aggression.
To whom it may concern,
Competition plays a crucial role for the fast growth in life, whereas it gets worsen sometimes and makes people aggressive. If I got to choose, I would go for the Option A because of the following reasons.
According to me, Comparison of anything is important while looking for the success, for an instance, Paint artists will think he is the great painter until he compares his art with other popular artists and same goes for speaker, dancer, etc. psychology says when you are in competition you want to show your best, which is why you will put your all effort to make your work perfect and outstanding to come out of the crowd.
On the other hand, sometimes getting out of the track creates anger towards the competitors. The only reason behind that anger is, People have mindset of wining in competition rather than learning from it. As a result, loosing becomes aggression. Nevertheless, it can overcome by just changing the vision to lean from the activities instead of winning and defeating.
In the conclusion, I must say that Encouraging kinds for the competition is the best way for quality growth, although having pre mindset of defeating and learning from the same plays vital play to succeed.
Score 7
Parents should or should not encourage their kids for competition. A Child welfare society has sent out an opinion survey to know the views of the parents.
Is competition good or bad:
Option A: Competition leads to progress
Option B: Competition harbours hostility and aggression.
To whom it may concern,
Competition plays crucial role when it’s all about upgrading skills. On the other hand, sometimes it becomes aggression because of the wrong vision. According to my Opinion encouraging for competition will help to grow faster in the life and learning process.
Why comparison is important? You are the best but only until you don’t compare with others. For an instance, Painter will always think he is the best painter until he gets defeated from the other. Secondly, psychology says, competition makes you put all your effort towards your work because you want to come out of the crowd, which helps in improvement and getting idea of what you are.
Sometimes loosing into the competition plays essential part compare to win. It results into two division, Positive way of thinking towards learning from the mistake results into success, but, negative way will be winning mindset, as a result aggression takes place.
To conclude, I would say parents should encourage their children to participate in the rivalry with the mindset of learning rather than focusing on winning.
Score 7
Dear Manager,
I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to take a moment to kindly request a short vacation from busy work schedule.
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the effort and time our team has contributed to enlighten our downtown project. It was indeed a hustle to design the planogram however our sacrifice got a bright color towards the project at the cost of my peaceful sleep. Now that, we have successfully managed to submit the project on time with such a great effort, I believe a small break would bring new enthusiasm towards the upcoming project with some refreshments.
I am planning to go on a short trip to goa with my family to spend some quality time with them. We had been planning this 1 week tour from a long time ago but, our project had been significant obstacle. Therefore, I kindly request your approval for a vacation during a period of upcoming week.
Even though my excitement towards the vacation is touching the sky, I understand the importance of the upcoming project. Therefore, I will bring my laptop and essential documents with me which enables me to join and fulfill my presence virtually.
I would really thankful if you could approve my leave for the upcoming week.
rajkumar jassal
Score 7
Dear Manager,
Hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my kind request to you for a short vacation from busy work schedule.
First of all, I would be giving my sincere appreciation towards the effort and time our team have contributed to enlighten our downtown project. It was quite a hustle to design the planogram however our sacrifice got a bright color towards the project because of which I was not even able to sleep peacefully. Since, we have successfully managed to submit the project on time with such a great effort, getting a small break will bring new enthusiasm towards the new project with some refreshments.
I am planning to go on a short trip to goa with my family to spend some quality time with them. We were planning for 1 week tour from a long time ago however, our project had interrupted the schedule. So I am requesting you for a vacation during a period of upcoming week.
Even though my excitement towards the vacation is touching the sky, I can not forget about the importance of the upcoming project. Therefore, I will be bringing my laptop and essential documents together with me, I will join and fulfill my present virtually.
I will be really thankful if you can approve my leave for the upcoming week.
Score 7
Weeds are the unwanted plants that grow in the lawn or gardens and eat up the fertility of the soil. The necessary measures needs to be taken to deal with these. In my opinion government should ban all the chemicals used to kill the weeds and motivate residents to undertake natural weed controllers.
Firstly, using chemical based weed killers to public spaces is dangerous and may cause harmful effects. It might damage the soil if used frequently and eventually the fertility for soil may decrease. This can also lead health issues to the general public. For example it can cause irritation in the eyes or some skin eczema in children and senior citizens.
Moreover, natural ingredients used for controlling weeds will definitely give better results in long run and maintain the soil effectively. This would be a better approach without any health concerns. City should take initiatives to educate people with home remedies such as using Vinegar, salt etc for removal of weeds.
In my perception, prohibiting weed killers and moving towards the organic way is the right approach to get rid of these unwanted plants .
Thank you for giving me chance to write in this survey.
Score 9
Dear Mr . Baig,
I am writing to inform you regarding financial issues. I am unable to pay my tenant for the coming month of August within the given time. I am working at Mark’s Private Limited and the company stopped employees’ salaries due to adverse economic circumstances.
Although, I have been living in your building for last 5 year. I always pay my rent on time my records are clear. Moreover, The Company informed us salaries will be given in the coming month of September. Therefore, I would pay both rents in the first week of September.
Furthermore, I am requesting you please consider my late rent on behalf of my current financial difficulties. I will not disappoint you. I will try my level best to fulfill my commitment. Please allow me some extra time to pay the rent for the next two months.
I would appreciate your reply with confirmation of a proposal in this matter.
Best regards,
Sobia Asher.
Score 7
You are an international student studying English at a private language school. Your courses were expensive, and you are disappointed with the quality of instruction, materials, and the timekeeping of the other students.
In an email to the School Principal, complain about the situation, and suggest how you would like the issue to be resolved
Dear School Principal,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the way of instructions, studying course material, and Timing issues.
I expect a better way of teaching techniques from your school’s reputation. Unfortunately, I have a big challenge to understand the course material because the class schedule is not organized and the instructor is unable to give proper time to each student in the class. I am an international student and I belong to a native Urdu family. Even though my parents are unable to afford the high fee for this course but I have to improve my English through this school course.
One suggestion, I would like to give you is that the school should appoint a new English expert teacher because the English language is globally speaking and the student wants to speak fluently and they will improve easily. Also, it will dramatically increase your business.
Thank you so much for your attention to this matter.
Yours Sincerely,
Jeo Benchmark
Score 7
After witnessing an accident, the police have asked you to write a report describing what you saw, who was involved, the road conditions, and who you feel was responsible.
Dear Chief Officer,
I am writing regarding the incident that occurred at the intersection of Yonge and Bloor Street, Toronto. While returning back from the office break around 2 pm on January 17, 2023, I had witnessed collision of two vehicles.
The mishap involved a white Kia forte and red Mazda CX. The white car was attempting to make a left turn at the green signal when the red car coming from the opposite direction collided. According to the Law, the red car had the right of way over the white car. Unfortunely, due to the heavy snowfall, the road condition was worse and slippery. In addition to this, the winter tires was not installed in the white car making the incident unavoidable.
I so believe, the accident could have been prevented considering the driver in the red car would have exercised extra caution. Fortunately, both the driver did not suffer any major injuries. Furthermore, the police thriftly arrived at the scene.
Hopefully, my witnessing the accident brings light to the situation and assist you in deciding whom to press charges against. Please let me know if case of further explanation or information is required.
You live in a small town of 10,000 people. A large green area in the centre of town is undeveloped. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have built in that area.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
Option A: Shopping Complex: This shopping mall would include restaurants, a large supermarket, and a movie theatre.
Option B: Recreational Park: This park would include a sports complex, a large green area, and a small petting zoo.
I express my gratitude for including me in the survey regarding the development of the landscape in our town, Caledon. From my perspective, constructing a recreational park would have significant benefits for the community as compared to a shopping center.
To commence with, an open space would provide opportunity for neighbors to socialize and to create a hostile environment for their children rather than spending their day in an enclosed space. Additionally, the young aged group would be thrilled to hear about the opening of a sports club which includes different types of activities. This would be overwhelming considering the city is exposed to lengthy winter season.
Secondly, We have plethora of children in our town and a petting zoo would be a much needed change. The children would be able to learn and adapt with the animals, thereby creating a healthier environment in the future, contrast to spending their time eating junk food in a complex.
In conclusion, a recreational park would bestow beneficial advantages to the community. I eagerly await the final decision of the city council and whole heartedly endorse this cause.
I’m sorry Piya, but you’ve reached the limit for a free score. If you’d like feedback on your writing, please use my writing correction service
It is indispensable to have updated technology services in today’s modern world. In my opinion, the benefits of having 5G internet in the city will outweigh the costs of it by fetching home service and future opportunities for youngers.
First of all, in our city, at least one member from each family is away from home; therefore, it will be advantageous to have high speed internet in house. In fact there will be no need to ahead to big cities for better internet services to communicate with the loved ones. Instead that expenses could be used for 5G technology at our own place!
Besides this, by advanced internet, the people of city will have more career opportunities globally. In other words, they will be able to do online jobs in any company of the world without any lacking. For instance, most of the computer and IT based professions provide work from home, so our individuals can take advantages by this facility.
In conclusion, the efficient internet services will be expensive, but its merit points will definitely obscure the worrisome of high charges.
Nice one Hardeep, but you need to use the 2nd conditional. Score 8
Your city council has sent you a survey requesting your opinion on how to deal with weeds in lawns and public spaces.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
Option A: Apply weedkiller to public spaces and impose fines for weedy private lawns.
Option B: Ban all weed killers and encourage residents to use natural weed control.
Weeds in lawns are the unwanted and wild plants that grow when the fields are not taken care properly. I firmly believe that the government should ban weed killers and increase the use of natural weed control.
Firstly, weed killers are full of chemical substances which cause air pollution. Some weed killers are more potent which has an effect on person’s breathing. People cannot inhale it without taking proper measurements. Instead of using these harmful materials people need to choose the weed picker machine which might be pricy from the weed killer but gives you the best results.
Secondly, the weed killer also has a harsh effect on the soil. The weed killer destroys the little insects that are beneficial for the healthy looks of the lawn. Instead, using natural substances gives the best results with less destruction of the property.
In conclusion, natural weed killers are the best way to eliminate the weed from public and private properties.
Score 8
You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation. Write a letter to the course provider. In your letter:
Say what the problem is.
Describe the accommodation you thought you were getting.
Ask the provider to solve the problem.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to highlight the problem I am facing with the current accommodation which is causing a lot of trouble these days.
There is no connecting public transport available while coming from the university square which costs me more to commute through private services. There are sometimes when nothing is available and I have to wait for long hours to come back home. Since I am not financially strong enough it is next to impossible for me to bear the load of monthly expenses.
As I have applied for the accommodation well in advance, I thought of getting near to the university campus but it turns out the opposite. I have been looking for better options but nothings seems to be suitable right now. It would be highly appreciated if you could look into this matter at the highest priority as soon as possible. This will not only save time but also helps me in adding some money for the fees.
I hope to hear back from you soon.
Harsh Sharma
Score 7
You have been having problems with your computer. You took the computer to be repaired, but after being repaired, the computer doesn’t work well.
Write an email to the manager of the computer shop in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
Ask what happened at the shop.
Explain why you are not satisfied with the service
Describe what you want the manager to do.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing this letter to concern about my computer. I picked up my computer from your shop two days ago after the new battery replacement job. My computer worked fine for a day even though I finished my bulky presentation on it.
Today, when I tried to open my computer this morning, it gave me trouble starting the window. After a few attempts it got in process but suddenly gave me the error of battery low. When I tried to plug the battery, it did not seem to be connected to the power. This issue made me worried and unsatisfied with the service just after the battery replacement.
This is the mishandling of a product by the employee. It will be really appreciated if I get my money back or replace the battery free of charge with three month warranty period.
Score 7
You and your family visit the local shopping mall every week. However, it has become more and more difficult to find a parking spot recently. You would like to let the shopping mall manager know about this problem.
Write an email to the mall manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
Describe the problem you are having with the mall’s parking.
Explain what you and your family have to do in order to visit the shopping mall now.
Provide some suggestions for how the mall manager can solve this problem.
Dear Manager,
My name is Mindy. I am writing this email to complain about your facility of the mall. I have been a loyal customer at your Metropolis mall for the past 10years. I always satisfied about your every services, However, Recently I had never had this kind of bad experience.
My family visited the mall to buy my son’s birthday gift but we could not come into the mall because of parking. So, we was driving near the mall more then an hours. Even, there were far from the parking lot therefore, we walked 20min. to arrive the mall.
More and more there was difficult to find parking lot and always fully parked.
I am very disappointed with the parking space and I feel you need to be aware of what has taken place.
Considering what has happened, I think that you should extend the some space for parking
I’ll be looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Score 7
Task 2 (Survey): City Development Survey
You live in a small town of 10,000 people. A large green area in the centre of town is undeveloped. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have built in that area.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
Option A: Shopping Complex: This shopping mall would include restaurants, a large supermarket, and a movie theatre.
Option B: Recreational Park: This park would include a sports complex, a large green area, and a small petting zoo.
In my humble opinion, a recreational park would be a better option and will be far more beneficial than a shopping complex.
In a recent article that I read in a local newspaper, I found out that about 40% citizens of our town are younger than 18 years. Therefore, a recreational park in the heart of the town will be extremely helpful for their physical and mental growth. Also, the sport complex may play a vital role in preparing the new generation for national and global sporting events.
Moreover, as the retirement homes are just a stone’s throw away from the area in question, the senior citizens will be able to take benefit of the green area for their personal well-being.
Furthermore, the petting zoo could be great tourist attraction and have the potential to contribute to the town’s revenue.
These are the few points due to which I believe a recreational park is a better pick. I am very thankful for taking my input into consideration and hope I was able to assist in determining what is a better fit.
Score 8
Although, having a recreational park would be great, bit i feel like that city should go with building a shopping complex in the undeveloped area. My rationale is that shopping centre would be a great income source for the further development of the city. Considering the increase in globalization in the recent years, more people from the city would be interested in shopping mall and consequently will increase the city’s revenue. Furthermore, youngsters of the city will be more interested in the movie theatre as well.
Moreover, it is true that it would be pleasant to have a recreational park, but me concern is that city actually neeeds a large supermarket instead because people drive about 1 hour far from the city to another town’s market everyday to even get the basics for themselves. Therefore, having a large shopping complex that could provide all the basic ameneties for city people, would be a great use of the area. So, the further development of the town would only be feasible, if option A is put into practice.
Score 7
Your city is planning to ban public smoking. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents think about it.
Option A: Smoking should be banned in public places.
Option B: Smoking should not be banned in public places.
I strongly believe that city should ban smoking in public places because smoking is injuries to health. Now-a-days, smoking is increasing rapidly, mostly youngsters are getting addicted to it.
Firstly, people who are smoking in public places are not only affecting their health but also others who are around them like seniors, infants and teenagers. Moreover, smoking causes lung cancer, heart diseases as well as it also effects respiratory system which leads to asthama problem.
Secondly, instead of inhaling fresh air they are breathing polluted air due to smoking which is hazardous to our health. Even though after imposing strict rules like high fines and no smoking sign in public places still city government is unable to control this issue.
Finally, if smoking is banned in public areas, it will promote a healthier lifestyle for everyone. People will see it as a government endorsement for a healthier lifestyle of everybody.
Considering the above reasons, smoking should be prohibited completing in public places where everyone can lead healthier life.
Score 8
You have bought a new mobile phone and in a few days after purchase it has stopped working. You spoken to the company representative a week ago but the phone has still not been repaired.
Write and email to the company in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things.
Introduce yourself.
Explain the situation.
Say what action you would like to company to take.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Oliva Smith and I reside in Toronto. I am writing this to express my concern regarding new mobile phone which is not yet been repaired. Last week, I have purchased Iphone 11 worth $5500 from apple store. I was delirious that I have finally bought my dream phone with my first salary.
Unfortunately, from one week my mobile is not working. Even though after connecting to adaptor for more than one hour I am unable to switch on the phone. Moreover, I have contacted your customer care representative on 25th of October and explained clearly about the issue. He said to bring it to the store, so that they will upgrade the version and change the battery. However, I did not receive any resolution and waiting hours were more than expected.
Therefore, I request you to kindly look into this issue as early as possible. Either provide new phone instead of this or repair current mobile if it is not a damaged one. I have warranty card for the period of one year, so I expect free service from your end.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Oliva Smith.
Score 8
Your university has organized a tour to Toronto city. Your friend lives in Toronto.
Write a letter to your friend about an educational tour organized by your institution.
Ask your friend about the tourist place in around the city.
Request your friend to arrange a weekend party for your classmates accompanying you.
Dear Wilson,
I hope you are in good health. I am writing this to inform you that I will be visiting to Toronto in mid of next month for an educational trip organized by my university. I am contended that I am going to meet you after six years.
Since you are living in Toronto from six years, I hope you have a pretty good idea about renowned tourist places in and around the city. So, if you could share with me the list of few places then my friends and I can visit those places during our educational tour.
Moreover, we are staying here for only one week, so I thought if you could arrange a party on weekend, we can spend some time together and revive some nostalgic memories. Even my friends want to join us as they want to meet you. I am pretty sure that they will enjoy your company.
Let me know your thoughts. I hope to see you soon.
Best regards,
Oliva Smith.
Score 7
Park Use Survey
Your community centre is surveying your opinion on a new event happening every Saturday in the park near your home. There are two events being considered. One suggestion is a vegetable and fruit market. The other suggestion is a second-hand furniture and appliance market.
Option A: I would like to have a vegetable and fruit market every Saturday in the park.
Option B: I would like to have a second-hand furniture and appliance market every Saturday in the park.
I strongly believe that, having a food market on Saturday near the park will not only beneficial for our community but also generates good income to the greengrocer.
Firstly, during the week end most of the residents go to supermarket by travelling miles away from the home to get the groceries, instead, if the idea of setting up the mart near the garden it can save the time and also we can have the fresh organic fruits which were directly taken from the farms.
Secondly, when compared to the supermarkets vegetables and fruits are affordable in this retail, in addition, it is not only tax free but also sold as per our requirement.
To sum up, having a grocery market on week end would save the time consumption also it helps the store keeper to set up wide variety of fruits and vegetables, which enables to attract the customers, thus it leads to have a profit making business.
Score 8. You’re right to think of the gerund as singular, but the ‘will’ has to be followed by an infinitive without ‘to’ (having a food market… will…generate…)
You and your family visit the local shopping mall every week. However, it has become more and more difficult to find a parking spot recently. You would like to let the shopping mall manager know about this problem.
• Describe the problem you are having with the mall’s parking.
• Explain what you and your family have to do in order to visit the shopping mall now.
• Provide some suggestions for how the mall manager can solve this problem.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this to bring to your attention about the difficulties we are facing in the parking spot during a visit to your shopping mall. Every week, my family and I visit to your galleria to spend some time with each other.
However, there is a problem in parking space. Due to petite space, most of the car holders are facing issues while taking out the car. In addition, there are no proper arrangements in the parking area for two wheelers and four wheelers.
Despite of having parking spot in your mall, we are parking our car in a nearby lane behind recreation center which is one kilometer away from your commercial center. This is not only causing problem to my entire family but also to public who are visiting your shopping complex.
Therefore, I would like to suggest a solution. Kindly arrange another parking space behind the shopping mall, so that four wheelers will park separately, and two wheelers will park in the cellar which will reduce contentious issues between public.
I am optimistic that you would take this into consideration and arrange other alternatives to avoid obstacles in future.
Yours faithfully,
Oliva Smith.
Score 8
You recently returned to Toronto from sanfrancisco. But your luggage got misplaced.
• Write an email to the manager of the airport. Your email should include the following things.
• Provider details about your flight
• Claim compensation for the lost luggage.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this to express my concern about the lost luggage in your airport. My name is Oliva, recently, I have visited to San Francisco for a conference meeting as well as site seeing. Yesterday, I have returned to Toronto in an evening flight in emirates and exactly I was landed in your airport at 6:00 PM.
Soon after that, I went to collect my bag near baggage belt. Since, one hour I was waiting for my luggage unfortunately I could not find my bag. Moreover, I have complained in “Lost and find department” about my luggage. It was red in color with black strips on it and a keychain which contains my name on it and it is engraved with a pencil.
Furthermore, my baggage contains essentials documents, books, clothes and cash. So, if my suitcase is found anywhere, please contact me to this number 9002345678.
As I bought this bag for $300 dollars which is expensive, so if my luggage is not found, I urge you to claim compensation for the lost luggage upto 80 percent on the total amount.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully,
Oliva Smith.
Score 7
Printer Survey
Your boss thinks paper is unnecessary because everyone has a computer and access to the internet. Your boss wants to take away all the printers so that people use much less paper. Other people think that this will be very inconvenient. Your boss asked you to respond to an opinion survey about whether to keep the printers.
Option A: I think we should keep the printers in the office.
Option B: I think we should have a paperless office with no printers.
Now-a-days, more than half of the population are using soft copies instead of using paper manually. I strongly believe that we should use less paper in office without printers. By reducing usage of papers saves cutting down trees, other pollution and saves time and energy.
Firstly, everyone has access to internet, so we can save all our documents in our mail as well as in our documents folder. Therefore, it is the most secured place where no one access it. Even though, if any document is misplaced in our system, we can find it with in a second. Were as this is not possible if we use physical papers because once it is stolen or lost it cannot be retrieved.
Secondly, less usage of printers not only saves electricity but also money. In addition, we can also use that space for other purpose. For instance, we can use that space for lockers which is used to store mobiles and bags.
Finally, less usage of papers will reduce additional burden for workers where they can contribute that time in another work.
Considering the above reasons, paperless documents are more convenient when compared to physical documents.
Score 8
Your apartment manager is surveying your opinion about the swimming pool in your building. Currently, your building has a swimming pool, but it is really old and needs to be renovated. Some tenants prefer to have a small gym instead of a pool. The apartment manager has asked you to complete an opinion survey.
Option A: I would like to keep the swimming pool.
Option B: I would like to have a gym.
In these sedentary lives, everyone is neglecting their health due to workload or other issues. So, I strongly believe that we should have a gym in our apartment instead of restoring swimming pool.
Firstly, most of neigh bours in our apartment prefers going to gym which is 5 kilometers away form our residence. In spite, of travelling to that place if a gym is arranged in our flat it will not only save our time but also money.
Secondly, going to gym have many benefits. It increases fitness, improves sleep, gives stress relief, and increases socialization with others. Moreover, it prevents from many contagious diseases as well as we can have fun will doing exercises.
Finally, swimming pool can be used only for swimming and relaxing. Although, most of them knows swimming, no one uses it due to water quality, weather changes, no time or health issues.
Considering the aforementioned reasons, having a gym would be much better instead of renovating swimming pool.
Score 8
You recently made reservations for dinner at a very famous and expensive restaurant in town. However, the meal and the service were terrible. The restaurant manager was not available to solve the problem, so you left without a resolution.
State what problems you had with the food you ordered. Complain about the service. Describe how you want the restaurant to resolve the problem to your satisfaction.
Dear Manager,
I am writing this to bring to your notice about the dissatisfaction I faced when I visited your restaurant. Your restaurant is famous for its ambiance also it is meant for dainty food.
However, when I order chicken soup with bread crust, I had to wait about forty minutes to get the order to my table, when my order is about to be served, the waiters were so reluctant, that he just passed the soup with three fingers in the bowl, little drops of soup were spilled over the table, I felt embarrassed at that moment, in a hungry I just had one spoon of the soup, it was one of the worst experiences I have ever faced, it was taste less and not hot as I expected also the fried bread pieces were not served timely, later when I was about to complain to you, I learned about the unavailability during that time.
Hence, in order to avoid all these things, do contact with your staff and teach them to be respectful towards the customers and pay attention towards while serving the food.
Considering the above mentioned reasons, kindly make the necessary changes.
Yours faithfully,
Score 8
City Development Survey
You live in a small town of 10,000 people. A large green area in the centre of town is undeveloped. The city has sent out an opinion survey to see what residents would like to have built in that area.
Option A: Shopping Complex: This shopping mall would include restaurants, a large supermarket, and a movie theatre.
Option B: Recreational Park: This park would include a sports complex, a large green area, and a small petting zoo.
I strongly believe that by building a multiplex centre in backward area, it will not help the city to be developed, but also creates an employment opportunity to the people in the city and suburbs.
To start with, now a days most of the people are going out to spend the day in different places, such as once they done watching movie, they will go out to have lunch, there after if they want to buy some use full items again they have to go to super market to buy the things they want.
As a result, it leads to too much of time consuming in travelling also by the end of the day most of the people would be exhausted, by keeping these things in mind if multiplex is build many of the people would be benefited by getting the things done at one place only.
In contrast, a recreational park would only allow to visit the petite zoo and watch the sports events, I believe it will not create much impact on the mass audience.
Hence, building a shopping mall would generate revenue to the government, rather than building the recreational park in the city centre.
Score 8
You recently graduated from university. You have just been interviewed for a new job. The interviewers liked you and they are interested in hiring you. First, however, you need a letter of reference from a teacher at your university that explains your strengths.
• remind the teacher about who you are
• provide information about your interview
• ask for a reference
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this mail to seek reference letter from you. My name is Lazar from Master of Business Administration group of class B section, I have recently graduated from our college and I was the second topper of the batch secured with ninety seven percentage, I hope with this information finds you remember me.
Firstly, when I attended the interview on last week, I was skeptical about the last round of interview, however when I saw the confirmation mail, I was glad to see that I have been selected as the Quality Analyst position in Amazon company with a good package of thirty seven thousand per annum.
Although, I cleared the final call, there was a catch that I need to provide them a statement about my abilities and my strengths from a teacher to show as proof, so i request you to provide detailed description about me, so that I can show this reference letter to the employer.
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully,
Score 8
Field Trip Transportation
Your children’s grade 5 class teacher likes to take the children on field trips to museums or parks. Sometimes the teacher takes the children on public buses. Some parents are unhappy. They say the school should always use school buses even though it is more expensive. You have been asked to respond to an opinion survey.
Option A: Public Transit: I think it’s okay for children to travel on public transit.
Option B: School Buses: I would prefer children only travel on school buses.
I strongly believe that school buses are the safest mode of transport for the students to travel.
To start with, some of the school teachers wanted to use the mass transit to take the children on field trips, however, using the public transport may not be good and safe as the school buses. Because busline system only operates on particular stops and routes if we missed to board on the buses we need to wait until the next bus arrival, while school buses are operated by the staff assigned to drive, with the clear instructions to the bus driver they will drive safely and stops the vehicle when ever and where it requires.
Although, the cost involvement is more due to the maintenance of the yellow buses it is necessary to take precautions for the children and make sure their safety first.
To sum up, in order to ensure the safety, it is better to use the transport facility provided by the school instead of using the public transport.
Score 8
You were searching on the internet for a used car, and found one that looks like it is in good condition. The seller has posted a photo of the car, but has not provided any other details.
Tell the seller how you found out about the car.
Ask about some specific details about the car.
Explain how much you are willing to pay for the car.
Request that the seller meet you so that you can test drive the car.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this email regarding the online ad which you have posted on site.
While I was scrolling through all posts on the site, I found your car as the best one among other cars.
Firstly, I would like to know about the history of this vehicle such as when this car was bought and since how many months it is been used moreover, I would like to see the registration certificate in order to ensure that it is registered under our province.
As per the current market trend the average price of this used car is ranging between twelve hundred dollars to fourteen hundred dollars, here I would like to pay you thirteen hundred dollars, since it is trending in the market.
Furthermore, I would like to meet you in person so that I can have a look at this car and have a test ride to ensure about the working condition of this car.
I Look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Score 8
Childcare Survey
You work in a very big office. There is a popular and cheap restaurant in the building. The boss is thinking of removing the restaurant and replacing it with a childcare facility for the working parents in the office. You have been asked to respond to an opinion survey.
Option A: I think we should keep the restaurant.
Option B: I think we should replace the restaurant with a childcare facility.
The idea of removing the restaurant and replacing it with a childcare facility would be the better option, I strongly believe that having creche would make the working parents lives easier, because it will not only make them focus on the regular works but also be free from strife.
Although, restaurants is a popular one in our the workplace, in-fact it is cheap one where as many of the employees are not preferring to go to that restaurant and we need to understand that there are almost 30 percent of the staff who have become parents recently, in these sedentary lives taking care of childrens and having a separate baby sitters at home would be costlier when compared to join them in a day care Centre.
By setting up the facility centre in the office, our company reputation will be increased and makes the workers to boost up the work, which will result in good quality and production of the work.
Considering the aforementioned reasons, building childcare facility is the best option instead of keeping the restaurant open.
Score 8
Your son has been experiencing some difficulties at his elementary school. He has been unhappy for several weeks. You want to talk to his teacher.
Describe the problems your son is having.
Suggest some solutions to the problems.
Make an appointment with the teacher to discuss the problems and your solutions.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this email to bring to your notice that my son is been facing some challenges in the school, the reason is because he is a dwarf, due to genetic disorder his height is just 2 feet 3 inches. Being Short stature, my son is being bullied every day and gets humiliated every time. Thus, causing him to be depressed all the time.
Since, it is becoming a tough job to face these challenges regularly, I would like to suggest you a solution. Firstly, make him to sit in-front of teachers, so that other class friends will not disturb him during the classes. Secondly, as he is clever student make him to clear the doubts of dreary students, so that it will not only make him feel positive but also lose fear of mortifying.
As, I will be available for next two days, I would like to meet in person and discuss about the difficulties and best possible alternatives to make my son get rid of these obstacles.
I Look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Score 8
Your boss thinks paper is unnecessary because everyone has a computer and access to the internet. Your boss wants to take away all the printers so that people use much less paper. Other people think that this will be very inconvenient. Your boss asked you to respond to an opinion survey about whether to keep the printers.
Option A: I think we should keep the printers in the office.
Option B: I think we should have a paperless office with no printers.
Now-a-days, more then half of the population are using soft copies instead of using paper manually. I strongly believe that we should use less paper in office without printers. By reducing usage of papers saves cutting down trees, other pollution and saves time and energy.
Firstly, everyone has access to internet, so we can save all our documents in our mail as well as in our documents folder. Therefore, it is the most secured place where no one access it. Even though, if any document is misplaced in our system, we can find it with in a second. Were as this is not possible if we use physical papers because once it is stolen or lost it cannot be retrieved.
Secondly, less usage of printers not only saves electricity but also money. In addition, we can also use that space for other purpose. For instance, we can use that space for lockers which is used to store mobiles and bags.
Finally, less usage of papers will reduce additional burden for workers where they can contribute that time in another work.
Considering the above reasons, paperless documents are more convenient when compared to physical documents.
Score 8
You recently made an online purchase and the product was not the same as the description on the website.
Write an email to the website department in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things.
What you purchased and when.
Exactly how it is different from the website description.
How would you like the company to fix the problem.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this to register a complaint regarding the incorrect information that your company is providing on your website. Last week on September 01, 2022, I have purchased iPhone 11 worth 5,500 dollars from your online website. Moreover, I was delirious when I received the order early.
However, I was dismayed when I opened the order. It was not exactly same as shown in the picture. Indeed, I was wondering that I might have choosen another color instead of White color. In addition, it was also mentioned that it has 40 mega pixel camera as well as 5gb RAM. But when I checked my mobile, it was entirely different from the description shown in your website.
Therefore, I would like to suggest a solution. Before posting any information about the product, ensure that you are providing precise and accurate information to the customers. It is not only beneficial to your company but also to the customers.
I am optimistic that you would take this into consideration in order to avoid consequences in future.
Yours faithfully,
Oliva smith.
Score 8
Your son has been experiencing some difficulties at his elementary school. He has been unhappy for several weeks. You want to talk to his teacher.
• Describe the problems your son is having.
• Suggest some solutions to the problems.
• Make an appointment with the teacher to discuss the problems and your solutions.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this email to bring to your notice that my son is been facing some challenges in the school, the reason is because he is a dwarf, due to genetic disorder his height is just 2 feet 3 inches. Being Short stature, my son is being bullied every day and gets humiliated every time. Thus, causing him to be depressed all the time.
Since, it is becoming a tough job to face these challenges regularly, I would like to suggest you a solution. Firstly, make him to sit in-front of teachers, so that other class friends will not disturb him during the classes. Secondly, as he is clever student make him to clear the doubts of dreary students, so that it will not only make him feel positive but also lose fear of mortifying.
As, I will be available for next two days, I would like to meet in person and discuss about the difficulties and best possible alternatives to make my son get rid of these obstacles.
I Look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Score 8
Childcare Survey
You work in a very big office. There is a popular and cheap restaurant in the building. The boss is thinking of removing the restaurant and replacing it with a childcare facility for the working parents in the office. You have been asked to respond to an opinion survey.
Option A: I think we should keep the restaurant.
Option B: I think we should replace the restaurant with a childcare facility.
The idea of removing the restaurant and replacing it with a childcare facility would be the better option, I strongly believe that having creche would make the working parents lives easier, because
It will not only make them focus on the regular works but also be free from strife.
Although, the restaurant is a popular one in our the workplace but still it is a in expensive outlet as a reason many of the employees are not preferring to go to that restaurant and we need to understand that there are almost 30 percent of the staff who have become parents recently, in these sedentary lives taking care of childrens and having a separate baby sitters at home would be costlier when compared to join them in a day care Centre.
By setting up the facility centre in the office, our company reputation will be increased and makes the workers to boost up the work, which will result in good quality and production of the work.
Considering the aforementioned reasons, building childcare facility is the best option instead of keeping the restaurant open.
Score 8
Online vs. Print News Survey
Your local newspaper is experiencing low sales of its newspapers since many readers are now choosing the online version. Its current number of online subscribers is now three times the number of print subscribers. The newspaper has sent a survey to all of its print and online subscribers to see whether there is enough demand to keep the print version.
Option A: Stop producing the print version of the newspaper.
Option B: Keep producing both the print and online versions.
I would recommend using local news papers to produce both the print and online versions. As there are many people who does not know how to use the internet, they would prefer reading the news on hardcopies only.
Although, the number of users who prefers reading the online versions are increasing rapidly, but most of the people from country side are still using the hardcopies of news papers because it not only reaches to every store but also create an employment opportunity to the local people who are looking for jobs.
In addition, as the technology is increasing day by day, most of the people are using online applications to read the latest updates and share it among the people, which not only saves time and money but also saves environment.
To sum up, i strongly believe that using both the print versions would be better for the people read the articles.
Score 8
You have borrowed money from your bank. Now your income has changed.
• the amount of money you borrowed and the current repayment schedule
• why you borrowed the money
• how your income has changed and why it has changed
• how you would like to change the amount of money you pay each month
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is John, I am writing this email to notify about the loan amount of $3000 that I have availed five months ago, the repayment schedule has been given on 2nd of every month and the installment amount is $200 per month.
Firstly, I would like to thank you for providing the loan, as I was not able to arrange the funds to pay up the college fee, your bank was so helpful at that moment and helped to get the loan.
As i am working in Amazon company now, I could finally be able to clear all other dues, earlier I was in analyst position and now I got promoted to senior analyst position, my salary has been increased to 30 percentage on my package.
Hence, now I am in a position to afford to pay upto $400 per month, so that it will not only help me to clear my dues but also have a clean track history of the loan.
Kindly take this into consideration, please find the account details below.
Name: John
Account number: 18394009
Yours faithfully,
Score 8
You are a college student. Your school is offering $2,000 to one student: this money will be used to pay college fees. The school is inviting all students to explain why they should get this award.
Write an email of about 150–200 words to the college. Your email must include the following points:
• a description of what you are studying at college
• why you are interested in your studies
• a statement of how well you are doing at college
• your future plans
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Oliva. I am pursuing Master’s in Business Administration course in your college. I am writing this to request you to offer this award of two thousand dollars to me, so that I can use it to pay for college fees.
Since childhood I have shown keen interest in my studies to gain knowledge and become competent because my goal is to become a businesswoman. In addition, I enjoy reading books and also, I can focus on my unique strengths.
Moreover, I have secured highest marks in first semester, and I have finished each task assigned to me in given time. In addition, every lecturer in our college appreciates me for the hard work and dedication shown in studies.
Therefore, I have decided to start a small business of food truck after postgraduation in our province. Now-a-days, food truck has become more popular. It can commence with less investment and can earn more profits. Eventually, it is beneficial to the owner.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Oliva Smith.
Score 8
Scent-Free Workplace Survey
Your manager is surveying your opinion about a scent-free workplace where perfumes and strong smells are not allowed. Many other workplaces in the city already have this policy.
Option A: The workplace should have a scent-free policy.
Option B: The workplace should allow people to wear scents.
I strongly believe that workplace should have a scent-free policy. Because it saves people who are allergic to scents and fragrances. Moreover, it is implemented to promote environment without fragrances.
Firstly, there are various groups of people who are suffering with migraine and headache due to the strong smell of perfumes. For instance, one of my friends, Oliva, she never applies perfume because it will affect her health.
Secondly, others who are suffering with asthma will also get affected due to strong odors. It will not only affect their respiratory system but also makes them difficult to breath. Therefore, it is better to avoid fragrances in workplace to save them from serious health issues.
Lastly, workplace is meant for everyone. So, keeping in mind about peers, everyone should follow scent-free policy which will protect them who are sensitive to such smells.
Considering the above reasons, workplace should have fragrance-free policy instead of allowing employees to wear scents.
Score 7
In the mail, you received an advertisement about the opening of a new department store. The advertisement said that they have many items at special low prices. However, when you went to the store, you could not find the items.
Write an email to the department store manager in about 150–200 words. Your email should do the following things:
• Explain why you went to the opening. Received email
• Complain about the store not having the items they advertised.
• Describe how you would like the store to fix the problem. Correct and accurate
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this to register a complaint regarding the false advertisement of having many items in your new store. I was really delighted when I received a mail from your store about inauguration of your new branch. So, I visited your store with my entire family, and we were excited to purchase all the items available in your store.
However, my family and I was dismayed because the items which were mentioned in the advertisement were not available. Moreover, it was also mentioned that these items would be sold at discounted prices, but everything was totally different when I saw the menu. I was wondering that I might have visited to another store instead of visiting yours.
I would like to suggest a solution. If you are advertising about your store, ensure that you publish precise and accurate information instead of erroneous details.
I am optimistic that you would take this into consideration and take appropriate precaution to avoid inconvenience in future.
Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully,
Oliva Smith.
Score 10
Last weekend you attended the Canada Day community picnic. The event was a potluck, so everyone brought a dish of food to share. Some people, including you, have allergies or can’t eat some types of food, such as nuts and seafood, so you included a list of ingredients with your dish. No one else did this.
Write an email to the community picnic organizer in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
• Express your overall enjoyment of last week’s event.
• Explain why each potluck dish needs a list of ingredients.
• Describe how the potluck could be differently organized next year.
Dear Community picnic organizer,
I would like to thank you for organizing such great event last week, it was a great pleasure to be a part of the get to-gather also not to forget about the palatable dishes, which everyone bought and shared among the group.
Most importantly, i have noticed that there are many people who did not specify the list of ingredients used in their dishes and i am the only person who has given a brief description of the additives used, as some people are having health issues such as allergies they do not eat seafood and nuts, as a result they might fall into serious illness.
Finally, by taking into consideration for few people, we need to have a separate stalls installed for vegetarians and non-vegetarians and In-front of each item they need to have a display board containing what the spices and elements have been used in the dishes, so that everyone can have a look on the items and enjoy the dainty food.
By looking into the aforementioned reason(s), kindly make a note for the next year biggest event
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Score 8
You and your co-worker often have lunch in a nearby park. However, there have been too many birds in the park lately, especially the pigeons who want your food. The situation is spoiling your lunch break.
Write an email to the local newspaper in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
• Describe the importance of the park to you and your colleagues.
• Explain how the birds have affected you.
• Suggest what the newspaper’s readers, or city officials and park managers, can do to improve the situation.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this email to let you know about the difficulties i am facing while having the lunch.
Firstly, as we do not have enough space in the cafeteria and crowded with all other staff we are finding it difficult to sit and have our lunch over there, so the best option we opted is that we can have our lunch in the park with peaceful surroundings, which will not only help us to eat the meals without any disturbance but also we can enjoy the nature.
Most importantly, during the lunch hours the pigeons and other birds are not allowing us to eat quietly with their chirping noise also it is snatching away the food from our hands, as a result, we are not able to eat the food properly moreover, our break time is extending for a while, which is causing our daily work life.
Lastly, we can avoid this problem causing by the feather creatures by building a garden shed in the corner of the lawn, so that we can have our food without any disruptions.
I would appreciate if you take this into consideration to avoid inconvenience.
Yours faithfully,
Score 8
You have recently moved to another province and need your internet service set up. You chose the company you would like to go with and made an appointment. However, nobody arrived at the scheduled time.
Write an email to the company in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
• Explain the problem.
• Tell them why you need internet service.
• Suggest what the company should do now.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this to bring to your notice about the inconvenience caused by your company representative. Since, four years I have been using your internet service due to the seamless data and time management.
Recently, I have relocated to Ontario with my family for my Masters, so I need to set up Wi-Fi at my home. Therefore, I have already made an appointment for today evening at 6:00 pm. However, no one has arrived at the scheduled time instead of raising many tickets.
Due to this pandemic, University is still continuing online classes for few more months. Moreover, my father is also working from home past three weeks. So, we need internet service in order to avoid disruptions. Without internet neither my father can work, nor I can attend the class.
I would like to suggest a solution. Kindly, re-schedule the date and time to fix this issue as soon as possible. I am optimistic that your company will provide prompt response.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Parker.
Score 7
You were searching on the internet for a used car, and found one that looks like it is in good condition. The seller has posted a photo of the car, but has not provided any other details.
Write an email to the seller in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
• Tell the seller how you found out about the car.
• Ask about some specific details about the car.
• Explain how much you are willing to pay for the car.
• Request that the seller meet you so that you can test drive the car.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this email to ask you about the details of the car which you have posted on the internet. Since few weeks, I was searching for a used car in many websites. Certainly, I have found a Picture of your car in website which is eye catching. In addition, it is one of my favorite cars which I wanted to purchase.
Therefore, I would like to ask you few details about the car. Firstly, what is the condition of the car? Secondly, do you have insurance for the car? Furthermore, when did you purchase the car and what is the model of your vehicle?
Though it is a used car, I would like to pay Three Thousand dollars. Because as per the current market rate your car value ranges between Three Thousand dollars to Three Thousand Five Hundred dollars.
I would like to meet you in person to finalize the amount as well as I can go for a trail to ensure that the car is in good condition. Please let me know your availability.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Parker.
Score 8
You are taking an English writing class at a local college, and your instructor is surveying your opinion about the final exam. Currently, half of the course grade is based on a three-hour final exam written in class. However, your instructor is considering allowing students to submit a five-page report instead, which they would write at home.
Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.
Option A: I would prefer to write a three-hour final exam in class.
Option B: I would prefer to write a five-page report at home.
I strongly believe that three-hour final exam in the class would be the best option. Because it will make students to work hard to score good results for their bright future. Moreover, It will give them complete understanding about what they have learned in English language writing class.
Firstly, if final exam is conducted in class, then students will not counterfeit from others. As professors will have eye on every student. Furthermore, it will not only improve memory power, but also helps them to overcome failures.
Secondly, in the final exam students will use their own ideas to answer the questions given in the questions paper. It will improve time management as well as self-confidence which plays a significant role during exams.
Lastly, where as in five-page report at home it does not have particular time period, and instead of using their creative ideas students will search information in websites, articles, newspapers or they might take help from others which makes them to be dependent.
Considering the aforementioned reasons, Three-hour final exam in class would be much better when compared to Five-page report at home.
Score 8
You have registered for a six-month computer training program at Sambro Community College. You want to rent a room from Sambro Housing Agency.
Explain when you need to rent the room.
Describe your requirements for the room.
Ask about costs and the application process.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this email to find a suitable accommodation near the college from your agency. My name is Pranay i have recently enrolled into computer training program, as the course starts in next two weeks, i would like to have a room by this week to get prepared well in advance.
Firstly, i am looking for a single bedroom with attached wash room and a spacious hall with good interior, also preferably the room should be either in first floor or in the ground floor so that it will be easier for me to go out of the house easily and can avoid any kind of power fluctuations while i bored in the lift.
Secondly, I would prefer the room which is affordable as I am not only pursing post graduation but also, doing additional course, I would like to know the cost of the room and also please provide the detailed description of application process, as I am not aware about the rental agreement.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Score 7
You enjoy going to your local coffee shop to work, read, and meet friends. However, every time you go, the seats and tables are dirty and you have to clean them up.
Write an email to the coffee shop manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
• Describe why you enjoy going to the coffee shop.
• Explain the problems with the coffee shop.
• Suggest how the problems could be solved.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this to bring to your attention about the contaminated tables and seats in your coffee shop which I have been observing past few weeks.
Basically, I love coffee especially during evenings. Every day, after office hours I visit your coffee shop to meet my friends where I can spend hours together with them which is not possible anywhere else. In addition, I prefer to read books in your coffee shop instead of my home because of the pleasant environment and beautiful ambience. It will not only refresh my mind, but also makes me feel relaxed from any disruptions.
Apart from this, there are few issues with the coffee shop. Firstly, tables and seats are quite dirty, so sometimes I used to clean them up to avoid flies in the surroundings. Secondly, waiting hours are quite longer than expected.
Therefore, I would like to suggest a solution for this problem. Either you should appoint additional staff to reduce waiting hours or train your existing staff for better service in order to avoid inconvenience in future.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Parker.
Score 8
Your manager asked you to work at the reception desk while the receptionist is getting lunch. This involves answering telephones and helping clients who come in. However, you are unable to help out because you have other work.
Write an email to your manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
• Apologize.
• Explain why you don’t have time to help out.
• Suggest a way to solve the problem.
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing to inform you that I cannot be able to support the receptionist work temporarily until she is back form lunch. In addition, I do not have experience in answering calls and helping clients. Therefore, I sincerely apologize for not helping you here, as I have another work to complete it in the meantime.
Unfortunately, I must wind up the project work which is supposed to present it in the upcoming meeting which will be held in our conference hall tomorrow at 6:00 pm. So, I have to finish the work and deliver to our management by the end of the day without any delay. Moreover, our senior management will not tolerate if the work is not finished within the given time.
However, I would like to suggest a solution. One of my friend’s, Gaurav, who is working in the sales department, has experience in customer service as well. If you agree with it, I can ask him to help you and also I can ensure you that, he will not dismay you.
I am optimistic that you will take this into consideration. Please let me know your thoughts.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Parker.
Score 8
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to register a complaint. I currently live in Whistler, a small 3 bedroom house overlooking the village green. We moved here in the fall of 2013, however since then some of the kids have started meeting up in the park at night and causing a lot of noise.
While I feel this would be fine in the early evening, it becomes a problem when it carries on until midnight. Sometimes even later than that!
My job requires me to work early mornings, I need to be alert and friendly throughout the day. Being woken up several times throughout the night is definitely having a negative impact on my work performance.
While I have tried to ask them to keep the noise down on numerous occasions it has been to no avail. I feel I have no recourse but to contact you now in the hopes that you could enforce some form of curfew on the park. I would suggest no loud noises after maybe 9pm or 10pm. The local residents and myself would much appreciate your consideration on this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Gwen Smith.
Score 8. Watch your punctuation
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Peter, father of Jayson Smith. My son is studying in the fifth grade in your school. I am writing this to inform you about the difficulties he is facing from few weeks.
I have noticed that from last week Jayson seems to be depressed, so when asked he shared that he has been bullying by few boys in the classroom. Due to this, he is afraid to go to school. Moreover, he is not even showing interest in his studies.
I would like to suggest some solutions in order to stop bullying in future. Firstly, you can arrange meeting with their parents who were troubling my son to resolve the issue. Secondly, I can talk to those boys, and make them realize about their behavior.
I would like to meet you in person to discuss the ongoing problem with suggested solutions. Please let me know your availability.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Smith.
Score 6